Medical healthcare Optimised medical prevention and therapy control for diagnosed diseases Dirk Sommermeyer, IAQ e.V.
Medical healthcare for AAL Trends Two main areas of medical advice are considered: 1.Medical prevention 2.Therapy control for diagnosed diseases
Medical healthcare Focus on the patient Combine daily monitoring of vital parameters with interactive learning Step-by-step increase of knowledge about the own health status/disease Setup of a quiz in order to assess learning success Motivation and a feeling of security by direct feedback on input/answers Increase self-confidence and responsibility to deal with the disease
„Future care service “: VitaBit poject Mobile application for nurses -location-independent -situational -comprehensible -safe -interactive -anytime Mobil client Care network client Care network client Care services client Care services client
Data flow Online platform / Data base activity location alarm reminder communication monitoring visualisation reminder communication patient Caregiver / Manager / family member
Medical prevention: A lot of different options for a motivating personal health protection are available A very good option is provided by modern ICT devices (Smartphones,…) with hundreds of adequate apps! 2) Personal health report 3) Individual health targets 4) Coach on the phone 1) Online survey 5) Starting and measuring activities 6) Success documentation and motivation 7) Evaluation and actualisation
The use of apps automatically allows the synchronisation of recorded/measured data and in most cases a wireless use with several devices This enables several options: – Comparing measured data with your personal aims – Sharing data / competing with friends – Regularly monitor your success
Exercising Wireless activity wristband Record steps, distances and burned calories
Wireless sleeping wrist band – Monitors your sleep rhythm (how long have you slept and how many awakenings have been detected?) – Option of waking you up gently
Sports tracker
Food / Nutrition: Capture food intake and monitor your caloric intake and consumption Overview of your currently targeted weight Comment on your progress Display of the process in the form of a diagram
Weight: Intelligent WLAN scale Measures weight, adipose and BMI Automatic connection with other devices (Smartphone und PC/Tablet) via WLAN
Automatic connection with mobile devices (Smartphone und PC/Tablet) via WLAN
Analysis of your weight, adipose proportion and BMI by easily comprehensible diagrams and tables Monitoring weight
Stress reduction and relaxation Finger clip Stress balance App Select your mood Breathe comfortably Breathe comfortably The outcome The process
Therapy control for diagnosed diseases Information and advice Extern data bases Interface Feedback Medical expertise centre Sensors Database
Diseases of the elderly Diabetes mellitus Hypertension Sleep apnea as a cause and amplifier of cardiovascular diseases
Relevant measures (which can be done at home) -Fasting blood glucose (FBG) is significantly influenced by nocturnal gluconeogenesis (glucose formation) of the liver affected (this is significantly increased in poor metabolic control, thus then also the FBG). -Postprandial blood sugar (short: pp blood sugar) is significantly influenced by nocturnal gluconeogenesis (glucose formation) of the liver affected (this is significantly increased in poor metabolic control, thus then also the FBG). Diabetes Mellitus
-Self-monitoring of blood pressure with logging of values -The Austrian Hypertension League recommends 30 resting blood pressure measurements throughout the day at different times. -If within these 30 measurements, 6 readings are over 135/85 mmHg, then the suspicion of a high blood pressure is near. -An investigation by the attending physician is indicated. Hypertension
-The recommendation of the European association of Hypertension st < 140/90 mmHg. -In case of an organ damage a lower target blood pressure value is recommended. -Often the spot measurement in the doctor‘s office is affacted by nervousness. This is called „White-coat hypertension“. -The documented self-monitoring can be of great help for the doctor. Hypertension
Telemonitoring Bluthochdruck (Hypertonie)
Chronic wound healing disorder Mobil client Care services client Care network client
Dementia Automatic fall recognition Integrated vibration alarms Configurable (e.g. fall recognition can be switched off) Permanent (24/7) monitoring Easy to use and waterproof
Dementia Drug intake reminder
MyLife – Multimedia technology for improving self- determination and participation of people suffering from dementia Dementia
Telemonitoring Data transfer Vital signals/parameters Safety Medical product Activity monitoring Body activity Food intake Energy balance Combined solutions AiperCare system
Fitness/Motion Chair Healthcare / prevention
Vision of complete motion chair system Healthcare / prevention
People sleep worse and worse They snore – obstructive sleep apnoea (2-4% of the population) They breathe periodically – cheyne-stokes (0,7% with HI) or obesity hypoventilation syndrome They don´t sleep - insomnia (15-35%), suffer from difficulties in falling asleep and sleeping through They have restless legs: RLS (10-15%), 80-90% of them with PLM They have little sleep: 90% of the working population? Sleep disorders Conclusions: Higher cardiovascular risks Higher risks of accidents Diminished mental performance Likelihood of adipositas
Sleep disorders and associated diseases Severe hypertension Cardiac insufficiency Hypertension CHD Atrial fibrilation
Sleep apnoea syndrome Epidemiology Sleep apnoea syndrome Epidemiology 30 – 60 years of age: Approx. 4% of the 30 – 60 years of age are concerned Women are definitely affected less commonly 30 – 60 years of age: Approx. 4% of the 30 – 60 years of age are concerned Women are definitely affected less commonly Over 60 years of age: Approx. 5% of the over 60 years of age are affected There is a substantial increase of the amount of central apnoea Over 60 years of age: Approx. 5% of the over 60 years of age are affected There is a substantial increase of the amount of central apnoea
P crit P eff
The symptoms and effects of sleep apnoea syndrom -Chronic sleep deficit and fatigue during the day -The persons affected are also forgetful and have difficulties to concentrate Henceforth the danger of road accidents rises. -Some persons with sleep apnoea syndrom also suffer from anxiety and depressions. -In some cases the dyspnoea leads to headaches (first of all in the morning hours) and reduced sexual appetite. Among men, it can lead to erection problems.
Polygraphy: Chanals Orosonal flow Pressure mesurement with a nasal cannula Breathing efforts Piezoceramic measurements with with a stretching belt on thorax and abdomen Inductionpletysmographic sensors Pulse, SpO2, plethysmogram Oximeter Snoring Snore microphone Via flow signal
Screening for the domestic area
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