Be part of Robbinsdale Lore
Measure the worth to the Programs you support
Be part of Robbinsdale History Measure the worth to the Programs you support Know that Scores of people around the world will get a Bang out of your gift
Support the Robbinsdale City Band’s Sponsor a Measure
Be a proud member of the Robbinsdale Area
Be a proud member of the Robbinsdale Area and More
Be part of Robbinsdale’s future Sponsorships will pay for your musical score celebrating Robbinsdale called:
Whiz Bang
$25 sponsors 1 Measure
$50 sponsors 2 Measures
Each gets you a certificate noting your special Measure (suitable for framing)
$100 sponsors get extraordinary Measures
Certificates come already framed with your measure shown
Be the first on your block to sponsor Whiz Bang
SPONSOR A MEASURE NOW Ask a Band member or Call the Parks & Rec Dept better yet See our website at
Know that people from around the world will hear music commissioned by Robbinsdale City Band, and they will have you to Thank We need your support
We are also looking for a few good sponsors: To Sponsor a Concert Be an RCB Benefactor Be In-Kind Contributors Attend our concerts