European Framework: Milestones in formal and social recognition of non- formal and informal learning in youth work Hans-Joachim Schild, European Commission,


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Presentation transcript:

European Framework: Milestones in formal and social recognition of non- formal and informal learning in youth work Hans-Joachim Schild, European Commission, DG Education and Culture, Youth Unit

I.Education & Training 2010 Relevant policy initiatives since Lisbon 2000: - Lifelong Learning Strategy - Future objectives of education and training systems - Bruges / Copenhagen process in VET Activities: - Working Group H (Making learning attractive…): Valuing learning & expert group - Common principles for the identification and validation of non-formal learning - European Inventory for the validation of non-formal & informal learning - Single European Transparency Framework (EUROPASS)

II.The Youth Sector Relevant policy initiative: The White Paper on Youth - Taking youth more into account in other policies - Complementarity of formal, non-formal & informal learning Activities: - Pathways towards validation & recognition - Research seminar on non-formal learning - WG on Youth Autonomy - WG interim evaluation YOUTH Programme - CoE Expert Group Portfolio System - SALTO RC Germany: YOUTHPASS - WG Engagement - Bridges for Recognition 1/2005

Education & Training 2010… Working Group H & expert group NFL Activities 2003/04 - Development of a set of common principles…., - Work in sub-groups, amongst « Valuing learning » Now - Assessment of progress and redefining strategy for 2005/06 - Apply the common European principles on validation in Member States and in various sectors and contexts

Education & Training 2010… Common principles for the identification and validation of non-formal & informal learning - Developed by a group of experts, approved by WG H - Adopted by Council Conclusion (May 2004) Key issues: - To be applied by country and by context on voluntary basis - Individual entitlement (voluntary for individuals) - Obligations of stakeholders to establish systems & approaches, incl. quality assurance & guidance - Confidence & trust: fair & transparent processes, procedures & criteria - Credibility and legitimacy of systems & approaches

Education & Training 2010 … European Inventory for the validation of non-formal & informal learning Activities & Framework - Collecting information on systems for validation in different contexts (public, private, voluntary) and (30) countries - Making it available to diverse audiences - Information on methods & instruments, norms & standards, stakeholders, institutional, political & legal framework, examples of good practices (by country and by context) - Timescale: beginning 2004 to spring Contractor: ECOTEC

Education & Training 2010… Single Transparency Framework (EUROPASS) - Proposal by COM - Decision of European Parliament and the Council 15 December 2004 State of art - 5 existing instruments = European CV plus Diploma Supplement (HE), Certificate Supplement (VET), Language Portfolio, Europass Mobility - Implementation by National Europass Centres - Open to new instruments after implementation

The Youth Sector… Pathways towards validation & recognition…. Joint Working Paper COM-CoE (2/04) Key messages - The Youth Sector… Pathways towards validation & recognition…. Joint Working Paper COM-CoE (2/04) Key messages - Need for social & formal recognition of learning in youth work - Youth more than a sub-category of education and training - Preparation of young people for knowledge & civil society - Strengthen awareness of key persons, institutions and of young people Key issues - Develop effective and flexible ways of validation and recognition - Taking into account the different purposes for validation

The Youth Sector… Research seminar on Non-formal learning COM-CoE Youth Research Partnership – (04/04) Purpose - Dialogue across different actors from different sectors - Dialogue between researchers, policy-makers and trainers - Launch of the joint working paper ‘Pathways…’ Results - Being more precise about value & impact of youth work & about skills & competences of youth workers - Development of a professional profile & of educational pathways for youth workers / leaders

The Youth Sector… Expert seminar & WG on Youth Autonomy Follow-up of the White Paper proposals Findings - Close link between education and autonomy - Education enables young people to live autonomously Actions - Integrate youth autonomy into ongoing activities in E&T - Define & recognise skills and competences needed for developing autonomy - Recommendations presented to General Directors (6/04)

The Youth Sector… WG mid-term evaluation YOUTH Programme Follow-up activity within interim evaluation procedure Mandate of working group(s) - Implementation of the 52 recommendations of interim evaluation - Action & theme specific approach - General WG = Covering political recommendations; particularly: Recommendation No. 11 ‘Recognition & validation of NFL’ Task - Support of ongoing activities for the development of a Youth specific validation instrument

The Youth Sector… CoE Expert Group on a Portfolio System CDEJ Decision to develop a portfolio for non-formal education (2003) Purpose - Describe experiences & competences of youth workers / leaders - Enable users to assess & monitor learning progresses Elements - Preface; Passport; Learning dossier; Documentation Reference Framework of Competences - Functional analysis of youth work - Responsibilities and competences of youth workers / leaders

The Youth Sector… SALTO RC Germany: « YOUTHPASS » The Youth Sector… SALTO RC Germany: « YOUTHPASS » Agreement COM-SALTO DE on enlarged activities (2005/06) Aims - Development and implementation of a European level validation instrument for YOUTH - Integration of the YOUTH-PASS into EUROPASS - Building links to the international and national youth work - Analysis of options for links to citizenship Activities - Inviting expert groups and stakeholders - Assessment of existing models / development of new models / testing / designing model & adjustment - Training of staff, publishing tools and user guides

The Youth Sector… Working Group « Engagement / Commitment» General Directors’ working group Purpose - Valorisation of commitment - Ensure a better recognition of young people’s engagement Activities - Exchange of good practices and information on validation systems - Reflection on the application of common principles to youth - Supporting the political debate - Elaboration of recommendations leading to Council Resolution

The Youth Sector… Bridges for Recognition conference 1/2005 Follow-up to Bridges for Training 2001 Aims - Increase visibility of the value of youth work - Discuss ways to formal and social recognition - Exchange of good practice Practicalities Jan 2005 Leuven, Belgium participants from different backgrounds - Managed by JINT - Joint event of COM, CoE, Flemish Community in cooperation with EYF

THE END THANK YOU! European Commission – DG EAC – Youth Unit