F ull Commitment A spiration & Achievement I ntegrity T eamwork H igh Expectations Our Safety Vision A caring school with a safe environment for teaching & learning
F ull Commitment A spiration & Achievement I ntegrity T eamwork H igh Expectations Our Safety Mission To provide a safe and caring environment for the holistic development of Damains
Learning in Damai Today, Growing to be Leaders of Tomorrow Damai Secondary School Safety Committee (SSC) Principal Chief Safety Officer (Vice Principal) Road Safety Mr Tan HL, HOD/PE School Building & its Environment Mr Yue CM, OM Non-Classroom Based Activities Miss Lee Ley Har, HOD Mr Tan HL, HOD Special Rooms Mrs Judy Ling, HOD Mdm Soraya, SH Admin Support Mrs Wang, AM
Learning in Damai Today, Growing to be Leaders of Tomorrow Role of School Safety Committee in Damai Sec Provide leadership & direction on school safety Develop school safety SOPs Develop & implement school safety workplan Conduct internal safety review Communicate with school on safety measures Collate accident cases for analysis & prevention measures Conducts safety walk-abouts Facilitate safety training for school staff
Damai Sec School Safety Framework CULTURE (GUIDE) Grow seeds of safety Use a Whole School Approach Infuse into existing curriculum Design Activities Expected Outcomes MOTIVATION (PUSH) Proactively look at safety issues Urge to address safety gaps Strong desire to acquire new skills/capabilities Harness skills of staff/pupils LEADERSHIP (LEAD) Leading schools to build a safety culture Evidence-based safety program Alignment with MOE’s corporate values Development of a holistic safety framework Vision & Mental Models Processes Learning Skills & Capabilities SAFE OUTCOMES Safe Schools for All Alert Staff & Pupils Focused & Clear Expectations Excellent Practices QUALITY PRACTICES (SHOW) Systematic structures for Evaluation Handbook with Customised SOPs Ownership & Prototypes Workshops, Conferences, FGDs
Learning in Damai Today, Growing to be Leaders of Tomorrow School Safety Communication Flow Chart New SOPs & Safety measures MOE Instructions School Incidents Sharing of Best Practices/News School Safety Committee Pupil Handbook Assembly Talks Overseas Trip Briefing Banners & Notices SMIP & Staff Meetings s to staff Staff Induction Communication Channels PupilsStaff SMS s Letters to Parents Meet the Parents sessions Parents