Aquaponics Maple Syrup Biodiesel
Hydroponics Growing plants with water Aquaculture Growing fish Aquaponics Fish and Plants Types of systems Raft System Nutrient Film Ebb and Flow
Nutrient Film (Aquaponics) (10) blue Nile tilapia Variety of vegetables Raft system (Hydroponics) Lettuce Artificial nutrient Ebb and Flow (Hydroponics) Tomatoes Artificial nutrient
Double our growing capacity Begin selling vegetables on Fridays Farmers market setting at school
Field trip to SUNY Morrisville Greenhouses Fish farming (aquaculture) Aquaponics Learning about plants and food production Nutrient deficiencies
Three-phase project Constructing evaporators Collecting/evaporating sap Bottling/Marketing syrup
Used repurposed/recycled materials Carbon-neutral fuel source (biodiesel)
Over 100 taps amongst 7 club members Pre-concentrate 2% sap to 6% sap using reverse osmosis Boil ~15 gallons per hour We can make about 1 gallon of syrup per hour!
Reduces water content in sap by 75% Reduces fuel usage by 75% Greatly increases rate of production
We sell pints for $8 and quarts for $15 Selling in school faculty rooms Will be selling at farmers markets, online, and school-sponsored events Proceeds will be put aside to fund improvements to the syrup club for next year
Used vegetable oil donated by local restaurants Biodiesel is made in our 25 gallon reactor Methanol/ lye Byproduct glycerin Process of converting vegetable oil to a less viscous fuel Used in our maple syrup evaporator
Our goal is to use our processor as a demonstrative tool for other schools and the community Produce biodiesel for the 2015 syrup season
Major funding for our projects comes from a $2400 Community Endowment Fund grant Also received a $500 grant from the Science Teachers Association of New York State $1100 grant through SUNY Oswego We were awarded a $5000 corporate grant through Lowe’s. District support through the Science Club
Renovate high school courtyard with greenhouses/aquaponics pond Incorporate alternative energy (wind, solar) Create tenth period STEM connections course More in-depth learning about plants and alternative fuels More time for research and data analysis Double our syrup production for next year Increase student body involvement Increase community involvement Create an understanding of the importance for environmental conservation, change, and get people to understand the importance of sustainability