1 Walk-in slide
2 How to Manage a System Upgrade The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of Conversions David Cervelli Managing Consultant April 25, 2006
MK to ERP LN CONVERSION Why Upgrade? Assessment and Requirements Resources Project Management Data Migration Pilot Testing End-User Training Go-Live Planning Conclusion
4 WHY UPGRADE ? Version will not be supported Need new functionality Users not happy with current version Corporate requirement
5 LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP ! Identify what is important – and – what needs to be delivered to... Users Business Management I/T
6 CURRENT APPLICATION AND ENVIRONMENT ASSESSMENT Conduct assessment of current systems and processes Document current processes Document business requirements Rank requirements Must have Nice to have That would be nice
7 RESOURCES Identify resources early in the process Project Sponsor Implementation Team Power Users Cross-functional participation Project Leader Systems
8 CROSS-FUNCTIONAL IMPLEMENTATION TEAMS Input from multiple sources improves the outcome Get the Management perspective – make sure the right business goals will be met Get the front line workers – they do the work and understand better than most Leverage the power users knowledge of the business and systems Need participation from each department When one person covers many departments Opportunities are missed Assumptions may be incorrect
9 INTERNAL RESOURCES Strong leadership internally ensures success Project scheduling and management Requirements definition Process decisions Deliverables definition and tracking Testing Sign-offs
10 OUTSIDE RESOURCES Call upon external experts to fill the gaps and meet resource requirements Programming Data conversion Pilot testing and training Software and hardware installation Documentation
11 PROJECT MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES Managing the project is key to success Project scope Decision making powers Communication Risk assessment and management Issue tracking Identify milestones Budget Expectations Process ownership
12 DATA MIGRATION What data needs to be moved Master data Open transactions History Manual versus automated Some data must be set up manually Most data is easy to transfer using automated methods Data Translation Identify what needs new values Don’t convert too much Examples Customer and Vendor Numbers Chart of Accounts Items
13 PILOT TESTING Complete current business process flow before pilot testing Perform a thorough pilot test early in the implementation cycle Identify and document issues / gaps / additional requirements Assign resources to issues, gaps and additional requirements Don’t make process decision in a vacuum Include cross-functional teams in pilot testing Don’t assume you know all the upstream and downstream processes Ask to people who do the work Pilot test environment is critical to success The right equipment The right people The right leadership
14 TRAINING END USERS Thorough training required Train all users not just a few Don’t shortcut training – you’ll pay for it later People have different styles of learning Wait until Test company set-up and configuration is complete Your company’s data has been migrated to a test company Pilot testing is complete Major customizations are complete Initial procedures are finalized Training must be full time – part-time students don’t learn well Training should be very close to go-live date
16 GO-LIVE PLANNING Timing Resources Data validation System management Expectations Anticipate the unexpected
17 CONCLUSIONS Planning Resources Time Project Communication
18 Q U E S T I O N S ? David Cervelli Managing Consultant Strategic Systems Group, Inc.