AUTOMATIC ANTENNA MEASUREMENT SYSTEM Faculty Advisor: Jiming Song Group member: Arnold, Eric Ho, Mike Kang, Seok Clients:EE417/EE517 Students
P ROBLEM Current system has multiple problems. The system: Only works on an old operating system Current computer not connected to network for easy saving Current computer only has floppy drive to copy data. S OLUTION Using Visual Studio 2008, create new software with new features and ability to operate on Windows XP and beyond.
S YSTEM O VERVIEW The Power Meter connects to PC via USB port. The positioner connects using a RS232 connection The user has control of both meter and software via software User can save data to a USB flash drive.
O PERATING E NVIRONMENT The operating environment of the software will be Windows XP and beyond The hardware will be located in Lab 3013 Coover Hall in a restricted area. In lab, room is air conditioned. F ood and drink are not allowed. Computer is protected by Iowa State Network.
F UNCTIONAL R EQUIREMENTS System records accurate data. It is assumed current system is in working order. Computer has: Windows XP Network Privileges. An available RS232 serial port An available USB connection
N ON -F UNCTIONAL R EQUIREMENTS Members utilize the functions of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Time required to program new software with new features. Software must be reliable.
M ARKETABILITY AND S URVEY This software will be used in the Radio Frequency lab, Coover There is not a big market for this software due to uniqueness in setup. A survey was not completed due to EE417/EE517 students lack of interaction. Students verbal opinions were considered.
D ELIVERABLES Move Application Documentation Project Proposal Design Document User Manual
R ESOURCE R EQUIREMENTS Computer and hardware available to use Members personal effort to program new software Cost involves finalizing documentation.
S CHEDULE Month Task September Began doing research and familiarizing with the positioned program and Microsoft Visual Basic.NET October Begin understanding code from Windows 98. Begin the coding for the Windows XP. NovemberUnderstand Visual Studio DecemberHave basic features finished in program JanuaryHave most/all features completed FebruaryMake software user-pretty MarchTesting of the new software design begins. April Continue testing and debugging of the end product to be presented to the client at the end of the month. MayFinal testing to be completed and the final end product to be presented to the professor.
W ORK B REAKDOWN TasksEric Arnold Jason KangMike HoTotal Hrs Research55515 Design15 45 Documentation15 45 Setup2226 Development Testing and Debugging Total Hours
R ISKS Staying clear of the path of the positioner. Making sure the hardware in the lab was fully functional. This includes: The computer must be Windows XP and network connected properly. The positioner must be fully functional.
S YSTEM D ESIGN To create a more user friendly environment Integrate the current hardware with new purchased antenna device. Flash drive is used with new computer to save the information. Currently, no USB connections are on the Windows 98 machine nor is it connected to the network. With the upgrade, the user will be allowed to save data to a USB drive or the network drive. We used Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 to allow this system to be upgraded to Windows XP and beyond.
I NPUT AND O UTPUT S PECIFICATIONS Input The user runs the software and follows the given instructions The user inputs given measurements for the positioner. Output Text file Printing Graphs
T ESTING Procedure Make proper connections to PC Start Software Test every option to ensure reliability
T EST R ESULTS Found system to be reliable Software recorded accurate data. Functions worked properly.
L ESSONS L EARNED Spend more time in understanding the current system and realize our long term goal. Utilize break to accomplish above.
C ONCLUSION The design changes have been made to allow the user to save acquired data into a.txt format that allows for easy integration with other software such a Microsoft Excel or MATLAB for easy graphical analysis. The save function allows the user to be able to input their names, date, and time that the data had been saved. The print function had been upgraded to allow the user to print the what they had input from the previous save function.
F UTURE W ORK Design an efficient antenna to gather information. Fabricate new antenna. Integrate two systems together Add feature to current software to operate both system together.