SOLAR ENERGY By: Sam Levinson, Maya Patel, Ariel Ackerlund, Daniel Petronis, Heather Lassiter.


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Presentation transcript:

SOLAR ENERGY By: Sam Levinson, Maya Patel, Ariel Ackerlund, Daniel Petronis, Heather Lassiter

Solar energy currant technology Solar energy only works in some locations because there must be direct sunlight for it to work at its full potential. Solar cells bring in the sunlight and transform it into energy. The cells are called PV’s which stands for Photovoltaic. The cells are made from silicon

Advantages of Solar Energy Solar energy is renewable/ it will never run out Creates no pollution/ it is eco-friendly The suns energy is abundant and free Can be put in any place that receives sunlight Compared to water and wind turbines they make minimal noise

Disadvantages of Solar Energy The solar powers to harness the energy can have a large initial cost The suns energy can not be harnessed on a cloudy day or at night Pollution in the environment can degrade the quality of the cells in the panels Some are not 100 percent efficient some of the sunlight is not turned into energy

Solar Energy Graphs This Graph shows how much solar energy was produced in 2012. May is normally a sunny month so it makes sense that the most solar energy would be produced in may.

Solar Energy graphs This graph shows the amount of energy used in different forms.

Solar Power Technology By: Ariel Ackerlund In a solar panel there are photovoltaic (PV) cells. Photo means light, and voltaic means electricity. These cells convert sunlight directly into electricity. These cells are put into a frame know as a solar panel. Photovoltaic cells have things called semiconductors such as silicon, which is used most commonly. When light shines on the cell a part of it is absorbed inside the semiconductor. Now the energy of absorbed light is transferred to the semiconductor. The energy creates electrons and allows them to move freely. PV cells also have an electric field that forces electrons freed from the light to flow in a certain direction. This is a current, by putting metal contacts on top of and below of the PV cell, the current can draw of the electric cell so we can use its energy.

Solar Panels are Useful By: Ariel Ackerlund Three ways it is Used Solar heat, captured by solar thermal power, is used to heat water, homes, swimming pools and even cook food. Home solar power can be used to create electricity during the day and have extra electricity stored in batteries for use at night. Solar power can be used to wirelessly  to light up gardens, landscapes, decks and patios, driveways, campsites ,tents, and to power flashlights for use anywhere.

Solar Energy Worldwide Since the sun is a worldwide resource solar energy is available worldwide, you just need the equipment to harness it. The main solar power producer is Germany, then Italy, and third world wide is Japan. In addition over time many countries have been trying to increase the amount of solar energy used.

Solar Energy vs Fossil Fuels After solar panels are installed, there is no additional cost associated with them. You don’t have to pay anything in energy costs, unlike fossil fuels like coal and natural gas. ( Solar power will also never run out, it is infinite. Fossil fuels like coal and oil will run out eventually. ( Although it is extremely expensive to make solar cells right now, when we start producing more and solar energy becomes more relevant, the price of the cells will drop dramatically. ( After 20 years, you save upwards of $10,000 compared to the cost of fossil fuels.

Solar energy impacts land Solar Energy is harnessed in solar panels which takes up a lot of space Most panels are located on top of buildings All utility- scale energy facilities require relatively large areas for solar radiation collection when used to generate electricity at utility- scale. Construction of solar facilities on large areas of land requires clearing and grading and results in soil compaction, potential alteration of drainage channels.

Use In other countries Country Solar Energy Use Compared to Total Energy Goal by 2020 Total European Union 3% 20% United States 0.8% 19% United Kingdom 0.3% 15% Sweden 12% 49% France 4.5% 23% Although solar energy is inexpensive and useful, some solar energy is wasted.

Bibliography NREL. N.p., 18 May 2012. Web. 19 Dec. 2012. Quantum Solar Corporation. N.p., 2010. Web. 19 Dec. 2012. "Solar Energy Advantages and Disadvantages." Solar Energy Advantages and Disadvantages. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Dec. 2012.  Toothman, Jessika, and Scott Aldous. "How Solar Cells Work." HowStuffWorks. N.p., 2012. Web. 20 Dec. 2012. Welcome To Power Source Solar!" Welcome to Power Source Solar, Inc. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Dec. 2012.