Drinking Water Lab Reports Unveiling the who, what, and how of drinking water testing
Summit Environmental Tech Full Service lab DW certified by Ohio EPA DW certified by most states DOD certified
Why have your water tested? According to the EPA 80-85% flowback water is trapped underground and has the potential to seep into wells and aquifers. Have a background of what’s going on with your water. Recommend to have your water tested more than once. Ideally quarterly Be proactive incase someday there is a problem
Choosing a Lab MUST BE OHIO EPA CERTIFIED Full service lab Want the lab to sample Lab that had been in business for awhile
ODNR recommends testing for..
In addition we recommend Radiological – Gross alpha – Radium 228 – Radium 226 – Uranium – Gross beta Ethylene glycol
Units of measurement mg/l milligrams per liter or ppm part per million ug/l micrograms per liter or ppb parts per billion Radiation pci/l picocuries per liter
Tier 1 Barium 2mg/l Chloride 250mg/l Sulfate 250mg/l Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 500mg/l pH
Historical Data Magnesium mg/l average 15.19mg/l Potassium mg/l average 3.65mg/l Sodium mg/l average 51.3mg/l Strontium mg/l average 0.43mg/l Total alkalinity mg/l average mg/l
Tier 2 Iron 0.3mg/l or 300ug/l Manganese 0.05mg/l or 50 ug/l
Historical data Calcium mg/l average 66.46mg/l Hardness mg/l average mg/l Iron <0.5-33mg/l average 2.57mg/l Specific conductivity us/c average 641us/c Total suspended solids <2-39mg/l average Bromide <0.5mg/l
Tier 3 Methane 10-28PPM there is a problem >28PPM there a potential for an explosion Benzene 5ug/l Toluene 1000ug/l Ethylbenzene 700ug/l Xylene 10,000ug/l
Radiologicals (rads) Gross alpha 15pCi/l Radium 228 2pCi/l Radium 226 3pCi/l Uranium 30ug/l (20pCi/l) Gross beta 4mrem/yr
What lab report includes Title page Sample summary Report/case narrative Results
Chain of Custody
Reading the actual report Client ID#Lab ID# Collected Analyte Well head /14/11bromide Client ID#: What the sample was called on Chain of custody Lab ID#: How the lab identifies the sample in house Collected: What date the sample was collected Analyte: what test is being preformed
ResultUnitsMatrixMethod DFLOQRunAnalyst NDmg/lL /17/11 KMG Result: ND stands for non-detect or there could be a number such as 1.0 Units: How the result is measured Matrix: for drinking water will always be L for liquid Method: which EPA method was used for testing LOQ: how low the lab will report also can be called RL (reporting limit) RUN: when the sample was analyzed Analyst: the initials of the person who preformed the test
Surrogates Surrogates are compounds added to ensure the analysis is working correctly. They appear in BTEX testing on the report The compounds are 1. Dibromoflourometane 2. Toluene-d8 3. Bromofluorobenzene
Summit Environmental Technologies 3310 Win St Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio