OAT MEETING – BREEDING, GROWING, MANAGEMENT Natural Resources Development Programme Support for a Strategic Crop Production Programme in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan ( ) Financed by Implementing organisations: Alnarp, 28:e September Carina Larsson, Rutger Persson
Support for a Strategic Crop Production Programme in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan Implementing organisations: The support program is involved in the entire Crop Sector. The objective is to strengthen the seed supply chain, from policy and legislation through securing plant genetic resources, education and capacity building in plant genetic resources and plant breeding, variety and seed production, seed certification and control to marketing and distribution to farmers. The overall goal is to contribute to poverty reduction through improved crop productivity.
Support for a Strategic Crop Production Program in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan The gene bank will secure the extremely rich PGR in the region Basic and advanced education in genetics, PGR management and plant breeding ensures the preservation and utilization of existing PGR and old local varieties The Seed Industry, organized and adapted to international standards, will produce and provide to farmers high quality seed of high yielding and well adapted varieties, thus increasing the yield of food, animal feed and industry crops. Seed quality control and certification systems ensure that quality requirements are fulfilled during each step of a crop’s different multiplication phases
GENE BANK DEVELOPMENT Components of the project : Gene Bank development Information management and documentation Staff training Administration
SUPPORT TO HIGER EDUCATION IN CROP GENETIC RESOURCES AND PLANT BREEDING Postgraduate School Master education 2 years of courses, laboratory practice and thesis work Doctoral education (PhLic/PhD) 2 or 4 years of courses, practice and research work, leading to a PhLic/PhD thesis with published papers and manuscripts Components of the project :
EDUCATION – sandwich model Courses Literature studies Greenhouse experiments Laboratory experiments Literature studies Field experiments Participation in seminars, study visits, PhD defenses etc. SWEDENKYRGYZSTAN/TAJIKISTAN
SEED CONTROL AND CERTIFICATION State Seed Inspectorate (SSI) has become a member of ISTA and Central Lab is ISTA accredited in Kyrgyz. and Tajik OECD has accepted The Seed Inspectorate Certification System in Kyrgyzstan
SUPPORT TO SEED INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT Regulatory framework Plant Breeding Variety testing Seed Quality Control and Certification Seed Production Seed Processing Seed Marketing Plant Quarantine Components of the project:
Latif Murodov RIF Hissar RIF KhujandChilgazi Public Privat e SUPPORT TO PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PLANT BREEDING IN TAJIKISTAN Priority breeding crops Wheat Cotton Lucerne and esparcet Technical and investment assistance Academy of Agriculture RIF Hissar RIF Khujand Private Breeding Latif Morodov Chilgazi
PLANT BREEDERS TRAINED IN MODERN BREEDING TECHNOLOGIES WHEAT Development of new wheat varieties Introduction of germplasm from International centres Efficient breeding methods Maintenance breeding
PLANT BREEDERS TRAINED IN MODERN BREEDING TECHNOLOGIES COTTON Development of new cotton varieties Germplasm exchange between Tajik and Turkish Cotton Breeding programs Crossing and selection Maintenance breeding
ALFALFA AND ESPARCET Development of new synthetic varieties Introduction of germplasm from Tajik., Kyrgyz.France, Sweden, USA and Canada Selection of superior plants followed by stem cutting and transplantation, poly-cross and production of Syn-1 seed PLANT BREEDERS TRAINED IN MODERN BREEDING TECHNOLOGIES
Plant breeding should develop varieties suitable for the farmer as well as for the industry and consumer!
Developing countries need crops that are, easy to grow, resource saving, productive and nutritious!
Developing countries need access to modern biotechnology to modernize the agriculture, reduce poverty and increase independency.
Thank you.