ACLS Tutor Induction Nottinghamshire County Council
Introduction Welcome to teaching courses for Nottinghamshire County Council’s Adult and Community Learning Service. You are joining a team of over 300 tutors who deliver courses for the Service. This induction presentation is designed to introduce tutors to key elements and knowledge required to deliver ACLS courses. Further details can be found in the Tutor Handbook, from the ACLS contract manager in the organisation you work for, or by contacting ACLS direct. ACLS is subject to the standards set out in Ofsted’s Common Inspection Framework. Therefore we look forward to working with you to ensure a high quality learning experience for all learners. ACLS Tutor Induction
What is ACLS? Adult and Community Learning Service Located in Nottinghamshire County Council’s Communities Department Priority groups Those with low qualification and/or skill levels (below Level 2) Individuals or groups who are socially excluded Black Ethnic Minority groups Learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities (LLDD) including those experiencing mental health difficulties ACLS Tutor Induction
What is ACLS? Courses delivered by contracting out provision to: Community colleges Further education colleges WEA Schools Children’s centres Community and voluntary sector organisations Bespoke training providers Delivery in 2008-09 Worked with over 50 organisations 8352 learners (12471 enrolments) 1496 courses ACLS Tutor Induction
Types of courses Personal and Community Development Learning (PCDL) For example: Introduction to Computing. Drawing and Painting. Paediatric First Aid. Holiday Italian. Family Learning Family Literacy, Language and Numeracy (FLLN) Wider Family Learning (WFL) Family Learning Impact Fund (FLIF) Big Lottery Fund Fit for Life ACLS Tutor Induction
Types of courses Short course Full course Taster course Lasts between 1 and less than 9 hours Maximum of 4 sessions Full course Lasts 9 hours or over Less than 9 hours but having more than 4 sessions Taster course Last maximum 3 hours Single session Separate approval required to run Taster courses ACLS Tutor Induction
Course paperwork Forms for learners Enrolment Form (ACLS05*/06) Completed at the start of all short or full courses Individual Learning Plan-ILP (ACLS12*/13) Completed during each session. Used to monitor learners’ progress and achievement Learner Evaluation Form (ACLS02*) Completed at the end of all short or full courses Taster Attendance Form (ACLS03) Completed at the start of all taster courses * An adapted version of this form for learners with learning difficulties can be found on Honeycomb or can be obtained from ACLS ACLS Tutor Induction
Course paperwork Forms for tutors ACLS Tutor Induction Scheme of work Provides information on the outline programme for the whole course Lesson Plan Provides details of the content of each session Activity Risk Assessment Health and Safety risk assessment for activities to be undertaken during the course Register (ACLS04) Completed at each session. Used to record attendance, retention and achievement Tutor End of Course Report (ACLS16) Completed at the end of all short and full courses ACLS Tutor Induction
Learner induction ACLS Tutor Induction How induction is delivered will depend on the nature and length of the course. There is no need for everything to be covered at the first session. Induction should include: Welcome learners Domestic arrangements Learner Handbook/Learner Entitlement Statement Health and Safety Safeguarding Equality and Diversity Ground rules Initial assessment Information on progression opportunities Recording progress and achievement (ILP) ACLS Tutor Induction
RARPA Recognising and Recording Progress and Achievement The RARPA process consists of 5 stages Aims appropriate to an individual learner or groups of learners Initial assessment to establish the learner’s starting point Identification of appropriately challenging learning objectives, initial, renegotiated and revised Recognition and recording of progress and achievement during programme (Formative assessment), tutor feedback to learners, learner reflection, reviews End of programme learner self-assessment; tutor summative assessment; review of overall progress and achievement ACLS Tutor Induction
Health and Safety Ensure health and safety of learners Risk assess learning environment and activities Ensure learners understand emergency procedures including fire evacuation Know the location of First Aid facilities and First Aiders Check electrical equipment Check for potential hazards ACLS Tutor Induction
Equality and Diversity Equality and Diversity Policy Principles: The richness of cultural diversity is recognised and celebrated Equality of opportunity is embedded into our policies and practice We aim to respond to the needs and interests of our learners We support our learners to reach their potential by providing adequate support We develop our staff to meet the needs of our diverse community ACLS Tutor Induction
Safeguarding Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults Safeguarding policies and procedures Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) Eventually everyone will have to be registered with ISA Vetting and Barring Scheme Safeguarding is everyone’s responsible Recognise potential signs of abuse Respond to any disclosure or sign of abuse. Clarify facts but do not ask leading questions Record what the person has said to you Report to the designated person Refer. Referrals made by the designated person to the appropriate body and reported to ISA Designated person Know your organisation’s designated safeguarding person ACLS Tutor Induction
Lesson observations Part of ACLS’s Quality Improvement Framework Tutors observed at least once every 2 years Observations completed by either ACLS observation team or provider’s own observers Lessons graded: Grade 1-Outstanding Grade 2-Good Grade 3-Satisfactory Grade 4-Inadequate Tutor/provider receives lesson observation report Class visits- completed in year when lesson observation is not due ACLS Tutor Induction
Support for tutors ACLS Tutor Conferences Curriculum Workshops Annually in September Curriculum Workshops Annual programme arranged Teaching and Learning Development Days Annually around Easter Tutor Email Group Used to send regular updates and information to tutors ACLS Tutor Induction
Support for tutors Tutor Newsletter “Honeycomb” Tutor Handbook Produced and circulated periodically throughout the year “Honeycomb” ACLS’s virtual learning environment (VLE) Tutor Handbook Essential reference document for all tutors delivering ACLS courses Click here for link to Tutor Handbook Curriculum Leader (PCDL) Julie Dye. Email: Phone: 0115 9773082 ACLS Tutor Induction
Contact details Address: Email: Telephone ACLS, Communities Department, County Hall, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 7QP Email: Telephone 0115 977 2185 ACLS welcomes feedback from tutors so if you have any ideas or suggestions to make, don’t hesitate to contact us. ACLS Tutor Induction
ACLS Staff ACLS Tutor Induction Adult & Community Learning Service Development Manager Helen Goldsbrough Adult & Community Learning Service Manager Sue Green Alan Clark Adult & Community Learning Service Andy Ashley Susannah Chambers MIS Officer Simon Howes Finance Officer Karen Gomersall Community Learning Officers Jill Downes (0.5) Mansfield Richard Sample Newark & Sherwood Greater Notts. Maxine Murray Ashfield Karen Bonsall Bassetlaw and Newark & Sherwood Support Team Anne Sills Admin Assistant Georgina Simpson Lucy Glenn Curriculum Leader (PCDL) Julie Dye Family Learning Development Worker Alison Sisson Big Lottery Fund- Family Learning Development Worker Claire Flint Senior Admin Officer Kath Burgess Caroline Ball ACLS Tutor Induction