2011 NVT Wheat and Barley Variety Performance Steven Tilbrook– Kalyx Agriculture
Main Wheat Varieties in WA Level of adoption Correlation to NVT Analysis of results One year localised snapshot Long term predicted yields Local trial results Barley
What’s New??? CobraCorack Impose CLKord CL Emu RockEnvoy Justica CLImpala
Area Sown to Wheat Varieties
Area sown vs NVT ranking
WA Agzones
“This trial ranked varieties differently to all other Agzone 2 NVT trials in Interpret future variety performance with caution.” Rank vs. Yield What is this MET all about?? Disclaimer???
Badgingarra Top 10 Variety BadgingarraAgzone2 t/haRank MET LongReach Cobra Arrino Westonia Magenta Mace Carnamah King Rock EGA Bonnie Rock Corack Wyalkatchem LSD0.18
AH & APW Varieties WA Agzone Ranking 2011 Varieties Agzone 1Agzone 2Agzone 3Agzone 4Agzone 5Agzone MET2011MET2011MET2011MET2011MET2011MET Mace Magenta Wyalkatchem total number of varieties
ASWN Varieties Ranking 2011 VarietiesBadgingarraEneabbaMingenewBuntineMilingWonganCalingiri Arrino Calingiri Fortune Yandanooka total number of varieties
2 Gene CL Plus Varieties WA Agzone Ranking 2011 Varieties Agzone 1Agzone 2Agzone 3Agzone 4Agzone 5Agzone MET2011MET2011MET2011MET2011MET2011MET Impose CL Plus Justica CL Plus Kord CL Plus total number of varieties
Badgingarra (21/5) Eneabba (31/5) Miling (22/5) Varietyt/haRankt/haRankt/haRank Corack Emu Rock King Rock LongReach Cobra Mace Magenta Wyalkatchem Higher Rainfall
“Lower” Rainfall Variety Buntine (25/5/11) Pithara (22/5/11) Yield (t/ha) Yield (Rank) Yield (t/ha) Yield (Rank) Corack Emu Rock LongReach Cobra Mace Magenta Wyalkatchem
Conclusion 2009: Mace is a consistent performer across all Agzones – suited to 2009 season 2010: Same; adaptable to the 2010 season 2011: Same; adaptable to the 2011 season, what yellow spot? 2009: King Rock suitable replacement for Bonnie Rock 2010: Same; Sound disease package inc yellow spot 2011: Same 2009: Calingiri has to go – Fortune will do for the moment 2010: Lucky Bonus for Calingiri, maybe not so lucky in : Growers hanging with Calingiri, Fortune is ready to replace.
2009: Magenta requires a longer season to reach yield and quality potential 2010: Same 2011: Wish granted. Develop a sound Agronomic package. 2009: Absent 2010: IGW : Emu Rock: AH; sound disease package inc yellow spot; large seed size, watch sowing rates. 2009: Absent 2010: VW : Corack: ASW (prov), Wyalkatchem derivative; physiological yellowing not yellow spot. Conclusion
2009: IGW 3114, 3118, : IGW : The whole family wiped out 2009: Westonia is on borrowed time, replacements are here 2010: Not yet 2011: Welcome Cobra (AH), Carnamah maturity. 2009: 2 Gene CL plus lines on the way 2010: 2 Gene CL plus lines on the way 2011: IGW Impose; AGT Kord & Justica. Do not over use; reduced yield potential compared to mainstream varieties Conclusion
Barley NVT Sown 21/05/2011 Good growing season Heavily infected with powdery mildew Late rains New varieties on the way, maybe??
Variety Yield Hectolitre WeightProteinScreeningsPlump Grain (t/ha)(kg/hectolitre)(%) Vlamingh Hindmarsh Henley Skipper Gairdner Roe Lockyer Commander Navigator Fleet Bass Buloke Scope Fathom Stirling Mundah Baudin Barley Results
New Varieties Bass Baudin replacement with greater disease resistance MS powdery and R to leaf rust Similar malting quality and plumper grain A few days earlier than Baudin Limited release 2012 Pending stage 2 accreditation 2012 Henley Widely grown in Europe Slight improvement on yields of Baudin across WA Durable resistance to powdery mildew Limited seed available
New Varieties Scope Very similar to Buloke with added “bonus” Applied for registration for use with Clearfield Available now Malting accreditation 2013 Navigator Niche variety for the domestic market Limited release 2012
2012 will be a high risk year for powdery mildew 2 new varieties awaiting accreditation in 2012 Bass and Navigator Scope a future option to integrate Feed vs. Malting?? Conclusion
Acknowledgements: Grower Co-operators GRDC Grower Groups ACAS Kalyx Staff Consultants