Webquest by Mrs. Burnau
Introduction The water cycle – what is it? You have heard your mom talk about it while doing the laundry? Oh, I see. You must be talking about the rinse cycle. Silly! No, I am talking about the water cycle which is a natural occurring process that recycles the earth’s water.
Task As master scientists, you will create a diorama of the water cycle once you have explored, studied, and learned about it through this web quest. The diorama must illustrate the three major parts of the water cycle. You must also choose one other natural occurrence that results from the water cycle to include in your diorama.
Process At the computer: 1. Watch the Video of Bill Nye the Science Guy 2. Read the Information at 3. Explore the water cycle at Be sure to click on all the options to the left. 4. Create a diagram of your diorama using Microsoft Publisher. 5. Print the plan to help you when creating your diorama. 6. Save the Plan under the science folder as yourname.plan With your partner at your desks: Complete your diorama using the art supplies on the back table and be sure to do the following: use lots of color label the parts of the water cycle (minimum of 4), check spelling, write clearly work together on the back of the diorama write your names and what you did to complete the diorama under your name
Evaluation 4- Excellent3-Accomplished2 –Developing1-Beginning Partner Cooperation Pair worked well together, stayed on task, completed all assignment expectations, and each person contributed equally to project Worked well together and both partners participated Worked together sometimes Did not work well together and did not share roles Accuracy of Information Presented Diorama contains illustration of water cycle with 4 or more items correctly labeled. Diorama contains illustration of water cycle with 3 items correctly labeled. Diorama contains illustration of water cycle with 2 items correctly labeled. Diorama contains illustration of water cycle with 1 item correctly labeled. Neatness/ Organization of Diorama The information and items are neat, clear, organized, and easy to read/understand. The information is neat, clear, and organized with only one or two items that could use improvement. The diorama appears neat, but the label is difficult to read. The work in the diorama appears sloppy and unorganized. The information is not at all clear.
Conclusion Yeah! You did it! You showed you understand the water cycle! Now, this is the start of understanding how important it is to keep our water clean! The next time the puddles are gone after a rain storm – you know why! I am proud of you. Way to go scientist!
Teacher Page Thank you to Microsoft Publisher and the following websites that were used for this web quest: Billy Nye the Science Guy This web quest was designed for Michigan Third Graders learning about the water cycle. This activity meets the following Michigan Grade Level Core Standard *S.RS.E.1 Reflecting on knowledge is the application of scientific knowledge to new and different situations. Reflecting on knowledge requires careful analysis of evidence that guides decision-making and the application of science throughout history and within society. S.RS Demonstrate scientific concepts through various illustrations, performances, models, exhibits, and activities.