Leading Change “Like it or not, much of what is going to happen or not happen in the church will stem from the leader” - Change Your Church for Good.


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Presentation transcript:

Leading Change

“Like it or not, much of what is going to happen or not happen in the church will stem from the leader” - Change Your Church for Good – The Art of Sacred Cow Tipping Brad Powell

Why Change?

Reasons Churches Struggle with Change


Reasons Churches Struggle with Change 1.Leadership 2.There is nothing wrong mentality – (This is how its always been done)

Reasons Churches Struggle with Change 1.Leadership 2.There is nothing wrong mentality – (This is how its always been done) 3.Inward focus instead of outward (Self Consuming Comfy Church!)

Reasons Churches Struggle with Change 1.Leadership 2.There is nothing wrong mentality – (This is how its always been done) 3.Inward focus instead of outward (Self Consuming Comfy Church!) 4.Local church structure (How long does it take to make a decision?)

Reasons Churches Struggle with Change 1.Leadership 2.There is nothing wrong mentality – (This is how its always been done) 3.Inward focus instead of outward (Self Consuming Comfy Church!) 4.Local church structure (How long does it take to make a decision?) 5.Conflict

Reasons Churches Struggle with Change 1.Leadership 2.There is nothing wrong mentality – (This is how its always been done) 3.Inward focus instead of outward (Self Consuming Comfy Church!) 4.Local church structure (How long does it take to make a decision?) 5.Conflict 6.In love with past rather than focus on future (Remember glory days!)

Reasons Churches Struggle with Change 1.Leadership 2.There is nothing wrong mentality – (This is how its always been done) 3.Inward focus instead of outward (Self Consuming Comfy Church!) 4.Local church structure (How long does it take to make a decision?) 5.Conflict 6.In love with past rather than focus on future (Remember glory days!) 7.Afraid of risk – (What is v What might be)

Reasons Churches Struggle with Change 1.Leadership 2.There is nothing wrong mentality – (This is how its always been done) 3.Inward focus instead of outward (Self Consuming Comfy Church!) 4.Local church structure (How long does it take to make a decision?) 5.Conflict 6.In love with past rather than focus on future (Remember glory days!) 7.Afraid of risk/Lack of faith – (What is v What might be) 8.Afraid of the pain

‘Without pain there is no change, and without change there is no growth, and without growth there is no maturity, and without maturity there is no capacity to endure pain.’ Christian Schwartz

Reasons Churches Struggle with Change 1.Leadership 2.There is nothing wrong mentality – (This is how its always been done) 3.Inward focus instead of outward (Self Consuming Comfy Church!) 4.Local church structure (How long does it take to make a decision?) 5.Conflict 6.In love with past rather than focus on future (Remember glory days!) 7.Afraid of risk/Lack of faith – (What is v What might be) 8.Afraid of the pain 9.Talk more than act

“Change is indispensable to growth, if you stop changing you stop growing” - Believe You Can Change, Wayne Cordero

“If Nothing Changes, Nothing Changes” Jim Westley

Where Does Change Begin?

You! Never underestimate the fact that God called you, is speaking to you and is leading through you. He is leading the church with you! Always remember it’s His Church!

The Leader must believe that he/she is the right person, at the right time, doing the right thing!

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference Reinhold Niebuhr

The Biggest Key to Leading Effective Change is ;

Here’s a leadership reality; People won’t follow someone they don’t respect, and earning respect requires character and credibility Change Your Church for Good – The Art of Sacred Cow Tipping Brad Powell

What Is Change? The Process of Leading Effective Change

Understand people respond to change at different rates

Leading Your Church Through Change

How you think about your church determines what you see and the culture you create. Robert Lewis and Wayne Cordeiro, Culture Shift

How To Implement Change In The Church?

Step 1 Pray! For the church community For Clarity Wisdom Vision Direction

Step 2 Build Credibility Visits Remember Names Meet regularly with key leaders Invitations to lunch/dinner with you

A lack of realism in the vision today costs credibility tomorrow. John C. Maxwell

Step 3 Develop a Strategic Plan

“People seldom hit what they do not aim at” Henry David Thoreau

Don’t just change for the sake of change…That is destined for disaster!

Key Components of a plan include ; Values Vision Mission Goals Objectives

Step 4 Change in order to fulfil vision

Step 5 Live It!

For a successful transformation, managers must live and breathe the change they encourage. Neil Gaydon – CEO Pace Pl

Step 6 Communicate

“A vision is little more than an empty dream until it is widely shared and accepted. Only then does it acquire the force necessary to change an organisation and move it in the intended direction” Burt Nanus, Visionary Leadership

Step 7 Evaluate NCD Survey, Church Board Meetings Church Business Meetings

“The successful man lengthens his stride when he discovers the signpost has deceived him; the failure looks for a place to sit down” John Ruskin

Other Keys Include; Speak the Vision

Other Keys Include; Use wise words These include words like; Transition, Transformation, Community, Together, Your, We…

Other Keys Include; Be patient!

Other Keys Include; Be consistent

Other Keys Include; Stay focused

Other Keys Include; Practice Humility

Other Keys Include; Wisdom and Discernment

Other Keys Include; Trust

Other Keys Include; Negotiation

Other Keys Include; Expect Pain

Other Keys Include; Take care of yourself – Exercise Spend time with God Don’t go beating yourself up! Stay focused Get sleep Debrief

Other Keys Include; Be Positive

Other Keys Include; Celebrate the wins!!!