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NIST/ECRC Topics for This Module STEP Current Development Status This section describes the availability of STEP resources and Application Protocols for use by industry. STEP Current Implementation Status This section describes the state of industry implementation of STEP and the availability of supporting development and implementation tools.
NIST/ECRC STEP Current Development Status
NIST/ECRC When is STEP available? vBasic STEP capability has been available since December 12 Parts registered as ISO international standards in December This is the “Initial Release”. This includes 2 AP’s (Part 201) address the exchange of 2D drawing data and (Part 203) 3D design data under configuration control and included in the 12 parts. vContinuing STEP development schedule is aggressive (as of 1/1/96) 10 AP’s are in different stages of ballot cycle to be standardized. 7 additional APs have industrial validation and 3 of them are technically complete. 11 new APs have been approved as active development projects.
NIST/ECRC STEP Development Industry-Specific Views (1 of 2) vDiscrete Manufacturing Product Design Configuration Management Core Data for Automobile Industry CAD System Shape Geometry for Mechanical Product Design Engineering Drawing Information Manufacturing Technologies: Composites, NC Process Planning, Casting, Forging vElectrical and Electronics PCA, PCB and Component Design Electronic Test Diagnostic and Remanufacture Electrotechnical Plant Design and Installation
NIST/ECRC vArchitecture and Construction Building Element Shape Design Ship Building Building Construction Core Model Building Services: Heating, Ventilation and AC Building Structural Frame: Steelwork vProcess Plants Plant Spatial Configuration Plant Functional Design Process Engineering STEP Development Industry-Specific Views (2 of 2)
NIST/ECRC AP Current Development Status (as of 1 Jan 1996) Standardize Specification Requirements AAM ARM AIM IS DIS CD
NIST/ECRC STEP Usage and Implementation vMany companies are experimenting with various implementations, several are at the pilot or production usage stage. vSome commercial CAD vendor translators are available, with many more are under development: UNIGRAPHICS, CATIA, ProEngineer. vMany commercial software toolkits are available for development, STEP browsing, and implementation. vTraining and consulting services are commercially available for STEP development and implementation.
NIST/ECRC Current Implementation Status Example Application Protocol Prototype, Demo, and Pilot Development Projects in the U.S. AEROSTEP: AP203 (Boeing, GE) AWS: AP203 (IBM, Lockheed, NG) GM/EDS Prototype: AP207(GM/EDS) PAS-C: AP209 (Lockheed, Vought, Boeing) PAP-E: AP211 (Intermetrics, TRW, WH) PDXI: AP 231(Chevron, DuPont, and others) PlantSTEP: AP 227 (The top 10 Plant Design Vendors) PREAMP: AP210,AP 220(Hughes, MMA, Rockwell, Boeing) RASP: AP210 (Ford, UTC, Hughes, MMA, TI) PEP: AP201 and 203 (DoD Joint Center - FCIM/IPDE) RAMP: AP224(Grumman)
NIST/ECRC STEP Centers PDES, Inc.- US, UK aerospace/automobile PROSTEP- Germany automobile Japan STEP Center- Japan C-STEP - China PISTEP - UK process PlantSTEP- US and Japan process ind. PDXI- US and Europe process ind. Nat’l PDES Testbed- US GOSET- France STEP Data Ex. Ctr.- Australia Examples of established centers to accelerate the development and implementation of STEP:
NIST/ECRC STEP Production Software Tools -- (1 of 2) ORGANIZATIONSOFTWARE TOOLS CadlabICE Toolset CanonicalExWare CIMIOEXPRESS-M schema mapping CSTBSPDI Station DCMDCMem DECDECexpress EPMEDM Erlangenfedex Fraunhofer-IGDXpresso as of 1/1//96
NIST/ECRC ORGANIZATIONSOFTWARE TOOLS GEEDEX - EDitor for EXpress GIDAEXEP Tool Kit GOPASExpressLab IDAPstep-CaseLib ITI(OH)PDE/Lib NISTNIST STEP Toolset PDITFirstSTEP Toolkit SiemensEXPREME STEP ToolsST- Toolkit TheoremAP203 browser, editor, viewer VersantEXPRESS/STEP STEP Production Software Tools -- (2 of 2) as of 1/1//96
NIST/ECRC Legend Implementing STEP No current commitments Leading CAD/CAM HW & SW Mfgrs Ranked by 1992 Market Share Source: Electronic Business, April 93, p 75 Unknown IBM Intergraph Computervision Cadence Designer Sys, Autodesk Mentor Graphics Hewlett Packard
NIST/ECRC CAD/CAM Sector's Top 10 in 1994 Software Revenue Totaled $4.1B Hausman, Eric, "CAD/CAM Sector's Top 10, " Computer Reseller News, Dec 5, 1994 Autodesk IBM Intergraph Cadence Design Sys. Computervision Parametric EDS Unigraphics SDRC Mentor Graphics Synopsys Unknown Legend Implementing STEP No current commitments
NIST/ECRC CAD/CAM/CAE Software Market Projected Revenue of Top Percentages based on $4.6B total market projection. Source:Computer Reseller News, April 10, 95, n625, p 47(1) Unknown Autodesk IBM/Dassault Systems Intergraph ParametricTech Computervision Synopsys Inc. Struct. Dynamics Legend Implementing STEP No current commitments
NIST/ECRC Plant Design CAD Software Vendors Intergraph CADCentre EA Systems Dassault (CATIA) $0 $5 $10 $15 $20 Million $ Revenue Intergraph CADCentre EA Systems Dassault (CATIA) Computervision vTop Five Vendors (and the next three as well) are all implementing STEP. Source: DARATECH 1995 estimates