By: Emily E. Stap
(Launcelot) du Lac (of the Lake) Most famous, trusted, beloved of Arthur’s Knights—closest friend of Arthur & dear friends with Gawain Most well known for his affair with Guinevere *Father of Galahad *Joyous Guard—French knight *Almost gets to see Holy Grail *1 st appears in Chretien’s The Knight of the Cart –before that virtually unknown character *Dies a hermit/monk
*Nephew & loyal supporter of King Arthur—one of the top greatest Knights of the Round Table *Son of King Lot & Morgause. Brothers: Gareth, Gaharis, Argaivane, ½ Mordred *Best friends w/ Lancelot-fiercely loyal to family *Present in earliest legends—but often subject of his own romances: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight *Earliest stories: model of knightly perfection. Later: known for his temper & is more of a flawed hero *”Loathly Lady”-known as “Maiden’s Knight” *Dies from wound received in duel w/ Lancelot
*Main knight who achieves the Holy Grail *Virgin, saint-like-does not kill baptized Christians *his birth and adventures were prophesied --Sits in Seige Perilous at Round Table *1 st appears in 13 th c. Vulgate Cycle *Son of Lancelot and Elaine— born out of wedlock *Receives special shield (with the blood of Joseph of Arimethia on it) & sword (biblical King David’s) *Dies after accomplishing Grail Quest
*(Tristan) nephew to King Mark of Cornwall *1 st appearance in early 12 th c. Prose Tristan— some possible historical background *Known as one of the top best knights of the Round Table *falls in love with Iseult (uncle’s queen) when they accidently drink love potion *stabbed in the back by Mark while serenading Iseult
*Most famous for being one of the knights who achieves the Grail *1 st story written by Chretien de Troyes *Many stories of his birth—often son of King Pellinore *Raised in seclusion with his mother *In later versions, dies at the end of Grail Quest
*Knight who returns King Arthur’s sword Excalibur back to the Lady of the Lake (after 2 failed attempts) *One of earliest characters in legend—Bedwyr in Welsh texts & appears in History of the Kings of Britain *King Arthur’s Marshal *Brother: Sir Lucan Cousin: Sir Griflet *Knight who is with Arthur at the very last *Often the last surviving knight of the Round Table *Enters hermitage
*(Cai, Kei) Sir Ector’s son & foster brother to Arthur *King Arthur’s Seneschal & one of the 1 st Knights of the Round Table *Associated w/ legend early on—in Welsh texts & in History of the Kings of Britain =seneschal *In later literature: known for his acid tongue, bullying, hot-headiness, & being an all around braggart—but always loyal to the King *often a foil for demonstrating the honorable character of other knights
*One of the Grail knights- & the only one to return to Camelot-alive *Brother: Sir Lionel Cousin: Sir Lancelot *Reluctantly fights as Guinevere's champion in place of Lancelot *On Grail Quest: several tests of virtue: Letting lady jump off castle battlements & choosing to rescue damsel in distress instead of his brother *Lived in hermitage & after death of Lancelot died fighting the Moors in the Holy Land
*(Yvain, Ewain, Uwain) son of King Urien of Gore *often also son of Morgan le Fay– therefore nephew to King Arthur *One of earliest characters in legend—based on historical ruler *Chrétien de Troyes The Knight of the Lion
*Youngest son of King Lot of Orkney & Morgause *Brothers: Gawain, Gaheris, Argavaine, (1/2) Mordred---King Arthur’s nephew *Comes to Camelot disguised-works as kitchen boy- Kay calls him “Beaumains” *Lynette adventure= earned knighthood & honor *knighted by Lancelot *Accidently killed by Lancelot when he was rescuing the Queen
*(Erec) possibly a actual historical king of Dumnonia *From Welsh tale Geraint and Enid & Chretien de Troys’ Erec and Enide *Goes on adventure w/ wife Enid after he doubts her loyalty to him
*Traitor who fought Arthur at Clamlann *Nephew and/or son of King Arthur *Brother or ½ brother to: Gawain, Gareth, Gaheris, Argavaine. *Killed in battle, mortally wounded King Arthur *In very early Arthurian lit: Annales Combraie ( ) *Usurps crown when Arthur is away fighting
In some stories as many as 150 Knights of the Round Table (Malory) In some tales as few as 25 In Howard Pyle’s King Arthur and His Knights : 50 Once all the seats are filled = the end of the Round Table Seat Perilous Pellinore Tor Palamedes/Palamydes Dinadan Ector de Maris Gaharis Aglovale Lamorack Pellias Aragvaine Lionel
“People believe, yet liveth King Arthur, and he is not dead nor yet is he awake, but ever he lyeth as in peace.”– Howard Pyle “But it is believed by many that the time shall come when he will awake again. Then he will return once more to this earth, and all shall be peace and concord among men. And many believe this time is now nigh at hand.”– Howard Pyle
“He charged them never to commit outrage or murder, and always to be loyal. He warned them against cruelty, told them to give mercy to those that asked mercy, and always, upon pain of death, to give aid to ladies, damsels, and gentlewomen. He bade no man fight in wrong quarrel, either for the law’s sake or for worldly goods.” “To observe these things were all the knights of the Round Table sword, both old and young. And every year they swore this vow again at the time of the high Feast of Pentecost.” – King Arthur and His Knights (adapted from Malory)