Why is Vanadium green energy?
Because This… Has Changed…
The New Vanadium Battery Quick charge Technology Scalable to application Extended shelf life Unlimited capacity Eco friendly
Vanadium Batteries are in use in The Tomari Wind Hills, Hokkaido, Japan
Vanadium batteries can be installed into existing wind generators. There are over 60,000 industrial wind generators worldwide.
Wind farms in the UK offset 5.4 million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide per year.
Solar cell use grows percent per year in the U.S.
Solar energy is only available in daylight. Thermal storage systems make solar power available any time. Discover MAGAZINE by Maggie Koerth-Baker From the June 2009 issue;June 2009 issue published online June 17, 2009
Desertec Industrial Initiative pledged 400 billion in solar development in 2009.
Solar panels and vanadium batteries working together making infrastructure energy friendly.
“Once you have the ability to control the sun’s energy and light into a building, you can reduce energy consumption in buildings by lowering air conditioning costs and artificial lighting inside.” Sage electronics CEO John Van Dine
Smart Glass blocks harmful UV rays, restricts heat loss and makes buildings more energy efficient.
Vanadium is the chief ingredient in Smart Glass. Smart Glass windows could lower U.S. energy budget by 5%.
Office buildings in America account for 40% of energy use in the U.S. Smart Glass reduces power consumption by 30%.
Electric cars are the way of the future.
Vanadium batteries in electric cars quadruple their range.
Vanadium batteries charge in minutes, unlike current lithium and lead acid batteries. There are currently 40,000 electric vehicles on the road in North America. By 2015, analysts forecast 32.7 million electric cars are expected to be on roads worldwide.
Tomorrow’s electric cars…... here today, with vanadium batteries.
Massive tax savings are the core of the U.S. economic stimulus plan.
2.3 billion in Green Tax Credits 60 billion for green in stimulus 100 billion in green job creation Green Stimulus In the U.S.
Green energy storage today means green energy solutions for tomorrow.