LEAD-India Communication Platform in association with the Virtual Centre for Research and Development - Livestock Environment and Development (LEAD) Initiative developed and hosted by Centre for Environment Education Supported by CALPI, a programme of Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, and Intercooperation
LEAD India Communication Platform Developed and hosted by CEE. Supported by CALPI (a programme of SDC), FAO-LEAD
Goals of the platform Project conceived as first step towards development of India Platform dealing with livestock and environment issues, supported by LEAD, FAO To build up a network and foundation for the LEAD-India Platform
Objectives To facilitate networking, feedback and professional exchange in India Provide policy-makers with knowledge in order to promulgate policies that encourage development and use of sustainable livestock systems continued…
Documentation and dissemination of experiences To assist in capacity building To liaise with organisations, institutions and development projects …continued continued…
Platform users Policy & decision makers Practitioners Extension workers NGOs, CBOs Researchers & Academics Media
Activities Electronic services The LEAD India website will act as a platform to disseminate information. The various functions of the website are: Digital library comprising publications relevant to livestock-environment issues continued…
…continued LEAD experts — a database of experts in livestock and environment, with facilities for users to interact with them Institutions — a database of institutions working on the identified livestock and environment issues continued…
…continued Platform newsletter to disseminate information related to livestock- environment issues, events, news and related information Electronic conferences for thematic exchanges and consultations to create and update awareness amongst users on livestock, environment & development issues continued…
Decision Support Tools for policy makers, such as Global & Hotspot-specific LEAD Toolboxes, maps etc. Toolbox: Set of electronic tools to identify appropriate technology & policy interventions in livestock-environment interactions Hotspot: Thematic area where sustainability of ecosystem or livelihoods faces stress from livestock-environment interactions continued… …continued
Case studies — a compilation of innovative initiatives, best practices etc. Hotspot/Theme Search to help users locate themes/issues/topics related to hotspots covered by other LEAD platforms; and Data on livestock and environment in & relevant to India. continued… …continued
Other communication efforts Newsletter Pamphlets Posters CDs Wall newsletter for farmers Training programmes Workshops and Seminars
...and now – the Website!