Mundelein Light Weight Stallions Double Wing Playbook Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
2004 Light Weight Stallions Offensive Playbook Run Plays Base Plays 88 – 99 Super Power 2 Wedge (w or w/o Trips) 6G – 7G 4X-5X - Belly at 4X-5X, 6,8 3 Trap at 4 -2 Trap at 5 43 tackle Trap Stampede Right and Left 18- Jet – 27 Jet Compliment Plays 29-G-Wedge Counter 47-56 Counter & X-Cross 38-29-GO Pass Plays 7 Thunder 88 Super Power Pass 6G-Pass Tight 38 - O-Cross -Pass 5-O-Right Waggle Pass Screen Left Trips Right Trick Pony Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Double Wing Formation & Numbering Tackles, TEs and Guards have 0 splits – They are Toe to Toe 6 inch splits between Guard and Center. Lineman line up on belt buckle of center with your down hand even with the center’s foot. We number men NOT holes C 7 2 4 5 3 6 9 8 A Back B Back C Back One Yard from QB (Fullback) 2 point stance straddle the TE’s Hip – 1 yard back 2 point stance straddle the TE’s Hip – 1 yard back We always line up in this formation unless we call another formation in the huddle. Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 How We Call Plays First Word = Formation Second Word = Motion Third Word = 2 Digits First Digit tells the B Back where to go Second Digit tells who the “AT” man is – where the ball is going Fourth Word = tells you the blocking rules EXAMPLE Tight – Rip -- 88 -- Super Power Formation The Ball is going to 8 Tells you your blocking rules Motion B Back goes to 8 The man furthest from the “AT” man carries the ball. Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 The Snap Count In order for us to keep the defense off balance we will use the following varying snap count. Black 85! -- Black 85! – GO! – Readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy – Hut If the QB calls the play and says “ON Black” then you go on the second “Black Word” If the QB calls the play and says“ON GO” then go on GO! The Motion Man goes in motion on Readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy To keep ourselves from jumping off sides and to keep the defense off balance we always: run all B back (fullback) plays – Wedge, 4X, 5X, 6G, 7G on Black! All Pass plays on GO! run all other plays on Hut We can also change the play at the line of scrimmage if the QB; calls a color other than Black – like “RED” & then calls the play EXAMPLE: “RED 6G!” --- “RED 6G!” – THAT MEANS THE PLAY IS NOW 6G Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Offensive Line Blocking Rules General Rule – If the play is coming to the “AT” Man on your side then your blocking rule is: GAP – ON - READ UP This means that you block down to the GAP AWAY from the play first. If no one is there then block the man on you If no one is there then block the first linebacker strait ahead or inside. FOR EXAMPLE: Tight RIP 88 Super Power – GAP – ON – READ UP THERE ARE SOME EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE – THEY ARE; If you are a Guard and you hear the words “G,”O”, “2” or “3” this means you are pulling. If you Hear the word “REACH” then you block the GAP toward the “AT Man or the side of the play On 4X and 5X - X means that the Tackle and the Guard are executing a cross block – Tackle goes first. Read Up “AT MAN” Gap On 8 QB Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Offensive Line Blocking Rules “On” or “OFF” call “ON” and “OFF” calls for Tight Ends, A and C Backs Tight Ends are required to make an “ON” or OFF call on every play. The ON or OFF call tells the A or C back which man to block Lets break the blocking rule down in steps; Step I The Tight End will come to the Line and apply his blocking rule GAP-ON-READUP Step II If the Tight End has someone in his GAP and NO ONE ON HIM – he calls “OFF” “OFF” tells the A or C Back to Read UP to the inside Linebacker Step III If the Tight End has a MAN ON him then he calls “ON” “ON” tells the A or C back to Double Team with him. Both Tight Ends are required to make this call even if the play is not coming to your side. We do this to fool the defense. Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Offensive Line Blocking Rules - Center On every play the Center will bock – MAN ON - MAN AWAY There is only ONE exception to this rule and it is when we face an Eagle or 7 Man GAP front or when the Center must fill for a Pulling Guard and he is covered. Lets break the blocking rule down in steps: Step I The Center comes to the LOS and looks at the front If he sees a MAN ON him and a MAN ON THE BACKSIDE GUARD and the play dictates that the Guard is going to pull, he CALLS “GAP IT” “GAP IT” – Tells the Guard Tackle and the Tight End to BLOCK DOWN Once the “GAP IT” call is made then the Guard, Tackle and Tight End call it too. This tells everyone that they are blocking down. FOR EXAMPLE: Tight RIP 88 Super Power – Against a 7 Man Front “GAP IT!” X X X X X X “AT Man” Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 QB
Super Power Series (Off Tackle Power Plays) Variants Tackle over split right 88 Super O Tackle Over Split Left 99 Super O Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 Tight Rip 88 Super Power LE LT LG RG RT RE A C QB B L End L Tackle L Guard Center R Guard R Tackle R End Shoeshine Cutoff 1st man Outside Center Pull Playside Wall-off Pull Playside Wall-off Man On Area Away Gap Man On Area Gap Man On Area Communicate On/Off Blocking Call QB - Quick short motion - call for ball quickly. Spin left and toss the ball to A back as you fall backward. Step with left foot and pivot so left foot lands at 3 o’clock. Continue spinning and block 1st man past B Back’s block. B Back - Kick-out block. Block inside out on the first defender past the TE.. A Back - Fast shallow motion at B Back’s heels. Catch toss and get in the wake of the pulling backside linemen. Run inside of B Back’s block. If necessary, push on back of lineman. Once through the hole, look for the cutback. C Back - Double team with TE when ON call is made. Read up and wall off LB with OFF call. Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 Tight Liz 99 Super Power C LE LT LG RG RT RE QB A C B L End L Tackle L Guard Center R Guard R Tackle R End Communicate On/Off Blocking Call Gap Man On Area Gap Man On Area Man On Area Away Pull Playside Wall-off Pull Playside Wall-off Shoeshine Cutoff 1st man Outside Center QB - Quick short motion - call for ball quickly. Spin right and toss the ball to C Back as you fall backward. Step with right foot and pivot so right foot lands at 9 o’clock. Continue spinning and block 1st man past B Back’s block. B Back - Kick-out block. Block inside out on the first defender past the TE.. A Back - Double team with TE when ON call is made Read up and wall off LB with OFF call. C Back - Fast shallow motion at B Back’s heels. Catch toss and get in the wake of the pulling backside linemen. Run inside of B Back’s block. If necessary, push on back of lineman. Once through the hole, look for the cutback. Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 Tackle Right Split Right 88 Super O LE LG QB RG RIT ROT RE C A B L End L Guard Center R Guard R I Tackle R O Tackle R End Pull Playside Wall-off Man On Area Away Gap Man On Area Gap Man On Area Gap Man On Area Split 7-10 Yds. Stalk Block on Corner Shoeshine Cutoff 1st man Outside Center QB - No motion.Spin left and toss the ball to A back as you fall backward. Step with left foot and pivot so left foot lands at 3 o’clock. Continue spinning and block 1st man past B Back’s block. B Back - Kick-out block. Block inside out on the first defender past the ROT. A Back - No motion. Catch toss and get in the wake of the pulling LG. Run inside of B Back’s block. If necessary, push on back of lineman. Once through the hole, look for the cutback. C Back - Read up and block LB. Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 Tackle Left Split Left 99 Super O ROT RIT LG RG RE LE QB A C B L End L O Tackle L I Tackle L Guard Center R Guard R End Split 7-10 Yds. Stalk Block on Corner Gap Man On Area Gap Man On Area Gap Man On Area Man On Man Away Pull Play side Wall-off Shoeshine Cutoff 1st man Outside Center QB - No motion.Spin right and toss the ball to C back as you fall backward. Step with right foot and pivot so left foot lands at 9 o’clock. Continue spinning and block 1st man past B Back’s block. B Back - Kick-out block. Block inside out on the first defender past the LOT. C Back - No motion. Catch toss and get in the wake of the pulling RG. Run inside of B Back’s block. If necessary, push on back of lineman. Once through the hole, look for the cutback. A Back - Read up and block LB. Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 Wedge Plays 2 Wedge Trips Right 2 Wedge 38-G-Wedge Counter 29-G-Wedge Counter Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 Tight 2 Wedge C LE LT LG RG RT RE QB A C B L End L Tackle L Guard Center R Guard R Tackle R End Step inside Drive Rt shoulder into T’s ribs Drive Upfield Step inside Drive Rt shoulder into G’s ribs Drive Upfield Step inside Drive Rt shoulder into C’s ribs Drive Upfield Drive Man On Assist with 1st Man playside Drive Man On Assist with 1st Man playside Step inside Drive Lt shoulder into G’s ribs Drive Upfield Step inside Drive Lt shoulder into T’s ribs Drive Upfield QB - Make sure everyone’s set. Step out of the B Backs path with your right foot. Make handoff to B Back and look into the line prepared to cover the ball should there be a fumble. Fake bootleg left. B Back - Hit quickly with no delay. Be prepared to dive over pile if things get stacked up. Push the Wedge. Take lots of short choppy steps with knees high. Keep your eyes open and look for daylight.. A Back - Hustle inside and block into the back of our LT. Keep your feet moving and push theTackle upfield. DO NOT push on the runner. C Back - Hustle inside and block into the back of our RT. Keep your feet moving and push theTackle upfield. DO NOT push on the runner. Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 Trips Right 2 Wedge A RE LE LT LG RG RT C QB B L End L Tackle L Guard Center R Guard R Tackle R End Step inside Drive RT shoulder into T’s ribs Drive Upfield Step inside Drive Rt shoulder into G’s ribs Drive Upfield Step inside Drive Rt shoulder into C’s ribs Drive Upfield Drive Man On Assist with 1st Man playside Drive Man On Assist with 1st Man playside Step inside Drive Lt shoulder into G’s ribs Drive Upfield Split - Fly QB - Make sure everyone’s set. Step out of the B Backs path with your right foot. Make handoff to B Back and look into the line prepared to cover the ball should there be a fumble. Fake bootleg left. B Back - Hit quickly with no delay. Be prepared to dive over pile if things get stacked up. Push the Wedge. Take lots of short choppy steps with knees high. Keep your eyes open and look for daylight.. A Back – Spilt to 5 yards and make it look like a crack back. C Back - In the slot and run a Slant and block the firs LB you see Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 Tight 29-G Wedge Counter LE LT LG RG RT RE A C B B L End L Tackle L Guard Center R Guard R Tackle R End Pull Playside Kick out DE or Hook Corner Gap Man On Read Up Gap Man On Read Up Wedge Block Wedge Block Wedge Block Crossfield QB - Fake Wedge handoff to B Back with empty left hand. Look B back into the line. Hold ball in right hand in front of you and toss to C Back with back to LOS. B Back - Swim fake and sell Wedge at 2. Get out of C Back’s path. C Back - At snap sprint deep at 4 yards and take the pitch from the QB When through hole, break outside if possible. A Back -Hook DE. Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Fullback (B-Back) Off Tackle and Trap Plays 3 Trap at 4 2 Trap at 5 6-G 7-G Variants Split Over Left 7-G Split Over Right 6-G 4-X, 5-X Belly series Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 Tight Rip 6-G LE LT LG RG RT RE A C B L End L Tackle L Guard Center R Guard R Tackle R End Crossfield Cutoff Fold around Center Man On Man Away G - Kick Out on 1st past t he TE (6) Down All the way to Center Gap Read Up QB - Sell 88 Super Power. Reverse out deeper than 88 SP - swing left foot to 5 o’clock while locating the B Back. Get the ball deep to him and don’t crowd him. Stay out of his path and don’t interfere with his view. Make the handoff then sell the option by continuing out and around the DE while hiding the ball. B Back - Be patient. Remember Open..Crossover.. Hit the hole square. Take an open step, followed by a crossover step while looking at the blocking. By now you should have the ball. Hit the hole square and look for the cutback. A Back - Fast motion. Help the QB sell the option by getting and staying in pitch relationship. Make sure to turn upfield when the QB does. C Back - Wall off the first LB to your inside. Threaten the DE if you can (helping to set him up for the Guard) but DO NOT TOUCH HIM. Escape over or under but don’t touch him. Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 Split Right-End Right-Rip-6-G LT LG RG RT RE A C B L End L Tackle L Guard Center R Guard R Tackle R End Move to A back Position block 1st LB inside Cutoff Fold around Center Man On Man Away G - Kick Out on 1st past t he TE (6) Down All the way to Center Gap Read Up QB - Sell 88 Super Power. Reverse out deeper than 88 SP - swing left foot to 5 o’clock while locating the B Back. Get the ball deep to him and don’t crowd him. Stay out of his path and don’t interfere with his view. Make the handoff then sell the option by continuing out and around the DE while hiding the ball. B Back - Be patient. Remember Open..Crossover.. Hit the hole square. Take an open step, followed by a crossover step while looking at the blocking. By now you should have the ball. Hit the hole square and look for the cutback. C Back - Split 10 Yards – Step inside corner and block him out A Back - Fast motion. Help the QB sell the option by getting and staying in pitch relationship. Make sure to turn upfield when the QB does. Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 Tight Liz 7-G LE LT LG RG RT RE A C B L End L Tackle L Guard Center R Guard R Tackle R End Gap Read Up Down All the way to Center G - Kick Out on 1st past TE (7) Man On Man Away Fold around Center Cutoff Crossfield QB - Sell 99 Super Power. Reverse out deeper than 99 SP - swing right foot to 5 o’clock while locating the B Back. Get the ball deep to him and don’t crowd him. Stay out of his path and don’t interfere with his view. Make the handoff then sell the option by continuing out and around the DE while hiding the ball. B Back - Be patient. Remember Open..Crossover.. Hit the hole square. Take an open step, followed by a crossover step while looking at the blocking. By now you should have the ball. Hit the hole square and look for the cutback. A Back - Wall off the first LB to your inside. Threaten the DE if you can (helping to set him up for the Guard) but DO NOT TOUCH HIM. Escape over or under but don’t touch him. C Back - Fast motion. Help the QB sell the option by getting and staying in pitch relationship. Make sure to turn upfield when the QB does. Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 Split Over Right 6-G LT LG RG RT RE LE C A B L Tackle L Guard Center R Guard R Tackle R End L End Line up as wing back. On first sound Jump to the LOS And get down next to RE. Block Gap, on ,read up 1st LB To your inside Shoulder or man on Cutoff Fold around Center Man On Man Away G - Kick Out on 1st man past t he TE (8) Down All the way to Center Gap Read Up QB - Swing left foot to 7 o’clock while locating the B Back. Get the ball deep to him and don’t crowd him. Stay out of his path and don’t interfere with his view. Make the handoff then sell the option by continuing out and around the DE while hiding the ball. B Back - Be patient. Remember Open..Crossover.. Hit the hole square. Take an open step, followed by a crossover step while looking at the blocking. By now you should have the ball. Go under the guards kick out and then Veer outside and up field. The running lane will be outside the TE C Back - Step inside the Corner and stalk block him inside out. A Back - Fast motion. Break up filed and look for the safety or first LB that shows Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 Split Over Left 7-G RE LE LT LG RG RT A C B R End L End L Tackle L Guard Center R Guard R Tackle Line up as wing back. On first sound Jump to the LOS And get down next to LE. Block Gap, on and read up 1st LB To your inside Shoulder or man on Gap On Read Up Down All the way to Center G - Kick Out on 1st man past t he TE At (9) Man On Man Away Fold around Center Cutoff QB - Swing left foot to 5 o’clock while locating the B Back. Get the ball deep to him and don’t crowd him. Stay out of his path and don’t interfere with his view. Make the handoff then sell the option by continuing out and around the DE while hiding the ball. B Back - Be patient. Remember Open..Crossover.. Hit the hole square. Take an open step, followed by a crossover step while looking at the blocking. By now you should have the ball. Go under the guards kick out and then Veer outside and up field. The running lane will be outside the TE C Back - Fast motion. Break up filed and look for the safety or first LB that shows A Back – Split 10 Yards. Step inside the Corner and stalk block him inside out. Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 Tight Rip 3 Trap At 4 LE LT LG RG RT RE A C B L End L Tackle L Guard Center R Guard R Tackle R End Release inside. Beat the B Back to the last DB Cutoff DO NOT push Against C’s man. Pull through C’s feet. Trap 1st man in path. Man On Man Away GAP, On Read Up GAP.On, Read up. Let the tackle go! 1st LB to your inside. B Back - At the snap, stay in your crouch and don’t move. Just pick up your down hand and form a pocket. WAIT FOR THE BALL - BE PATIENT. DO NOT MOVE until you have the ball. When you have the ball and the QB has spun out of the way, GO! Vs. odd front, veer right of Center. Vs. even front, run straight ahead. QB - Spin left to about 3-4 o’clock, handing off as you go. DO NOT pause and DO NOT look at the B Back. You should look as if you are leading 88 Super Power. Prepare to take a hit. A Back - Swim fake with the left arm and run hard to the right, “rocking the cradle.” C Back - Wall off at a level above your block theLB Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 Tight Liz 2 Trap At 5 LE LT LG RG RT RE A C B L End L Tackle L Guard Center R Guard R Tackle R End 1st LB from Center out. Let the tackle go! GAP, Down 1st LB inside Man On Man Away Pull through C’s feet. Trap 1st man in path. Cutoff DO NOT push Against C’s man. Release inside. Beat the B Back to the last DB 1st LB to your inside. B Back - At the snap, stay in your crouch and don’t move. Just pick up your down hand and form a pocket. WAIT FOR THE BALL - BE PATIENT. DO NOT MOVE until you have the ball. When you have the ball and the QB has spun out of the way, GO! Vs. odd front, veer right of Center. Vs. even front, run straight ahead. QB - Spin left to about 9-10 o’clock, handing off as you do. DO NOT pause and DO NOT look at the B Back. You should look as if you are leading 99 Super Power. Prepare to take a hit. A Back – Block the first LB to your inside C Back - Motion and fake 99 Super Power Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 Tight RIP 43 Tackle Trap LE LT LG RG RT RE A C B L End L Tackle L Guard Center R Guard R Tackle R End If the guard is covered Block man on – if not Let your man go – Block the 1st inside LB If covered – let your man Go – and double team with the center - Man On Man Away Man on man away. Pull and trap the first Outside the center Release inside. Get the safety Man on - LB B Back - At the snap fake a handoff at 4 plugging the 4 hole for the pulling tackle. If no one is there run a fake for 10 yards. QB - Spin left to about 9-10 o’clock, faking the toss and then pulling it back to your inside hip and handoff to the C back like 47C.. Then continue like an option play. C Back - Take 2 hops then sprint like 47C taking the handoff form the QB. Read The Tackles block and cut up inside 3 staying at an angle toward the corner of the field staying behind the wall of the play side Guard and Tackle. A Back – motion and fake 88 Super Power like you are catching the ball. Then run an option with the QB. Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 Tight Liz 4-X LE LT LG RG RT RE A C B L End L Tackle L Guard Center R Guard R Tackle R End Crossfield Cutoff Fold around Center Man On Man Away Block 2nd DL not counting NG. GO SECOND Block 1st DL not counting NG GO FIRST First LB to your outside QB - Step with right foot at 6 o’clock. Hand off to B Back. Fake 99 Power to C Back. Fake bootleg right after handoff. B Back - No delay, no open step. Run directly at 4 and break between RG and RT. C Back - Liz motion. Slow and then on the snap cut back between guard and tackle. Make sure you get deep on your motion to allow for the cross Block to occur. Go through the hole and block first man you see – usually the LB A Back - Crossfield Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 Tight RIP Belly at 4-X LE LT LG RG RT RE A C B L End L Tackle L Guard Center R Guard R Tackle R End Crossfield Cutoff Fold around Center Man On Man Away Block 2nd DL not counting NG. GO SECOND Block 1st DL not counting NG GO FIRST First LB to your Inside QB - Step with right foot down the line to outside shade of Guard. Stick the ball back toward the B back and put the ball in his gut. Pull your hands to your belt buckle and continue down the line to 6. Stick your hands out to the A back and put then in his gut. Pull them out on the fake and continue running around the corner for 10 yards up field. B Back - Line up 1 yard deeper than normal No delay, no open step. Run directly at 4 and break between RG and RT. C Back - Block first LB head up or outside. A Back – Motion. Go flatter than normal and explode to 6. Take the Fake and continue to run up field. Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 Tight RIP Belly at 6 LE LT LG RG RT RE A C B L End L Tackle L Guard Center R Guard R Tackle R End Crossfield Cutoff then cross field Fold around Center Man On Man Away Block 2nd DL not counting NG. GO SECOND Block 1st DL not counting NG GO FIRST First LB to your inside QB - Step with right foot down the line to outside shade of Guard. Stick the ball back toward the B back and put the ball in his gut. Pull your hands to your belt buckle and continue down the line to 6. Stick your hands out to the A back and put then in his gut. Pull them out on the fake and continue running around the corner for 10 yards up field. B Back - Line up 1 yard deeper than normal No delay, no open step. Run directly at 4 and break between RG and RT. C Back - Block first LB head up or outside. A Back – Motion. Go flatter than normal and explode to 6. Take the ball and continue to run up field Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 Tight RIP Belly at 8 LE LT LG RG RT RE A C B L End L Tackle L Guard Center R Guard R Tackle R End Crossfield Cutoff then cross field Fold around Center Man On Man Away Block 2nd DL not counting NG. GO SECOND Block 1st DL not counting NG GO FIRST First LB to your inside QB - Step with right foot down the line to outside shade of Guard. Stick the ball back toward the B back and put the ball in his gut. Pull your hands to your belt buckle and continue down the line to 6. Stick your hands out to the A back and put then in his gut. Pull them out continue running around the corner. B Back - Line up 1 yard deeper than normal No delay, no open step. Run directly at 4 with a large pocket and break between RG and RT. C Back - Block first LB head up or outside. A Back – Motion. Go flatter than normal and explode to 6. Take the ball and continue to run up field Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 Tight Rip 5-X C LE LT LG RG RT RE A QB C B L End L Tackle L Guard Center R Guard R Tackle R End First LB to your outside Block 1st DL not counting NG GO FIRST Block 2nd DL not counting NG. GO SECOND Man On Man Away Fold around Center Cutoff Crossfield QB - Step with left foot at 6 o’clock. Hand off to B Back. Fake 88 Power to A Back. Fake bootleg left after handoff. B Back - No delay, no open step. Run directly at 5 and break between LG and LT. C Back - Crossfield A Back -Rip motion. Slow and then on the snap cut back between guard and tackle. Make sure you get deep on your motion to allow for the cross Block to occur. Go through the hole and block first man you see – usually the LB Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Misdirection and Counters 47 Counter - X - Cross 56 Counter 38-GO 29-GO Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 Tight Rip 47-Counter – X - Cross LE LT LG RG RT RE A C X X B L End L Tackle L Guard Center R Guard R Tackle R End Gap Read Up Do Not Block a Man On You Gap On Area Gap On Area Man On Area Away Pull and Kickout Past “7” TE Pull Thru And Block Corner Crossfield QB - Same as 88 Super Power. Don’t leave man in motion long. Spin out and toss to A Back Early Carryout your fake to set up the Guard’s block by convincing the DE you have the ball. Run around DE and upfield keeping in pitch relationship with runner. B Back - Open step to the right and quickly hit off the tail of the RT (4). Swim fake with left arm. Pick off 1st defender to show past the pulling RT. Cutoff someone chasing him. A Back -MOTION SLOWLY - AND NOT TOO DEEP. Catch the toss hand the ball gently but surely to the C Back. C Back - Take a hop step and move toward the B back. Make a tray in front of you to receive ball from the A Back. Follow your Tackle inside the Guards block. Once thru the hole break outside. Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 Tight Rip 47-Counter LE LT LG RG RT RE A C X B L End L Tackle L Guard Center R Guard R Tackle R End Gap Read Up Do Not Block a Man On You Gap On Area Gap On Area Man On Area Away Pull and Kickout Past “7” TE Pull Thru And Block Corner Crossfield QB - Same as 88 Super Power. Don’t leave man in motion long. Spin out and look at the A back with the ball on your left hip Hold the ball out but DO NOT look at the B back. Let the B back take the ball from you. Continue option motion B Back - Open step to the right and quickly hit off the tail of the RT (4). Swim fake with left arm. Pick off 1st defender to show past the pulling RT. Cutoff someone chasing him. A Back –Slow Motion then run hard accepting the fake toss From the QB. Then run outside. C Back - Take a hop step and move toward the B back. Make a tray in front of you to receive ball from the QB. Follow your Tackle inside the Guards block. Once thru the hole break outside. Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 Tight Liz 56-Counter LE LT LG RG RT RE A C B L End L Tackle L Guard Center R Guard R Tackle R End Gap Read Up Do Not Block a Man On You Crossfield Pull Thru And Block Corner Pull and Kick out Past “6” TE Man On Area Away Gap On Area Gap On Area QB -Same as 99 Super Power. Don’t leave man in motion long. Spin out and look at the A back with the ball on your left hip Hold the ball out but DO NOT look at the A back. Let the A back take the ball from you. Continue option motion B Back - Open step to the left and quickly hit off the tail of the LT (5). Swim fake with right arm. Pick off 1st defender to show past the pulling LT. Cutoff someone chasing him. A Back -Take a hop step and move toward the B back. Make a tray in front of you to receive ball from the QB.. Follow your Tackle inside the Guards block. Once thru the hole break outside. C Back - Slow Motion then run hard accepting the fake toss From the QB. Then run outside. Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 Tight 38 G-O – Cross LE LT LG RG RT RE C A B L End L Tackle L Guard Center R Guard R Tackle R End Pull – lead through block Outside LB-CB Sprint to corner route Cutoff Man-On-Man Away G – Pull and Kick out First man past tackle Gap–on-Area Gap–on-Area QB – Step back and spin facing backfield so that your back is To the defense. Pull the ball to your stomach and keep it in your left hand. Fake to B back put your right hand in his gut – Fake to C back same way – give to A back. Then set up 5 yards deep and fake pass. B Back - Line Up 2 yards deep Swim fake at 3. Vs. odd front fill at 3. Vs. even front run straight up the gut. C Back - Go in motion flat and then sprint taking fake keeping your arms together. Then Sprint toward the LOS and up field as fast as you can run. A Back – Run Flat toward the front of the QB. Take the ball then making a sharp cut toward the LOS, follow the guard toward sideline Then cut up. Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 Tight 29 G-O-Cross LE LT LG RG RT RE C A B L End L Tackle L Guard Center R Guard R Tackle R End G – Pull and Kick out First man past tackle Man-On-Man Away Pull – lead through block Outside LB-CB Sprint to corner route Gap–on-Area Gap–on-Area Cutoff QB – Step back and spin facing backfield so that your back is To the defense. Pull the ball to your stomach and keep it in your left hand. Fake to B back put your right hand in his gut – Fake to C back same way – give to A back. Then set up 5 yards deep and fake pass. B Back - Swim fake at 2. Vs. odd front fill at 2. Vs. even front run straight up the gut. C Back – Run Flat toward the front of the QB. Take the ball then making a sharp cut toward the LOS, follow the guard toward sideline Then cut up. A Back - Go in motion flat and then sprint taking fake keeping your arms together. Then Sprint toward the LOS and up field as fast as you can run. Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 Sweep Series Stampede Jet Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 Reach Stampede Left LG RG LE LT RT RE A B C L End L Tackle L Guard Center R Guard R Tackle R End Gap Reach Read Up Pull and block Corner Pull and look inside Block any scraping LB’s Reach Play side Shoe shine block Reach, On, Read up Reach, On, Read up Sprint to get safety QB – Motion B back. Rotate and toss like 99 SP to C Back Continue rotation and block and penetration on LOS. Turn up after tackle and look for backside LB B Back - Go in motion. Go past the DE then crack back with A back Double teaming the DE A Back – Take 3 times your normal splits outside of TE. Crack back on 1st man past the DE. C Back - Line up in back of tackle, No motion. Take the Toss and read The crack back on the DE. Get outside DE. Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 Reach Stampede Right LG RG LE LT RT RE A B C L End L Tackle L Guard Center R Guard R Tackle R End Gap Reach Read Up Pull and block Corner Pull and look inside Block any scraping LB’s Reach Play side Shoe shine block GAP, On, Read up GAP, On, Read up Sprint to get safety QB – Motion B back. Rotate and toss like 99 SP to C Back Continue rotation and block and penetration on LOS. Turn up after tackle and look for backside LB B Back - Go in motion. Go past the DE then crack back with A back Double teaming the DE C Back – Take 3 times your normal splits outside of TE. Crack back on 1st man past the DE. A Back - Line up in back of tackle, No motion. Take the Toss and read The crack back on the DE. Get outside DE. Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 Reach 18 Jet LG RG LE RE LT RT C A B L End L Tackle L Guard Center R Guard R Tackle R End Split Right 15 yards. Run Inside the defender Block him inside out Pull and hit first Man you see around the corner Reach to next gap Reach to next gap Reach to next gap Reach to next gap Seal Inside LB QB – Motion A back. Turn at 9 O clock and fake to B Back with your right hand keeping the ball in your left hand. Then hand to A back and run the other way with a fake. B Back - Make a big pocket and fake at 3. C Back - Take 3x your normal splits and crack back on the 1st man outside the tackle. A Back – Take 2 times your normal splits outside of TE. Start a dead sprint as your motion and receive handoff from the QB. Run strait toward the sideline and read the wide receivers block Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 Reach 27 Jet LG RG LE LT RT RE A C B L End L Tackle L Guard Center R Guard R Tackle R End Split Right 15 yards. Run Inside the defender Block him inside out Pull and hit first Man you see around the corner Reach to next gap Reach to next gap Reach to next gap Reach to next gap Seal Inside LB QB – Motion A back. Turn at 9 O clock and fake to B Back with your right hand keeping the ball in your left hand. Then hand to A back and run the other way with a fake. B Back - Make a big pocket and fake at 3. C Back – Take 2 times your normal splits outside of TE. Start a dead sprint as your motion and receive handoff from the QB. Read the guard and run right behind him.and read the wide receivers block A Back - Take 3x your normal splits and crack back on the 1st man outside the tackle. Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 Passing Game 88 Super Power Pass (Red-Red) 6-G-Pass 5-O-Right - Waggle Pass 7-Thunder-Pass Screen Left Trips Right Trick Pony Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 88 Super Power Pass - Red-Red (or Middle Route) LE LT LG RG RT RE A C B L End L Tackle L Guard Center R Guard R Tackle R End 5 Yards and then out – do not Stop. Head to sideline Run up the seam Hinge Hinge Man On Man Away Gap Reach Area Gap Reach Area QB - Sell 88 Super Power with fake. Allow slightly longer motion. Spin slightly deeper than usual. Slip behind the B Back. Set up behind tackle. Look for C on deep corner as primary – TE As secondary and backside TE as final. B Back - Seal off first man after tackle. C Back - Run 3 yards strait then angle to the corner (corner route). DO NOT GET HUNG UP ON the DE. Immediately break outside to the corner. Get your right shoulder around quickly and look. A Back - Motion like 88 Super Power then bow back and Become part of the hinge. Do not let any defenders inside you.. Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 3-O-Right -Waggle-Pass RE LE LT LG RG RT A C B L End L Tackle L Guard Center R Guard R Tackle R End Step down Like you are Going to Double team. Then release to 4 yards then out. Run right at the Safety on a deep post. Try to get him to cover you by raising you Hand and yelling Hinge Pull and block first man outside of tackle Man On Man Away Gap on Area Gap on Area QB - Allow slightly longer motion Turn at 9 o'clock and fake to B back . Then hide the ball on the hip fading right and faking to A back Continue to roll sprinting to 6 yards deep outside tackle. Look for TE on out and A on deep corner. B Back - Fake – Plug at 3 for the pulling guard. C Back - Slow Motion and sell 27-G-0 Take fake from QB set up and block any defender pursuing play. A Back – Release inside running a drag route gradually Gaining ground to a depth of 15 yards. Do not get hung up. Run in back of Line Backers. Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 Split Right – 6-O – Pass RE LE LT LG RG RT C A B L End L Tackle L Guard Center R Guard R Tackle R End Release inside the DE – go 2 yards then cut out behind A back and up. Hinge and Block First man inside Hinge Pull and block first man outside of tackle Man On Man Away Gap on Area Gap on Area QB - Allow longer motion Turn at 9 o'clock and fake to B back . Then hide the ball on the hip fading right and setting Up in back of tackle. Look for the RE on out and up – then curl route Of A back. B Back - Fake – Plug at 3 for the pulling guard. C Back - Run a post taking the corner with you. A Back – Motion and sprint up field to 5 Yards and then curl route Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 7-Thunder-Pass LE LT LG RG RT RE A C B L End L Tackle L Guard Center R Guard R Tackle R End Corner Route Squat and protect inside gap Squat and protect inside gap Man On Man Away Squat and protect inside gap Squat and protect inside gap Slow-Block for 1 sec. Release and get open in post area QB – Take a large step with your right foot. Drop back with ball to chest and looking at the right cornerback. Then twist to the left rolling. Look for A back on corner route, then B back in Flat. B Back - Run flat - approach to the DE as if you are going to kick him out - then get to the flat. C Back - Block and protect inside Gap then outside A Back – Motion then turn back and block the First man outside the tackle. Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 7-Screen-Left LE LT LG RG RT RE C A B L End L Tackle L Guard Center R Guard R Tackle R End Seal inside LB Take 2 steps and 1 hit Let DT go to your Inside Shoulder – then sprint out to block corner Take 2 steps and 1 hit Let DG go to your Inside Shoulder – then sprint and look inside For scraping LB Man On Man Away Squat – Protect inside GAP Squat – Protect inside GAP Protect inside GAP – hunt down safety QB – Same as 7 Thunder but drop deeper to 7 yards. When you twist left look at the B Back then throw. Make sure the pass is a forward pass. DO NOT THROW IF THE DE IS BETWEEN THE B BACK AND YOU. B Back - Run toward the DE like you are going to block him but instead let him go by. Turn left and go three yards deep toward sideline. Face the QB – catch the ball and read the tackles block on the corner. A Back - Motion faster and longer than usual. Circle around the QB and block first defender past the TE. Look inside and pick up TE’s man when he releases. C Back -Run a seam and chase the safety Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004 Tight Rip 6-G Pass LE LT LG RG RT RE A C B L End L Tackle L Guard Center R Guard R Tackle R End Hinge Hinge Hinge Man On Man Away G - Kick Out on 1st past the TE (6) Down All the way to Center Fake down block Release outside for Corner QB - Leave A Back in motion slightly longer. Fake 6-G and give B Back a slight ride into the line. Pull back out and throw a hand grenade to the RE. DON’T WAIT FOR HIM TO GET OPEN - JUST ARCH IT OUT THERE. B Back - Fake 6-G. Swim and fold over the ball. Hit hard in the hole and block anyone between the G and the T. C Back - Bump the man to you inside and break to the flat. A Back - Fast motion. Circle around the QB and step up to block the 1st man outside the G. Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004
(A 7 man front defense cannot cover this play) Trips Right Trick Pony (A 7 man front defense cannot cover this play) RE LE LT LG RG RT A C B L End L Tackle L Guard Center R Guard R Tackle R End Split out 10 yards - Fly Take one big step out Then up field looking for the ball immediately Fire out,squat Protect inside gap Fire out,squat Protect inside gap Man On Man Away Fire out,squat Protect inside gap Fire out,squat Protect inside gap QB – Take on big step back and look right. Then Quickly left and throw a pass to the LE. Loft the pass Slightly so that the LE can run under it. B Back - On black go in motion and sprint to the sideline take the Corner with you then fly. C Back - In the slot between A and the RE – 5 yard slant A Back – Split right at 7 yards. 5 Yard down and out. Copyright Michael F Santiago 2004