So you want to make a film? To get you inspired we will show you how to make two different kinds of film: drama documentary Have fun and good luck!
A computer A camcorder A microphone A tripod Headphones or earphones
What you need A video camera A computer (PC or MAC) Cables to connect your camera to your computer Battery Mini DVs, DVDs (if your camcorder hasn’t got a hard disk). These will help make Your film even better (but not essential!) tripod – a stand to keep your camera steady. microphone/headphones – some cameras have a socket for these useful devices. lights – if you don’t have spotlights, desk lamps or torches can help light your film. Props What objects will you need to tell your story? Make a list and start collecting them!
Dramas are films with made-up stories and actors. To make a drama you need to write a story.
What’s the story? Keep it simple –2-3 actors and 2-3 settings. Keep it short – not more than 3 minutes. Decide what genre of story you want to tell (e.g. action, horror, romance or fantasy). First of all, think of a good idea: be original and creative! Look for interesting locations around you. What costumes and props do you need to get to tell your story (e.g. a mobile phone, a ring, etc) ? Never film other people or other people’s houses without permission.
Type of story? Character 1 is called played by Character 2 is called played by Character 3 is called played by Location 1 is in Location 2 is in Location 3 is in The time is day or night? What is the weather like ?
What happens at the start of your film? What happens next? What happens at the end? Costumes needed? Props/objects needed?
Documentaries are films that tell stories about real things that have happened. You could make your documentary about: Your school and your classroom partners. Things you and your friends like or don’t like. Something you feel strongly about (e.g. recycling). a holiday or a hobby. → Choose what you need to film: the places/people/ things that have something to do with your story. → Use a tripod if you have a presenter in shot, and use a microphone to record his speech. → The presenter must look straight into the camera and keep his/her eyes steady. Top tip: When you make a documentary, what you say is very important. Use short clear explanations, and add music when there is no speech.
Think about what else you could film to bring your story to life, including: Photos – e.g. holiday snapshots (you could also scan them in) Events – e.g. a football Match, a festival... Interviews – with friends, families and teachers. And remember the filming tips and the different camera shots that you can use. Now you are ready to go and film your documentary! TIP: start your documentary in an unexpected way so that you attract the viewers’ attention