The Marine Biome By: Chloe Calhoun
Being the biggest biome on Earth, the marine biome takes up 70% of the planet’s surface! It has 5 main oceans: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, and Southern, with many gulfs and bays. All of the blue on this map is the marine biome.
The average temperature of the ocean’s water is normally 39 degrees Fahrenheit. But deep down into the ocean, it is cold and dark.
Deep down, hundreds of miles from the surface, animals try so hard to survive. There are plants and animals that make their own light. There is barely enough food for animals there to eat.
There are LOTS of animals in the ocean. Some animals include: Mollusks, whales, bacteria, fungi, sea anemones, narwhals, sharks, dolphins, sea otters, seals, sea lions, seagulls, pelicans, shellfish, starfish, crab, lobster, sea urchins, and all you guys know as…FISH!!! There are also lots of plants too. There are about a million plant species in the ocean! There is a lot of marine algae, kelp, phytoplankton, coral, seaweed, and so much more!
What is so important? What makes this biome so important is that it has a major effect on our community. The weather and climate relies on this biome. Also we use this place for food, medicine, seafood, water, oil, and FUN!!!! And it is so diverse from the other biomes because it is all water.
Were You Listening? Quiz Time!!!! There are three questions, Based on what was on the slides you saw. Try to get them right! 1)Name at least one animal that lives in the marine biome : 2) How do plants and animals get light in the deepest parts of the ocean? 3) Where is the marine biome located?
These are two websites and articles used to give the information used on this powerpoint. You can visit them if you would like.
Fun and games! Want to find out more? And watch some cool videos? Go to this website: