There is a difference between children working and child labour. Work, supervised by a caring adult, can develop skills and responsibility in young people. In some cases it provides valuable income. When the work does not affect the child’s health, development or education it is not a human rights issue.
Millions of children work to help their families in ways that are neither harmful nor exploitative. However, UNICEF estimates that around 150 million children aged 5-14 in developing countries, about 16 per cent of all children in this age group, are involved in child labour. WORK OR LABOUR? Around the world millions of children are involved in work that is harmful. The worst forms of child labour include: forced labour, especially in hazardous conditions using children for prostitution or pornography using children for drug trafficking. Often these are the result of: the illegal sale of children by poor parents who need money trafficking of children by people who want to exploit them debt bondage – paying off the debt of family members. Go to this site to watch a photo essay on child labour in Bangladesh ngladesh/6505.html Go to this site to see what UNICEF in India are doing about Child Labour: om/video/video.php?v=
The difference between child labour and child work. ACTIVITY Write a letter to the Minister for Foreign Relations in Australia. Outline the problems with Child Labour that are occurring around the world today. Give suggestions for how we, as Australians, could make a difference.