2.3 Principles and Methods of Training Examine the principles and methods of training in relation to a sporting activity
Components of fitness speed speed strength strength power power aerobic endurance aerobic endurance muscular endurance muscular endurance agility agility flexibility flexibility balance balance
Components of Fitness Speed: the ability to move quickly, 100m - doing weights and plyometrics Strength: the ability of the muscles to generate force, -rugby prop, -lifting weights
Components of Fitness Power: the ability of the muscles to move resistance quickly, sumo, lifting weights Aerobic endurance: the ability of the heart and lungs to deliver O2 to the muscles, 10k run, continuous and interval training continuous and interval training
Components of Fitness Muscular endurance: the ability of the muscles to contract without getting tired, -cycling, continuous training Agility: the ability to change direction quickly and maintain balance, -tennis, Plyometrics and cone drills
Components of Fitness Flexibility: the range of motion at a joint, -gymnastics, stretching Balance: the ability to keep the body equilibrium, gymnastics, -wobble boards and balance beam
Principles of Training S pecific P rogressive O verload R est T ype F requency I ntensity T ime
Principles of Training Specific: training needs to match the activity by matching the fitness components, movement patterns, speed of movement, duration and the environment training needs to match the activity by matching the fitness components, movement patterns, speed of movement, duration and the environment e.g gymnastics needs agility/flexibility, fast/agile movement, short duration, inside on a sprung floor
Principles of Training Progressive: Training needs to build up slowly to allow the body to adapt to training e.g pre season training for sports starts easy and gets progressively harder up until the season starts
Principles of Training Overload: to stress the body sufficiently in order for it to adapt to the training to become fitter e.g trying to lift heavier and heavier weights each time you train
Overload How can we increase the overload? * Frequency – train more often *Intensity- train with a higher heart rate *Duration- train for longer *Type- make the exercises more challenging
Principles of training REST REST Allowing the body sufficient recovery from a training session You can continuous train everyday by alternating hard with light days You should only weight train a muscle group every second day
Principles of Training TYPE: what sort of training you do Continuous- for more than 20mins Interval- high intensity with short rests Fartlek- continuous where you change the speed of the effort Circuit- a variety of exercises continuously
Principles of training Weight-lifting weights to improve strength and power Plyometrics- fast, explosive movements to improve speed/power Stretching- daily to improve flexibility Agility-intervals by changing direction around cones
Methods of Training Strength is important in most physical activities. It.. Can allow a person to cope with daily activities easier – better quality of life Can allow a person to cope with daily activities easier – better quality of life Should be tested in the way it is used in your sporting activity Should be tested in the way it is used in your sporting activity Can be improved by lifting weights 3-4x week Can be improved by lifting weights 3-4x week
Strength Advantages - can reduce chance of injury - can improve strength for sport - Can improve muscular function Disadvantages - Not always specific to sport movement - Expensive equipment - Needs to be done correctly, advice given
Plyometrics Fast, explosive movement done to improve speed and power e.g. Squat jump, ladders, mini hurdles, medicine ball passes, bounds
Speed training Speed assisted: Downhill sprints and bungy cords Speed resisted: Uphill sprints, bungy work, sleds, Sand running
Energy systems Aerobic (with O2) Aerobic (with O2) - long duration (more than 2 mins) - low intensity (50-70%) - e.g 3km run Anaerobic (without O2) Anaerobic (without O2) - ATP-CP and lactic acid systems - Short duration (up to 2 mins) - high intensity (80-100%) - E.g 400m sprint
Stretching Static: stationary stretching of muscle e.g calf stretch or hamstring stretch
Stretching Dynamic: stretching while moving e.g lunges or leg swings
Stretching PNF: proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation - contracting the muscle and then pushing against a resistance