Reading with Meaning: Teaching Comprehension in the Kindergarten Classroom Presented by April Kelley Reading & Writing Consultant ESU #6
Learning Targets… Explore various comprehension strategies Learn how to teach students to use comprehension strategies Gather instructional activities to use with some of the strategies Learn about additional resources
What is comprehension instruction? Definition Active Process of constructing meaning from text. It involves accessing previous knowledge, understanding vocabulary and concepts, making inferences, and linking key ideas.
Research has shown that good readers routinely use comprehension strategies to construct meaning as they read. So…what does this mean for us?
Think of a time that you learned how to do something new. How did you learn how to do it?
Gradual Release of Responsibility Pearson & Gallagher’s Model of Explicit Reading Instruction Stage 1: Teacher modeling and explanation of strategy Stage 2: Guided practice, teacher gradually gives students more responsibility for task completion Stage 3: Independent practice accompanied by feedback Stage 4: Application of the strategy in real reading situations
How do we begin planning to teach the comprehension strategies using the gradual release of responsibility model? Step-by-Step Planning Guide
Predicting Poster Reference Instructional Activities: –Making Predictions –Anticipation Guide/Agree-Disagree Chart
Making Connections Poster Reference Instructional Activities: –Questions Text-to-self Text-to-text (Venn Diagrams) Text-to-world –Prevoke/Vocabogram
Retell & Summarize Retell Poster Reference Summarize Poster Reference Retell vs. Summary Reference Instructional Activities: –Retell: Storymaps, Storybraid, Group Retelling, Flannel Boards
April’s Wikispace
Agree-Disagree Chart Thank You!!!