National Board Certification: The Perceived Value and Renewal Rates of California National Board Certified Teachers
We Research Our Lives Teachers are the most important element in the classroom (___________). Teaching is complex (_____________). Teachers are not making the decisions in their schools.
National Board Certification The highest certification that a teacher can attain. ◦Individualized quality professional development. ◦Research supports a positive impact on student achievement.
Why National Board Certification?
Prepare a 20 minute succinct presentation of your first three chapters. Be sure to address the following questions in that presentation. What is the title of your study? What is the purpose of your research? Why are you pursuing this line of research? What problems are you trying to address? Who do you plan to study (e.g., population sample) and why? What are your research questions or hypothesis (if applicable)? What is your proposed methodology? How could a practitioner incorporate what you plan to discover into his/her daily practice?
When preparing your presentation, ensure that you address what the study is, why it is relevant, how you plan to perform the research and when you intend to complete the work.
you should be familiar with statistical literature related to your proposed research topic. Your committee wants evidence that your dissertation will be a high quality, original document and that you have statistical knowledge, technical skills and motivation to produce a reputable dissertation. Review relevant material and be able to reference this literature if asked.
*************** Your presentation needs to address the following: ◦What is the problem you are studying? ◦Why is it important? ◦What results have you achieved so far and why to they matter? ◦How is this substantially different from prior work? ◦What do you need to do to complete your work?
Your workplan should be sufficiently detailed so that the committee can judge whether it is realistic or not. You don't have to account for every day between the proposal and your thesis defense, but a roughly monthly or quarterly granularity is to be expected, depending on how far away your anticipated graduation date is. Specify the experiments you need to run, the software you need to write and the algorithms you want to try out. This should not just be one page that says "I will do miraculous things". The committee should be handed a copy of your slides. No more than 25 slides, plus "back up" slides with additional material in case of questions. The committee will get anxious once the presentation lasts longer than minutes.
a description of the related work, how it does not solve the problem, and how your hypothesis has not been tested before preliminary results (if any) that indicate that you have reason to believe that the hypothesis holds additional experiments that you will run to prove that the hypothesis holds what you'll need to build to run said experiments (and what you've already built)
Defining the Issue
Significance of the Issue
Research Design
Research Question
Study Participants
Data Collection
Data Analysis
Confidentiality of the Data
Risks and Benefits
Researcher’s Assumptions
Plan for Completion