Portfolio Management Performance Based Wealth Management
What is PMS Performance Based Management Tailor Made Portfolio Portfolio designing as per the client requirement Portfolio horizon and risk appetite is pre define
Why PMS Sophisticated – High end product Personalized – Customized as required Exclusive – A premium status attached to it Provides high level of satisfaction and interaction with stock market.
Benefits of PMS Concentrated and focused portfolio Full flexibility for cash holding Risk appetite as per client requirement Flexible Performance in every time in stock market like Bear/Bull and consolidation phase
100% liquid portfolio with market valuation Any time liquidity Able to generate better return as compare to any other products in range bound market Portfolio diversification across market capitalization (Midcap/Large cap & Small cap) Management costing is based on performance
Comparison Direct Share Equity PMS News or Tips Based Research Based May be concentrated Diversified/Concentrated No timing due less time devotion Timing of purchase & Sale due to 100 % time devotion Irregular tracking of companies Regular tracking of companies
Strategy Low Growth Companies Assets Based Companies Moderate Growth Companies Cyclical Companies High Growth Companies Turn around Companies
PMS Working Based on profit sharing Transparency Average Portfolio horizon is 2 years Full capital Increment No Initial cost Regular Interaction with client Weekly/fortnightly portfolio distribution Expected portfolio performance 15-20% annualized
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