Essential reading: SPINČIĆ, A., An English Textbook For Marine Engineers I., Pomorski fakultet, Rijeka LUZER, J., SPINČIĆ, A., Gramatička vježbenica engleskog jezika za pomorce, Pomorski fakultet, Rijeka 2003.
KEY WORDS steam power plant- parno pogonsko postrojenje watertube boiler- vodocijevni kotao firetube boiler- vatrocijevni kotao drum (n.)- komora, bubanj impart (v.)- prenositi feed heater- grijač napojne vode superheater (n.)- pregrijač pare air ejector- zračni ejektor de-aerator- otplinjač exhaust steam- potrošena para Steam power plant
air ejectorejektor zraka booster pumppumpa koja podiže tlak condenserkondenzator condenser pumppumpa kondenzatora de-aerating tanktank za otplinjavanje feed water heatergrijač napojne vode furnaceložište high pressure turbinevisokotlačna turbina low pressure turbineniskotlačna turbina feed pumpnapojna pumpa make-up feed tankkompenzacijski tank superheaterspregrijači pare Steam power plant
The steam power plant is an arrangment that converts the energy of fuel into mechanical energy. The steam power plant is an arrangment that converts the energy of fuel into mechanical energy. BASIC CYCLE: Heat generated in the furnace is transmitted to the boiler where water is changed into steam. The thermal / heat energy of the steam is conveyed to the engine which converts it into mechanical energy or work... (to be continued) BASIC CYCLE: Heat generated in the furnace is transmitted to the boiler where water is changed into steam. The thermal / heat energy of the steam is conveyed to the engine which converts it into mechanical energy or work... (to be continued) Steam power plant
BASIC CYCLE: To convert the heat energy of steam into mechanical work, the steam is admitted to the turbine through the nozzles, where the energy is transformed into kinetic energy. The steam expands and while it leaves the nozzle its energy is converted into useful work at the turbine blades. BASIC CYCLE: To convert the heat energy of steam into mechanical work, the steam is admitted to the turbine through the nozzles, where the energy is transformed into kinetic energy. The steam expands and while it leaves the nozzle its energy is converted into useful work at the turbine blades. In passing through the turbines, the steam is reduced in pressure and temperature. The exhaust steam is then condensed into water and returned to the boiler for the repetition of the cycle. In passing through the turbines, the steam is reduced in pressure and temperature. The exhaust steam is then condensed into water and returned to the boiler for the repetition of the cycle. Steam power plant
THE MAIN ELEMENTS include the furnace, THE MAIN ELEMENTS include the furnace, boiler, engine and condenser. THE AUXILIARIES include the feed pumps, feed heaters, air heaters, superheaters, condensate pumps, air ejector, de-aerator... THE AUXILIARIES include the feed pumps, feed heaters, air heaters, superheaters, condensate pumps, air ejector, de-aerator... Elements of the steam power plant
Repair of steam turbine blades
The mechanical energy is expressed in horse power (h.p.) or according to the SI system in kilowatts (kW). 1 British horse power=0.7457kW To measure the heat energy of steam, the British thermal unit (B.t.u.) is used. According to the SI system, the unit of thermal energy is joule. 1 B.t.u. = kJ (kilojoule) Units of energy
1. What is the purpose of a steam power plant? 2. What is steam? What does it act as? 3. What is the job of the engine? 4. What is a boiler? What may it consist of? 5. By what units do we measure heat energy and mechanical energy? 6. Where does the conversion of heat energy into mechanical energy take place? 7. What happens to steam after having performed work? 8. Describe the basic cycle of the steam power plant.
In fossil-fueled power plants, steam generator refers to a furnace that burns the fossil fuel to boil water to generate steam. In the nuclear plant, steam generator refers to a specific type of large heat exchanger used in a pressurized water reactor (PWR) to thermally connect the primary (reactor plant) and secondary (steam plant) systems, which generates steam. In a nuclear reactor, water is boiled to generate steam directly in the reactor itself and there are no units called steam generators. In some industrial settings, there can also be steam- producing heat exchangers called heat recovery steam generators (HRSG) which utilize heat from some industrial process. Various steam power plants