Dealing with Major Behavior Issues CYBERBULLYING Meet the Cyberbullying Virus watch? watch?v=-5PZ_Bh-M6o © Kappa Delta Pi 2014
Cyberbullying Questions to Ponder Have you ever been bullied? If so, how did that feel? Have you witnessed bullying? If so, how did you respond? What do you think is worse — to be bullied in person or via cyberbullying? What do you think a teacher’s responsibility is when students are bullied in any way? © Kappa Delta Pi 2014
Cyberbullying Cyberbullying is bullying carried out through technology, rather than face-to-face. Using cell phones, computers, electronic tablets, and social media, bullies harass their victims. Via text messages, chat rooms, and websites, bullies put down, make fun of, and dupe their victims.bullying They may pretend to be someone else or attack the victim as themselves. © Kappa Delta Pi 2014
Problems with Cyberbullying It can happen anytime—24/7. Tracing the source is difficult to impossible. Deleting messages, texts, and pictures is almost impossible and even when deleted, still can be retrieved. ( © Kappa Delta Pi 2014
70% of students report that they frequently see bullying online. Cell phones are the most common medium for cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is rarely reported to trusted adults. Approximately 43% of students have been bullied online; 25% of those students have had it happen more than once. © Kappa Delta Pi 2014
Cyberbullying: Just the facts There are more female cyberbullies than males. A greater number of victims of cyberbullying are females. Bullying victims are more likely to consider committing suicide. How can you tell whether someone is suicidal? © Kappa Delta Pi 2014
Warning Signs of Suicide Talk about wanting to die or to kill themselves Look for a way to kill themselves; research online or buying a gun Act hopeless or talk about feeling hopeless or having no reason to live Talk about feeling trapped or in unbearable pain Mention that they are a burden to others © Kappa Delta Pi 2014
Warning Signs of Suicide Act anxious or agitated Behave recklessly Sleep too little or too much Withdraw or isolate themselves Show rage or talk about seeking revenge Display extreme mood swings © Kappa Delta Pi 2014
Strategies for Handling Suicide ‘Threats’ Act on serious-sounding threats; do not dismiss as simply joking or “moody” behavior. Have a responsible adult immediately speak with the child. If warning signs continue or increase, see that the student gets an immediate evaluation by a mental health professional (preferably one who specializes in evaluating children and adolescents). Individuals who make serious threats should be carefully supervised while awaiting professional intervention. © Kappa Delta Pi 2014
Strategies for Handling Suicide ‘Threats’ Remember Do not handle potential suicide situations alone— ask for help! Do not be a hero! Trust your instincts. Respect the confidentiality in these situations and for the people involved, but seek appropriate help. © Kappa Delta Pi 2014