Secure storage for your data in the Internet! If you have any question, you can contact us on: om
mySafeDisk — cloud storage service which is available through special client SafeDisk program. Secure data storage is provided based on: data encryption before its transmission via Internet channels to the cloud storage; encryption both downloaded and stored data, and its information, sizes and names, files attributes as well; deleting all the service usage information from the computer as soon as service operating is completed; usage of access key to the user data without which there will be no access even in case of login and parole theft.
Comparisons with main key players: mySafeDiskDropboxYandex.DiscGoogle Drive Automatic modifications synchronization ++++ Data encryption before transferring +--- Shared folders -+++ Files versions ++-+ Data «deduplication» on a server +++- Transmission of modifications only while synchronizing +++- No local data storage required No necessity of local data storage +--- Public links to files/folders -+++
Merits of MySafeDisk service: high level of security for files to be transmitted and stored; access to the data store is managed through the familiar operating system interface; Internet traffic minimization by generation of the deltas of files modifications; construction of files changes queues and its keeping in the virtual memory during the whole period of service operation; absence of stored data duplication; capability to save updates in edited data in case of Internet disconnection.
General description of file-storing technology realized by mySafeDisk: User’s module Adapter Client’s module File storage xml-rpc Client-side program of SafeDisk Server part of mySafeDisk service
Client-part of decision consists of: user’s module – software method implementing user interface; adapter – software method which provides cooperation of client and server parts; client’s module – software method implementing client-part functions. Server-part of decision consists of: file storage – software-hardware complex realizing files and folders storage and access to them.
Main functions of mySafeDisk user’s module: ensuring of working of virtual file system and virtual memory; unperformed job stacking, saving and rebuilding file/folders tree from local database. Main functions of mySafeDisk adapter: support of the operation with the specified file storage; file/folders-tree download from the file storage; files loading and its downloading from the file storage.
Main functions realized by SafeDisk client module: operations of creating, renaming, relocation, deleting of files and folders, as well as reading, recording, delta upgrading of changes in files content; creating (generating) public and private user keys; files and folders tree handling on the server; composition of files and folders structures, recording the history of its modifications; encryption the file blocks with using AES-256 algorithms and directory charts using RSA.
Encryptor diagram used in SafeDisk: * Keys К1 — К4 stored in the file storage and additionally encoded by the keys, which are obtained from content of corresponding block. File of spontaneous maintenance Unit 3Unit 2Unit 4Unit 1 К1*К2* К4* К3* List of units forming the file. Structure of files and folders К К RSA К Public — is stored in the file storage Private — is stored by the user module Step 4 Step 3 Encryption of files and folders structure Encryption of units’ content Drawing up the structure of files and folders Step 1 Step 2
Main functions realized by file storage: forming of user’s domain account, its authentication, authorization and object registration handling; storage of file’s units of varied sizes with encoded keys; file’s units updating by using changing deltas; avoiding of file’s units duplication; public user’s keys storage; file storage resource quoting – footprint, Internet traffic, etc.
Diagram of avoiding duplication: Hashing an encrypted content of the unit by the algorithm SHA-256 Unit hBhB К Hashing an original content of the unit by the algorithm SHA-256 Encrypting by the algorithm AES-256 hKB DB hKB are stored in the DB as the identification record of unique record - hB. If there is an attempt to load the unit in the file storage that will duplicate an already existed unit — hB will match, so in the scheme of files and folders link to the existing block will be added.
Organization of various services of secure data storage is possible while using mySafeDisk: SAAS-decisions for providing safety cloud data storage for Internet-users; corporate file storage on customer company request; for such storage the customer’s equipment or existing infrastructure can be used; highly tailored service, for instance, service of electronic safe deposit cell.
Directions of mySafeDisk development: realization of file sharing; assignment of files and folders access privileges; support of shared folders for information sharing between users; realization of “rapid access links” to the files on the disk for browser and client program; client-program adaptation for work with Linux operating systems. Today’s mySafeDisk’s state: operating in beta-testing mode service –