Geography Issues: Islands Mountains Height of Minoan Civilization of Crete 1600-1500 BC 1400 BC Minoans Disappear Mycenaean Civilization develops.


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Presentation transcript:

Geography Issues: Islands Mountains

Height of Minoan Civilization of Crete BC 1400 BC Minoans Disappear Mycenaean Civilization develops 1250 BC Trojan War: Helen or economics? 1100 BC Greek Dark Ages “Dorian Invasion” 750 BC Life of Homer Bull of Knossos

Is this real? Found by Heinrich Schliemann Greeks didn’t facial hair like this Nothing else like this has been found Some say it’s too close for comfort

Blind poet Retold/had written down The Iliad & The Odyssey Other stories & hymns as well Gives us: Description of gods Details of life Important values Greek Religion Polytheistic Mt. Olympus Gods took on human qualities Stories help explain the natural world

City- States— Individual kingdoms or govs within a city City- States— Individual kingdoms or govs within a city “Polis” “Polis”

THE ACROPOLIS: “high city" Fortress Located on high ground Offered refuge to the people in times of danger. Political Center

AGORA: The market place near the acropolis center of city life Helped connect the people of the city states

GYMNASIUM & THEATRE: Sports and theater part of religious ritual TEMPLE: Every city had a patron god Temples were built to honor & as places of worship.