NGO coalition for a sustainable use of the EU funds 1.EU regulations 2.EU strategic guidelines 3.National programming European Network of Environmental Authorities 12 September 2005, Brussels Martin Konecny, EU Funds Project Coordinator, CEE Bankwatch Network / Friends of the Earth Europe
1) Regulations - EP Resolutions of 6 July: For the General Regulation: Maintain a strong partnership principle Affirm protection and improvement of the environment throughout implementation Strengthen the link to the SDS and ensure financing of urgent environmental needs (e.g. Natura 2000, WFD, Kyoto) Prevent conflicts between infrastructure and environment (SEA and EIA) Maintain the Community Performance Reserve to reward progress
1) Regulations - EP Resolutions of 6 July: For ERDF and CF: Enable investment in housing for energy efficiency Enable investment in regional transport infrastructure from the Cohesion Fund (first pillar) Maintain the proposed third pillar of the Cohesion Fund for sustainable energy and transport further recommendations greening the ERDF
2) Community Strategic Guidelines adopted by the Commission on 6 July some improvements since the 1 st draft (May) environmental integration insufficient: both horizontal (principles applying to all areas) and vertical (direct environmental investments) public consultation till 30 September then Parliament and Council
Placing Gothenburg and Lisbon agenda’s on an equal footing Encourage complementarity and coherence between cohesion policy and rural development spending Emphasising the role of Strategic Environmental Assessment in the preparation of operational programmes Recommending that operational programmes should contribute to the objectives of the EU’s 6EAP Recommending inclusion of environmental authorities and NGOs in the programming, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the operational programmes Promoting the precautionary principle and the principle of preventive action; internalisation of external environmental costs 2) CSG - Horizontal integration:
Investment in public transport networks, energy efficiency, renewable energy, eco-innovation Investment in environmental infrastructure in the Convergence regions, focusing on waste prevention, recycling, and biodegradation of waste Ensuring attractive conditions for business and highly qualified staff by promoting land-use planning which reduces urban sprawl, and by rehabilitating the physical environment, including natural and cultural assets Ensuring responsible management of natural resources by supporting the management of Natura 2000 sites Ensuring responsible management of natural resources by promoting implementation of the Water Framework Directive 2) CSG - Vertical integration:
National NGO coalitions monitoring EU funds in the new member states Bulgaria Coalition for structural funds and rural development ( ) Contact person: Petko Kovatchev Kovatchev Czech Republic Center for Community Organizing Contact person (for NGOs): Roman Haken, Contact person (for eNGOs): Zuzana Drhova, Roman Haken Zuzana Drhova Estonia Council of Environmental NGOs Contact person: Peep Mardiste Mardiste Hungary National Society of Conservationists Contact person: Teodora Dönsz Dönsz Lithuania Atgaja Community Contact person: Linas Vainius Vainius Poland Polish Ecological NGOs Coalition for European Union Funds Contact person: Marta Smigrowska Smigrowska Slovakia Independent NGO Monitoring Committee Contact person: Juraj Zamkovsky Zamkovsky
3) Programming challenges: example of Poland Draft National Development Plan (total €134 bn; EU contribution €81 bn) insufficient analysis of environmental situation and needs SEA published on 2 August, 20 days for public comments SEA does not meet requirements of both EU and national SEA law on both scope and procedure SEA prepared for outdated first draft of NDP
Poland: draft NDP Cohesion Fund (€ 21bn)
Conclusion and next steps 1) Regulations promote EP recommendations in the Council/Member States 2) Strategic guidelines response to EC consultation 3) Programming NGO participation in programming WGs, commenting documents EC needs to seriously look at programming and SEA implementation