Perfect Passive Participle Slides


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Presentation transcript:

Perfect Passive Participle Slides

In example 1, what is the subject doing? What about in 2? I see the dog. The dog is seen by me. The dog hearing the whistle The whistle heard by the dog ACTIVE verb PASSIVE verb ACTIVE participle PASSIVE participle In example 1, what is the subject doing? What about in 2?

The dog hearing the whistle The whistle heard by the dog I see the dog. The dog is seen by me. The dog hearing the whistle The whistle heard by the dog ACTIVE verb PASSIVE verb ACTIVE participle PASSIVE participle So with an active verb, the subject is the ACTOR / DOER of the verb. With a passive verb, the subject is ACTED UPON by the verb.

The dog hearing the whistle The whistle heard by the dog I see the dog. The dog is seen by me. The dog hearing the whistle The whistle heard by the dog ACTIVE verb PASSIVE verb ACTIVE participle PASSIVE participle And with an active participle, the noun is the ACTOR / DOER of the participle. With a passive participle, the noun is ACTED UPON by the participle.

With an ACTIVE participle, the noun described by the participle is DOING the action of the participle (often acting upon an object). Examples: The person READING (the book) The boy THROWING the ball puer pilam IACIENS

With a PASSIVE participle, the noun described by the participle is the thing ACTED UPON by the participle. Examples: the thrown ball (the ball which was thrown) the eaten cake (the cake which was eaten) the taught student (the student who was taught)

What word in this passage do you think is a passive participle What word in this passage do you think is a passive participle? Hint: what sentence already has a verb with another verb formation?

laudo, laudare, laudavi, LAUDATUM Yes, we finally get to use the 4th Principal Part of your verbs!!!

Remember, a Participle is an Adjective formed from a Verb. So what type of adjective is the Perfect Passive Participle? laudatus, laudata, laudatum Recall the Present Active Participle was a 3rd Declension Adjective (laudans, laudantis, laudanti, etc.)

How to form the Perf. Pass. Partic. Go to the 4th Principal Part (which is the Neuter Nom. Sing. PPP) Drop the ‘-um’ ending and add any 1st/2nd Declension Adjective Ending (like bonus, bona, bonum)

The Perfect Passive Participle (Sing) laudo, are, avi, laudatum Masc Fem Neut Nomin. laudatus laudata Gen. laudati laudatae Dat. laudato Accus laudatam Abl laudatā

The Perfect Passive Participle (Plur) laudo, are, avi, laudatum Masc Fem Neut Nomin. laudati laudatae laudata Gen. laudatorum laudatarum Dat. laudatis Accus laudatos laudatas Abl