Objective: Students will be able to identify, explain and apply the concepts of the ethical guidelines for psychologists. 1. CBM 2. Ethical guidelines – notes 3. Video: Ethics in psychotherapy 4. Finish ethical guidelines 5. Handout/Group Activity – Ethical situations 6. Discussion 7. Reminders – Test Tuesday 9/21 – A Day Wednesday 9/22 – B Day
PROS CONS 1. Use “white lies” only 2. Used to investigate many important issues 3. Critics assume deceptions are harmful without proof 4. Benefits outweigh risks 1. Deception = lying; immoral 2. Undermine individual’s trust in others 3. Produce distress for subjects
Ways animals are used: 1. Behavior of a certain type of animal 2. Do certain laws of behavior apply to humans and animals? 3. Expose them to treatments that would be unacceptable to humans Percentage of animals used in research?
1. Harmful or painful procedures imposed upon animals must be thoroughly justified in terms of knowledge to be gained from the study. 2. Cannot proceed until animal care committee approves. 3. Monitor animal welfare throughout procedure. 4. Facilities housing animals should meet/exceed guidelines. 5. Get animals legally.
1. Subjects’ participation in research should be voluntary and based on informed consent. 2. Participants should not be exposed to harmful or dangerous research procedures. 3. If an investigation requires some deception of participants (about matters that do not involve risks), the researcher is required to explain and correct any misunderstandings as soon as possible. 4. Subjects’ right to privacy should never be violated. 5. Prior to conducting studies, approval should be obtained from host institutions and their review committees. 6. Research results should be reported fully and accurately. Raw data should be shared with professionals who seek to verify claims. 7. If significant errors are found after publication, retractions should be made.
What ethical concern is being shown in the first video? What are the two arguments being made? u8&feature=related Based on this clip, what is one of the ethical guidelines for psychologists? How would this apply to research as well?
1. Keep accurate records 2. Informed consent 3. No sexual relationship with the patient during or for at least 2 years after research 4. Terminate therapy as appropriate 5. Privacy
Working in small groups (3-4 people) read over the ethical situation handout and determine which situation IS NOT a violation of APA ethical principles.