Public Health Reporting Initiative January 11, 2012
Agenda TopicTime Allotted Welcome / Agenda Overview - John Stinn4:00 - 4:05 Announcements - Mike Coletta Abstracts Anything community members need? 4:05 - 4:10 Definitions Workgroup - Riki Merrick4:10 - 4:20 Presentation of Reconciled "Consolidated User Story Template" - Lise Stevens 4:20 - 4:30 Public Health Reporting Initiative Use Case Document Review - John Stinn / Lindsay Brown 4:30 - 4:40 Roadmap - John Stinn4:40 - 4:50 Discussion / Action Items4:50 - 5:00 Adjourn5:00
Definitions WG Update
Consolidated User Story: Child Health, Birthing Facility 1.Child is delivered. If live birth follows steps 3-9, 2.Clinician conducts initial physical exam 3.Newborn is due for 4.Clinician orders an 5.Hospital staff administers and conducts and collects and conducts 6.Hospital staff enter data on the in the EHR database 7.EHR pre-populate information to the Birth/Fetal Death Facility Worksheet 8.Hospital staff and clinician review the Birth/Fetal Death Facility Worksheet 9.Information is electronically sent on to the PH IS directly or via HIE 10.PH program IS receives notification of report availability 11.PH programs’ staff reviews the report and create PH IS record on a child in 12.PH IS sends Acknowledgement of Receipt of the Report to EHR directly or via HIE. Use Case Name: Actors: Flow of Events: Information Exchange Artifacts 1&2 Demographics, Antepartum Record, Prenatal record, Labor & Delivery Record, Postpartum record, Newborn EHR 3. Consent (not for birth registration) 4. Test Order or Standing Order 5. Immun. Record, Test Results, Birth Defect Record 6. Immun. Record, Hearing Test Results, Birth Defect Record, Birth Record, Heelstick Lab Order 7&8. Birth/Fetal Death Facility Worksheet 9. Initial PH Report 10. Notification of Report Availability 11. Updated PH Record 12. Acknowledgement of receipt Vital Records, Hearing, Immunization, Birth Defects, Metabolic Screening Newborn, Caregiver, Clinician, Hospital staff, Public health program staff Pre-Conditions: Post-Conditions: Preferred Timing EHR System, Health Information Exchange (HIE) Public Health Information System Daily updates
Use Case Document Review
Use Case Schedule/Development Check out the “User Stories” page on the wiki for more information about the consolidated use case ActionDate User Story working groups will present a draft of the harmonized user story for each domain 12/21/11 - COMPLETE Domain User Story Template Harmonization1/18/12 Harmonized Use Case Draft for member review1/25/12 Final Draft of Harmonized Use Case2/8/12
Phase 1 (September-December 2011) Charter has been finalized All participants work together on - assessment of needs for the process - building a consensus on public health reporting definitions - building a consensus on a scope of the Public Health Reporting HIT Standardization Framework - development of criteria and selection use cases - defining a list of WGs Forming workgroups and starting assessment of existing artifacts in a scope of the initiative Development of detailed work plan AugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchApril Initiation S&I Public Health Reporting Roadmap User Story Validation / Consolidation Final version of the Charter FR / Modeling Stds Harm Phase 2 (January-May 2012) Harmonization of selected use cases into a single use case Identification of core data elements and data classes Working on harmonization of FHA and segment enterprise architecture for public health reporting Working on terminology Identification and Harmonization of vocabulary / content exchange Standards Development of implementation documentation Completion of assessment of business process, policy barriers Proposing public health objectives for Stage 3 MU Environmental scan of existing shared utilities for public health reporting and development of a vision on a public health hub for collection, sharing and maintenance Development of a vision on a purpose and scope of testing and certification of systems for public health reporting Use Case Documentation Spec Development / Pilot Planning
Potential Artifacts for Phase 2 8