Weight Management $60 billion/year US industry
What is the most common mistake of dieters? They go on a DiEt !! Diets don’t work!
The Diet Sampler Gimmicks Fad Diets Pills – Prescription – Over the counter (OTC) Endless supply of bogus productsbogus
No laws require diet aids (supplements)supplements be effective or identify their risks!
Be web wary! Wise online shopping tips Ignore web ‘pedigree’ Forget fotos Free trials….say, ‘No’! Money back guarantees Testimonials Scientific jargon, etc. etc. etc. etc. Objective reviews? Complaints? Store front or PO Box?
Is it snake oil? Alone, or with a partner, evaluate one of the weight loss product ads provided, make up your own product to evaluate, or find a website for a weight loss product to use. Use the hand-out provided. Due Next Monday. Typed please.
If these diets don’t work, what does?
Persistence. Patience. Yes! Pills. Potions.No.
Good News! You don’t have to go hungry.
Getting Restful SleepSleep
Sleep deprivation Decrease Leptin Increase Ghrelin Decrease Satiety Increase Hunger Normalizing ‘food intake control’ hormones Adequate sleep No meal skipping Including protein in meals
Be active every day. Raises BMR. Builds Lean Mass. Reduces stress. Improves Sleep. Enhances fat loss.
Body composition matters. A pound of muscle ‘looks and feels’ better on your body! 5 lbs. fat and 5 lbs. muscle Reference….1lb. fat= 3500 calories
Step small toward big goal! ~1 lb/wk loss = 52 pounds/yr. (This is a 3500 cal./wk. deficit) ~1 lb/month loss = 12 pounds/yr.** Decrease energy** intake ~ calories/day 12 oz. soda 6 chocolate kisses 1 oz cheese Increase energy spent**energy spent ~ calories/day. Walk, job or run 1 mile
Enough already…. Tell me, what I should eat?
Eat Right. Your Way. Every Day.Your Way There is no ‘One Way’ to lose/maintain weight.
National Weight Control ,000 people w/ >30lb wt. loss x 1 year Eat more meals, but fewer calories 80% eat breakfast 90% exercise 1 hr/day 62% watch <10 hr TV/wk Always aware of food intakefood intake Always aware of weight
What’s your advice on weight loss?
10 Tips to Sum Up 1. No meal skipping…. 2. …especially breakfast! 3. Average ~1 hr/day exercise 4. Avoid ‘added sugar’ 5. Be calorie aware. Log your intake. Weigh in regularly.calorie
Fed up with her diet Charlene takes more serious aim at her target weight! If you must, get rid of the scale.
6. Do not drink your Calories! 7. “Would I eat an apple?” 8. Make half your plate produce. 9. Make small changes… into BIG, life-long, healthy habits. 10. Patience please! There are NO safe, quick ways to lose weight!
And…the now….for the most difficult part…. Don’t go it alone. Group support improves odds of success. maintenance! exercisemoral support diet
Celebrate Your Success! Remember HEALTH can be achieved AT EVERY SIZEHEALTH
Artificial Sweeteners: yay or nay? Safe to use or not
listed in order of decreasing sweetness NEOTAME Natural vs. Artificial
Sugar Alcohols (not carbs) Manitol, xylitol, sorbitol – Naturally found in some fruits – Sugar free candy/gum/toothpaste – Laxative effect at high dose – Provides ~ 2. 6 calories/g
Artificial Sweeteners Most are calorie free Concentrated sweetness May support weight loss Do not raise BSL Moderate use is considered safe
Aspartame Nutrasweet/Equal (blue packet) Two amino acids (related to protein 4 cal/g Very sweet a little, sweetens a lot! Not heat stable denatures loses sweetness – Avoid use if have PKU – If you have PKU you know it!
Sucralose Splenda (yellow packet) Slightly modified sucrose (sugar), not digested Substitutes easily for sugar in many recipes Heat stable..can bake with it! Excellent safety record
Newer products!!! Neotame – Extremely sweet, heat stable, 4 calories/g – Safe for those with PKU Stevia – Plant derived, non-caloric – GRAS status Agave – Natural, not artificial; fructose rich, 4 cal/g
Optional slides
What about the Paleo Diet? You can live on it! Encourages exericse Often excessive in protein and low in calcium Restricts some healthy carbs – dairy, bean, grains
Table 10.5, p
Remember; There are NO fast, safe ways to lose weight exist!
Weight loss requires behavior change. Hard work to achieve and even more difficult to maintain!
Know your goal? Health At Every Size Health goal Normalize BSL, BP, lipid levels Improve endurance Reduce % body fat Improve self image Weight loss goal Long term-Your choice!! Short term-Drop current wt. by 7-10%
Yo Yo-No No! Consequences of Cyclic Dieting Improved ability to store fat Diminished ability to pull fat from storage Decrease BMR Eating Disorders more prevalent Weight gain Frustration, hopelessness and failure
Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) Amount FDA considers safe level of use of a food additive over a lifetime Set at 1/100 of level where no harm shown in animal studies Example: – If no harm at 1 mg/kg body wt. – Then ADI is.01mg/kg body wt.
Be web wary! Think-Pair-Share alone (or with a group) your tips for wise on-line shopping. Write one tip on the board.