JJC Open your Internet browser and log on to to get started!
Click “Check ” to login to your student account.
Click the link “Login to Student webmail.” Click on these links for additional help or FAQ’s.
Type your ID in the first box. Type your password in the second box. Click the “Sign in” button to continue.
Congratulations! You’ve reached your inbox. Remember to check your frequently so you don’t miss out on important information.
JJC Log into your student to get started! Forwarding your
Click on “See All Options.” From your inbox, click on “Options” to see the menu.
In your Options screen, click the “Connected Accounts” tab.
Type your preferred address in the “Forward my to:” box. Check the box to keep forwarded messages in Outlook (optional). Click “Start Forwarding” to forward your from your student account. √
To log out of your click on “sign out.”