1 Works and Salvation We are told… “Salvation is either by grace or by works, but we cannot be saved by both grace and works.”
2 Salvation by Works or by Grace of God? “There is no such thing as salvation by works;…there are those who conceive of the gospel in legal terms. God, according to their way of thinking, will save and bless people when they comply with certain conditions. If they never comply with those conditions and never perform certain works, then they are never saved.” “Salvation by Works of by Grace of God?” Biblical Research Studies Group
3 Works Salvation is No Salvation at All “The Bible testifies that salvation from sin and death comes only through faith in the grace of Jesus Christ. We must accept Jesus’ finished work on the cross as the substitution for our punishment. We can’t do any works, except to believe, until we know Jesus as our own Saviour and have Him to dwell in our hearts because it is Jesus who does the works through us…
4 Works Salvation is No Salvation at All “Even the faith to believe for salvation is a gift from God. We cannot rely on both faith and works. Not until we come to the end of ourselves do we seek God and reach out to him.” R. Austin Morse, Life Line Ministries
5 Horns of a Dilemma?! “Saved by grace without any kind of works” “Denial of grace if saved by any kind of works” Either … or
6 Grace, Faith, Works & Law Ephesians 2:8-10 Grace (charis): “good-will, loving kindness, favor…the word cariv contains the idea of kindness which bestows upon one what he has not deserved ” (Thayer, ) God’s part in redemption God’s part in redemption
7 Faith (pistis): “Conviction of the truth of anything, belief… trust” (Thayer, 512) Man’s part in redemption – Heb. 11:1, 6 (10:39) Man’s part in redemption – Heb. 11:1, 6 (10:39) Grace, Faith, Works & Law Ephesians 2:8-10
8 Works (ergon): “an act, deed, thing done” (Thayer, 248) Works “of yourself” – Eph. 2:8-9 Works “of yourself” – Eph. 2:8-9 Works “of law” (Rom. 4:2-4) Works “of law” (Rom. 4:2-4) Sinless law keeping (Rom. 3:20, 23) Sinless law keeping (Rom. 3:20, 23) Works “of faith” – Eph. 2:10 Works “of faith” – Eph. 2:10 Obedient faith (Jas. 2:24) Obedient faith (Jas. 2:24) Grace, Faith, Works & Law Ephesians 2:8-10
9 Law (nomos): “a command… precept or injunction…rule” (Thayer, 427) Law of works, Rom. 3:27 (Gal. 3:12) Law of works, Rom. 3:27 (Gal. 3:12) Law of faith, Rom. 3:27 (3:22, 25-26) Law of faith, Rom. 3:27 (3:22, 25-26) Law (of faith) stands! – Rom. 3:30-31 Law (of faith) stands! – Rom. 3:30-31 Saved by the free gift of God (grace) through a law (rule) of faith Saved by the free gift of God (grace) through a law (rule) of faith Grace, Faith, Works & Law Ephesians 2:8-10
10 Salvation is the gift of God – Eph. 2:8-9 Purposed, provided & pronounced by God, Eph. 1:3-10; Rom. 1:16-17 Purposed, provided & pronounced by God, Eph. 1:3-10; Rom. 1:16-17 Saved by God’s grace, Romans 5:8; Titus 2:11; 2 Timothy 1:9-10 Saved by God’s grace, Romans 5:8; Titus 2:11; 2 Timothy 1:9-10 Grace, Faith, Works & Law Ephesians 2:8-10
11 The gift of salvation is received on condition of faith – Eph. 2:8; Rom. 3:26 If salvation is unconditional it would be universal – 1 Tim. 2:3-4 (Titus 2:11) If salvation is unconditional it would be universal – 1 Tim. 2:3-4 (Titus 2:11) But, many reject gospel – Romans 10:16 But, many reject gospel – Romans 10:16 Hearts are purified by faith, Acts 15:9 Hearts are purified by faith, Acts 15:9 Faith is accounted for righteousness, Rom. 4:5-8 Faith is accounted for righteousness, Rom. 4:5-8 Grace, Faith, Works & Law Ephesians 2:8-10
12 A working faith is saving faith – Gal. 5:6; Jas. 2:24 Salvation by law (sinlessness) is not the issue! Salvation by law (sinlessness) is not the issue! Righteousness through faith in Christ is! – Rom. 3:21-23 Righteousness through faith in Christ is! – Rom. 3:21-23 Righteousness of (according to) faith – Rom. 1:17; 4:13-16; 9:30-32 Righteousness of (according to) faith – Rom. 1:17; 4:13-16; 9:30-32 Grace, Faith, Works & Law Ephesians 2:8-10
13 No Conflict Between Grace of God & Working Faith of Man CONFLICT Grace & Works of Law – Rom. 11:6; 4:2-4; Eph. 2:8-9; Titus 3:5 Must never sin! NO CONFLICT Grace & Works of Faith – Gal. 5:4-8; Eph. 2:8- 9; Titus 3:5-7 Trusts God to save the sinner
14 No Conflict Between Grace of God & Working Faith of Man WORKING FAITH Does not merit salvation Humbly obeys God’s conditions of salvation – Lk. 6:46; Acts 10:34-35 WORKING FAITH Response of: Love, Gal. 5:6; Jno. 14:15 Love, Gal. 5:6; Jno. 14:15 Servant, Lk. 17: 10 Servant, Lk. 17: 10 Trust, Rom. 6: 17-18; Heb. 5:9 Trust, Rom. 6: 17-18; Heb. 5:9
15 Salvation By Grace through Faith – 3:21-22 Available by grace, 3:23-24 Available by grace, 3:23-24 Without grace, no salvation available Without grace, no salvation available Obtainable through faith, 3:25-26 Obtainable through faith, 3:25-26 Without faith, no salvation received Without faith, no salvation received Faith that saves is faith that obeys! Romans 3:21-26