B ALANCED M ATH IN P RACTICE Nicole Janz Henry Maxwell Elementary October 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

B ALANCED M ATH IN P RACTICE Nicole Janz Henry Maxwell Elementary October 2012

N UMBER G REETING Good Morning ….

Desired Outcomes 1.Review the Balanced Math Framework 2.Discuss how to plan for a Balanced Math Classroom

Mini PD Norms Start and end on time Be an active participant Allow time for questions and discussions Take what you can use Be willing to try something new

MNPS P ROFESSIONAL D EVELOPMENT V ISION Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools provides all stakeholders quality professional development for adult learning that results in the growth of the whole child and the improvement of student learning.

MNPS began implementing several years ago District initiative all schools and all teachers are to fully implement Balanced Math

Day15 minutes40 minutes5 minutes 1Math Review Mental Math Concept Lesson Menu Problem solving, manipulatives, small groups, centers Closure/ math journals 2Math Review Mental Math Concept Lesson Menu Problem solving, manipulatives, small groups, centers Closure 3Math Review Mental Math Concept Lesson Menu Problem solving, small groups, centers Closure 4Math Review Mental Math Concept Lesson Menu Problem solving, manipulatives, small groups, centers Closure 5Math Facts Practice/ Math Review Quiz Problem-based activities, centers, games, small groups 6Math Review Mental Math Concept Lesson Menu Problem solving, manipulatives, small groups, centers Closure 7Math Review Mental Math Concept Lesson Menu Problem solving, manipulatives, small groups, centers Closure 8Math Review Mental Math Concept Lesson Menu Problem solving, manipulatives, small groups, centers Closure 9Math Review Mental Math Concept Lesson Menu Problem solving, manipulatives, small groups, centers Closure 10Assessment/Math Review Quiz Assessment





Typically, this involves the teacher posting 4-6 varying math concepts for students to work. The teacher acts as a facilitator who encourages a variety of ways to solve problems and helps model efficient thinking when necessary. Students solve problems in their math journals or notebooks. Correct together and students take turns sharing their individual strategies with the class. Concepts are consistently revisited throughout the year so that they are not taught in isolation and/or forgotten.


2,__,6 +

D AILY M ATH R EVIEW Encourage group work and discussion Practice needed to store concept: Average Learner 4-14 times Everybody Else times Truly disabled times

“Math on Your Feet” Brief daily sessions Opportunities to practice mental computation Opportunities to solve problems in a variety of ways Could occur during transition times

M ENTAL M ATH One more/one less, before/after, a given number Counting by twos, fives, tens Doubles Fact families Measurement (time, money, calendar, feet, etc.) Math Vocabulary/Math Word Wall Addition &/ or Subtraction Facts Estimation Math Around the Room

M ENTAL M ATH Silent math

T EN F RAME D OTS Combine these frames! How many do you see?? We would like to thank Emalie Egan for the use of Ten Frame Dots.

Have you practiced making combinations of five and ten?

You are getting faster at this! Keep practicing!

A PROBLEM IS DEFINED BY … Any task or activity for which a student has no prescribed or memorized rules or methods, nor is there a perception by the student that there is a specific “correct” solution method. Hiebert, J., Carpenter, T. P., Fennema, E., Fuson, K., Human, P., Murray, H., Olivier, A., & Wearne, D. (1996). Problem solving as a basis for reform in curriculum and instruction: The case of mathematics Educational Researcher, 25 (May), 12-21

Mini-lessons Tasks that do not require the entire class period—the think-pair-share strategy is useful. Workstations and games Can be setup around the room without the need to distribute and collect materials to allow students to work on different tasks and concepts. Problem-solving Menu A menu is a collection of activities for a student to do. A menu can provide differentiated class work activities for several days, a week, or a longer period of time. The tasks on the menu are not hierarchical and do not conceptually build upon each other. What are some ways to incorporate more problem solving?

Model (Draw a picture or diagram, or make a list, table, chart, or graph). Numbers (Show how worked each part of the problem). Words To solve this problem, first I had to _____________________________. Then, I________________________. Next, I _______________________. After that, I ___________________. Finally, I found out that __________ ______________________________. Answer

Student Problem Solving Rubric Item #Standard# correct/# itemsPercentage Correct 1 (Pictures/Diagrams) 3.OA.1/2 1 (Equation) 3.OA.1, 3.OA.7 /2 1 (Explanation) 3.OA.1/2 2 (Pictures/Diagrams) 3.OA.1/1 2 (Equation) 3.OA.1, 3.OA.7 /1 2 (Explanation) 3.OA.1/2 TOTAL /10 CATEGORY4321 Pictures Diagrams and/or sketches are clear and easy to understand. Diagrams and/or sketches are somewhat difficult to understand. Diagrams and/or sketches are difficult to understand or are not used. Numbers90-100% of the steps and solutions have no mathematical errors. Almost all (85-89%) of the steps and solutions have no mathematical errors. Most (75-84%) of the steps and solutions have no mathematical errors. More than 75% of the steps and solutions have mathematical errors. Words Explanation is detailed and clear. Explanation is difficult to understand and is missing several components OR was not included. Neatness and Organization The work is presented in a neat, clear, organized fashion that is easy to read. The work is presented in an organized fashion but may be hard to read at times. The work appears sloppy and unorganized. It is hard to know what information goes together.

G RADUAL R ELEASE OF R ESPONSIBILITY Whole Class Cooperative Groups/Teams PartnerIndependent

Students experience inquiry-based methods of understanding key concepts Use of concrete representation when introducing new concepts Problem-based interactive learning should be the foundation in teaching for understanding Teachers implement strategies that help students develop understanding Utilize resources and methods beyond the adopted textbook Opportunities to work with small group instruction, enrichment, etc

Day15 min40 minutes5 minutes 1 Math Review Mental Math Concept Lesson Grandma Activity Literature Link How Big is a Foot? Closure 2 Math Review Mental Math Concept Lesson Manipulative Activity Super Source Kit -Tour of the Islands Closure 3 Math Review Mental Math Concept Lesson Problem Solving-Performance Task Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up Closure 4 Math Review Mental Math Small groups & centers Differentiated Dinner Menu Intervention groups Closure 5 Assessment Math Review Quiz Formative Assessment Measurement Olympics

D AY 4 4Math Review Mental Math Small groups & centers Differentiated Dinner Menu Intervention Groups Closure/ math journals

C.R.A. M ODEL 1 st Students will use their prior knowledge to construct concrete representations of math. 2 nd Students must represent their understanding in a reflective &/or symbolic form. 3 rd One or both forms will be a visual reminder for the understanding of the higher-thinking abstract. Concrete Representational Abstract

What - Representations of key concepts and relevant connections. Opportunity to use math vocabulary/word wall in context. Students articulate their thinking including pictures and words. Why - Writing can assist math instruction in two ways - by helping children make sense of mathematics and by helping teachers understand what children are learning. When – Typically, this occurs at the conclusion of math class. It should take only a few minutes of the lesson. Where – Math class How - Math Journals Vocabulary Exit Tickets

40 W AYS TO LEAVE A LESSON anz/news.cfm?subpage=


Standard Activities that address Standard Assessment

B ALANCED M ATH IS … Standards based NOT textbook based!!! Your text book is an AWESOME resource/ reference book.

S TANDARDS Curriculum Maps Standards Common Core Standards K-4

C URRICULUM M APS K-4 Common Core Standards Mandatory Pacing Resources Activities Supports Balanced Math

Does this meet my current standards?

Standard Activities that address Standard Assessment

T HE P ROCESS OF P LANNING Start with the END in mind!

A SSESSMENTS FORMATIVE—checking on learning as students progress SUMMATIVE—checking on learning at the end of the learning experience “When the cook tastes the soup, that’s formative; when the guests taste the soup, that’s summative.” (Stake, 2005)

F ORMATIVE & S UMMATIVE A SSESSMENTS Diagnostic Assessment (STAR/AM) Pre-Test Quizzes Teacher Observation Math Journals Exit Tickets Teacher Made Tests Chapter and Unit Tests Discovery Education Assessments (Thinklink) Benchmark Assessments Performance Task Projects TCAP

Standard Activities that address Standard Assessment

W HERE D O Y OU F IND R ESOURCES ? Instructional Coaches and fellow teachers Super Source Manipulative Kit Marilyn Burns Math Lessons Marilyn Burns Math and Literature Online resources Math Games Textbook Teacher Resource books Navigations Series (NCTM) AIMS


enVision Math

E XIT T ICKET 1. What is the most significant thing you learned today? 2. What support do you need next as you implement Balanced Math?

A DAPTED FROM : Five Easy Steps to a Balanced Math Program for Primary Grades by Larry Ainsworth and Jan Christinson