The Lamb on Mount Zion. 14:1-13 Picture of certain finality - beast system overcome - righteous judgment ensues. 14:1 Lamb’s work fruitful - many brethren redeemed. Lamb literally enthroned on Mount Zion. Mount Zion also symbolic of ecclesia. (Heb 12:2)
The New Multitude. 14: symbolic number for Israel. 12 tribes -12 x 12 four square camp symbolised. Are “sealed in the forehead “ and redeemed. 14:2 Spiritually Israel - literally a great multitude - many waters - that no man can number 7:9 Work to be accomplished before peace on earth. 14:2 The saint is a harp of God. (Eph 5:19)
Harps of God. “…speaking to yourselves with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and striking the strings with your heart unto the Lord.” (Eph 5:19 Rothman)
Results of Faithfulness. 14:3 New song celebrates new deliverance - redeemed from death by the Lamb. Reward for keeping faithful to their bridegroom - the remnant of the seed of the woman. 1st characteristic of Saints - chaste virgins - reject surrounding false religions. 14:4 not defiled with women (plural) - daughter churches broke off from Mother Church.
Following the Lamb. Daughter churches showing increasing urgency to ignore the Reformation - join back with Rome. 14:14 2nd characteristic of Saints - follow the Lamb shunning fellowship with false teaching. God is honoured in believing His truth - obeying only His commandments. 14:5 3rd characteristic of Saints - they speak no guile or deceit
The Mid-Heaven Proclamation. After enthronement in Mount Zion the multitudinous Christ Man begins process of subjecting world to God’s will. 14:6 New heavens send ‘angel ambassadors’ - angel of the rainbow - to fly in midst of heaven. 14:6 Gospel proclaimed - good news of mercy if submit to him - judgment on rebels. All are summoned to glorify CREATOR.
What is Babylon? 14:8 Mission of saints continues with second and third angels - some nations ignore warnings and Babylon falls ‘Babylon’ derived from ‘Babel’ where confusion of languages took place due to rebellion against God. Babylon became world Empire - systems of worship and thinking allied to Rome. Babylon the Great - code name for Rome - falls.
Tale of Two Cities. Revelation contrasts two cities and their destinies - Rome and Zion. 14:9 Third angel proclaims doom on Rome and those who worship the beast - and opportunity of repentance 14:10 Fire and brimstone on unrepentant - smoke continues for ever and ever - not eternal torments but until consumed - Sodom suffering the vengeance of eternal fire (Jude v7)
Summary. Scenes describe opening events of judgments when Christ appears - they show sequence of events : 1. enthronement of the Lamb and the 144,000 on Mount Zion 2. summons addressed to the nations to fear God in view of arrival of hour of judgment 3. enforcement by overthrow of Babylon 4. issue of warning to world at large as to their attitude towards the beast and image system of things in Europe.
Revelation 14. “12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. 13 ¶ And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them”.