Developing Capacity and Invigorating Professionalism and Moral of the Public Service for Sustainable Development The Global Conference: "Civil Service.


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Presentation transcript:

Developing Capacity and Invigorating Professionalism and Moral of the Public Service for Sustainable Development The Global Conference: "Civil Service Personnel Management: Current Issues and Prospects” Astana, Kazakhstan, 22 May 2014

Need for New Development Framework beyond 2015 MDGs express important social objectives but have limitations:  focus solely on social and economic aspects of development  overlook enabling aspects for States and development actors to achieve desirable progress Need to define future development agenda Hence, Rio+20 UN Declaration: “The Future We Want," called for a new set of global sustainable development goals (SDGs) in June 2012

Linking Sustainable Development to Professionalism in the Public Service Critical role of effective governance and public administration for sustainable development Public administration is the conduit for achieving sustainable development Need for strong institutions and structures for sustainable development Need for professional public servants for sustainable development

Who is a Good Professional Public Servant? Composite of deep knowledge, adequate skills, and professional ethics which places the general interest or public good and service of the citizen above personal interest Hence, the requirement for a behavioural and mindset transformation among public service personnel Hence, the requirement to shift from “hardware in the public service” to a universal, value-based public service as well as civil society culture

Linking Professionalism, Integrity and Ethics Professionalism Ethics Integrity

Enabling Working Environment for Sustainable Development Need to reassess strategic value of public service function Need to identify and address capacity deficits in public service Joint capacity-development initiative for Transition Countries of UNDESA, UNDP, Regional Hub and Agency of Civil Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan Fall 2014, Yerevan, Armenia

Collaborative Governance - New Umbrella for Sustainable Development Inter-sectoral collaboration presents a new way to organize over traditional hierarchical organizations (Government-Public Administration) Not For Profit Civil Society Organizations Non Governmental Organizations Public Sector Private Sector

New role of the Government  rely more on the other sectors  financial crisis and global competition-cause and effect of the continuing budget squeeze for governments  strategic role in devolution of power and control Growing importance of the private sector in social environments (Social Responsibility) Expansion of roles of Not For Profit, Civil Society Organizations (CSO’s) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) in public spaces. Sustainable models of collaboration. Shift in Sectoral Roles