SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE I List of studies that fulfilled the inclusion criteria YearAuthorsTitleJournalCOI Number of breast in analysis Marguilies et alTotal Skin-Sparing Mastectomy Without Preservation of the Nipple-Areola ComplexAmerican Journal of Surgery, 190, No Zienowicz et alImplant-Based Breast Reconstruction with AllograftPlastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 120:2, No McCarthy et alPredicting complications following expander/implant breast reconstruction: an outcomes analysis based on preoperative clinical riskPlastic & Reconstructive Sugery, 121: No Losken AEarly results using sterilized acellular human dermis (NeoForm) in postmastectomy tissue expander breast reconstructionPlastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 123(6), Yes Becker et al AlloDerm versus DermaMatrix in Immediate Expander-Based Breast Recontruction: A Preliminary Comparison of Complication Profiles and Material Compliance Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 123;1, 1-8No Francis et alIndependent Risk Factors for Infection in Tissue Expander Breast ReconstructionPlastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 124:6, No Nahabedian MYAlloDerm Performance in the Setting of Prosthetic Breast Surgery, Infection, and IrradiationPlastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 124:6, Yes Namnoum JDExpander/Implant Reconstruction with AlloDerm: Recent ExperiencePlastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 124:2, Yes Sbitany et al Acellular Dermis-Assisted Prosthetic Breast Reconstruction versus Complete Submuscular Coverage: A Head-to-Head Comparison of Outcomes Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 124:6, Yes Antony et al Acellular Human Dermis Implantation in 153 Immediate Two-Stage Tissue Expander Breast Reconstructions: Determining the Incidence and Significant Predictors of Complications Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 125:6, No Chun et alImplant-Based Breast Reconstruction Using Acellular Dermal Matrix and the Risk of Postoperative ComplicationsPlastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 125:2, No Buck et alPatient-sbjective Cosmetic Outcomes Following the Varying Stages of Tissue Expander Breast ReconstructionThe Breast, 19: No Liu et alPost-Operative Complications in Prosthesis-Based Breast Reconstruction Using Acellular Dermal Matrix Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Advance Online Article, DOI: /PRS.0b013e31820cf233 No Lanier et alThe Effect of Acellular Dermal Matrix Use on Complication Rates in Tissue Expander/Implant Breast ReconstructionAnnals of Plastic Surgery, 64:5, No Nguyen et alInfectious Complications Leading to Explantation in Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction With AlloDermOpen Access Journal of Plastic Surgery, 10, No Scuderi et alMulticenter Study on Breast Reconstruction Outcome Using Becker ImplantsAesth Plast Surg, DOI / xNo Hanna et alComparison study of two types of expander-based breast reconstruction Annals of Plastic Surgery, 1-7 No Collis et alAcellular dermal matrix slings in tissue expander breast reconstruction Annals of Plastic Surgery, 1-4 No Rawlani et alTissue Expander Breast Reconstruction Using Prehydrated Human Acellular DermisPlastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 125:4, 1-9Yes Salzberg et alAn 8-year Experience of Direct-to-Implant Immediate Breast Reconstruction Using Human Acellular Dermal Matrix (AlloDerm)Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 127:2, Yes Colwell et al Retrospective review of 331 consecutive immediate single-stage implant reconstructions with acellular dermal matrix indications, complications, trends, and costs Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 128: Yes Vardanian et alComparison of implant-based immediate breast reconstruction with and without acellular dermal matrix Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 128: 403e-410e Yes Rawlini et alTissue expander breast reconstruction using prehydrated human acellular dermis Annals of Plastic Surgery, 66: Yes Himsl et alThe use of porcine acellular dermal matrix in silicone implant-based breast reconstruction Gynecology and Obsetetrics, online 02MAR2012 No Evgeniou et alComplications in Immediate Breast Reconstruction Using Strattice Eur J Plast Surg, online 09NOV2012, DOI /s y No Roostaeian et alComparison of immediate implant placement versus the staged tissue expander technique in breast reconstruction Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 129: 909e-918e. Yes Glasberg et alAlloDerm and Strattice in breast reconstruction: a comparison and techniques for optimizing outcomes Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 129: Yes Venturi et al Evaluating sterile human acellular dermal matrix in immediate expander-based breast reconstruction: a multi-centered prospective cohort study Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery advance online article: DOI: /PRS.0b013e d4f Yes Brooke et al Complications in Tissue Expander Breast Reconstruction: a comparison of alloderm, dermamatrix, and flexHD acellular pole dermal slings Annals of Plastic Surgery, 69:4, No Mofid et alVeritas bovine pericardium for immediate breast reconstruction: a xenograft alternative to acellular dermal matrix products European Journal of Plastic Surgery, 35: Yes Cassileth et alOne-stage immediate breast reconstruction with implants: a new option for immediate reconstructionAnnals of Plastic Surgery, 1-5Yes Endress et alUse of fetal bovine acellular dermal xenograft with tissue expansion for staged breast reconstruction Annals of Plastic Surgery, 68: No Parks et alHuman acellular dermis (ACD) vs. NO-ACD in tissue expansion breast reconstruction Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery advance online article: DOI: /PRS.0b013e318262f06e No McCarthy et al The use of acellular dermal matrices in two-stage expander/implant reconstruction: a multicenter, blinded, randomized controlled trial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 130(2): 57S-66S. No Peled et alThe Effects of Acellular Dermal Matrix in Expander-Implant Breast Reconstruction after Total Skin-Sparing MastectomyPlastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 129(6):901e-908eNo450