Dismissal We ask that you enter the circle drive and continue to drive as far forward as possible. For everyone’s safety we can not allow students to walk to you in the parking lot. You need to exit your car and meet them at the crosswalk so they can be safely escorted through the parking lot. Parking and double parking are strictly prohibited in the circle drive. Please do not leave your car parked in the circle drive. If you feel the need to get out of your car to find your student, or speak with someone, then we ask that you please park in the parking lot. If you have someone come pick up your child that doesn’t usually do so, please inform them about our dismissal procedures.
Birthdays We know birthdays are special and we love recognizing birthdays and ½ birthdays on the announcements. Students may bring treats, or parents may drop them off at the office. While you may have lunch with your child, birthday treats are restricted to the time designated by the teacher. When balloons and special gifts arrive during the school day they are held at the office for the student to pick up at the end of the day and are not delivered to the classroom.
Cell Phones Cell phones may be used before and after school for safety purposes only with the permission of a teacher. If a student does not follow the policy parents will be requested to pick up the phone from the office.