2 INTRODUCTION Quarter under review: One (01 April 2011 – 30 June 2011). The main purpose of quarterly reporting is to provide progress reports on the implementation of an institution’s APP. The Department had its status report session on 21 July 2011 where SRSA programmes/sub-programmes reported on their service delivery achievements of the 1 st quarter of the financial year.
3 PROGRAMME 2: Scientific Support Services
4 Exceeded: 332 instead of 200 sub-elite athletes received scientific support. The reason for this is that some NFs moved their training camps forward. 77 instead of 70 (this is a yearly target) coaches trained in basic sport science and medicine education. The reason for this was that coach education was moved to 1st quarter to balance work loads as the contract post will have expired by the planned coach education quarter. 26 instead of 23 SLAs signed with NFs. Achievements: One residential site monitoring visit report was produced. 18 residential service providers implementation reports were produced.
5 PROGRAMME 2: Scientific Support Services Achievements (cont): One Position Statement on Academies in South Africa was approved. There was 100% compliance with WADA stipulations regarding government responsibility towards anti-doping. Partially achieved: 22 instead of 23 residential SLAs signed. 3 instead of 6 SLAs were signed with service providers. Not achieved: No training camp monitoring visit reports produced. Official could not conduct monitoring visits due to work load. 14 visits will be conducted in the 2nd quarter.
6 PROGRAMME 2: Sport Support Services
7 Achievements: 189 Clubs were supported in conjunction with NFs. All 9 business plans analysed and feedback given to provinces. 2 Public Entities were financially supported. Partially achieved: 2 (KZN and W Cape) instead of 3 legacy business plans were monitored. 60 clubs were verified. 15 learners from Swimming SA underwent training in Basic Team Management, NQF 4 and 17 learners from KZN Municipality in Basic Facility Management NQF Level 4. The data-base of service providers and facilitators was developed. The MoU with Cathsseta was revised and submitted to the Seta.
8 PROGRAMME 2: Sport Support Services Not achieved: No NFs received financial support in the 1 st quarter because of required documents not submitted. As a corrective action, NFs were engaged on a one-on-one basis to assist them to complete the documents required. No NGOs received financial support in the 1st quarter because of required documents not submitted. As a corrective action, NGOs were engaged on a one-on-one basis to assist them to complete the documents required. Transfer payment policies not yet approved. The department is looking at having one integrated policy. No capacity building workshops held. However, one-on-one session was conducted to prepare for the capacity building workshops. Recreational learning programmes not yet developed. They will be developed in current financial year.
10 PROGRAMME 3: MPP Exceeded: (instead of 5 000) people participated in sport promotion programmes in Mdantsane Noni Tenge outreach, Mnqanduli outreach and at the Magnificent Friday Netball launch and clinic. Achieved: Two (Siyadlala and Legacy) blue prints were approved. 4 M&E reports (on outreach, Golden Games, Gymnastics and Siyadlala) projects were submitted. 4 (Mnqanduli E. Cape, Kavele Limpopo, Noni Tenge E.Cape and NCOP) outreach programmes were coordinated. 2 spectator mobilisation programmes namely; Netball and Cricket Magnificant Fridays were facilitated. 4 Siyadlala structures monitored.
11 PROGRAMME 3: MPP Partially achieved: 10 (instead of 40) conditional grant compliance monitoring reports on school sport, Siyadlala and legacy submitted to SRSA and National Treasury. The reason for the deviation was that the reports are received 30 days after the last day of the quarter and the National report to NT 45 days after the last quarter.
13 PROGRAMME 3: MPP: School sport Achievements: One school sport governance and structure audit report produced. Partially achieved: SRSA-DBE MOU not yet implemented. However, there is an integrated delivery framework document developed and presented to Ministers. Draft MoU developed. Ministers had agreed to sign MoU by July code plans developed in consultation with all stakeholders to prepare SLA's.
15 PROGRAMME 4: INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Exceeded: 2 (instead of 1) NATCCOM meetings were held. Achievements: SRSA actively participated in the Supreme Council for Sport in Africa (SCSA) Zone V1 Executive Committee and sub- committee Meetings held in Windhoek, Namibia from April SRSA facilitated a Basketball donation from New Zealand. SRSA, assisted South African Handball Federation to employ a Serbian instructor. 3 (SQUASH: All Africa Junior Champs (Apr). LAWN BOWLS: IBD World Championships for the Disabled (May). CHESS: 2011 Commonwealth Championships (June/July)) major international events received intra-governmental support.
16 PROGRAMME 4: INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Partially achieved: Annual target of 4 relations to be formalised with multi- lateral organisations (IBSA; AU; SCSA; UN). However, one proposed area of cooperation was submitted for activation on sport cooperation among BRICS member states. Draft Bilateral Agreements with Burundi; Panama; Cyprus and Jamaica are currently being negotiated and undergoing constitutional requirements in South Africa. SRSA hosted sport delegations from China and Botswana as part of the exchange of technical visits. Preparations were done for the exchange programme with the United Kingdom (UK), for 3 UK female rugby players to attend training at the University of Pretoria. Not achieved: ICTS cluster meeting was not attended.
18 Achieved: 1 Report on the coordination of facilities produced. 1 Report regarding W Cape and KZN submitted to update provincial facility audits. 25 Municipalities lobbied to build sport and recreation facilities. 21 Sites inspected. 1 Request received and attended to. Technical support was provided. 1 Stadia management report produced documenting the sustainability and maintenance of national sport venues. Partially achieved: 24 (75 is a yearly target) managers funded to be trained in specialized sports turf grass management. PROGRAMME 5: FACILITIES COORDINATION
19 PROGRAMME 1: Internal Audit
20 PROGRAMME 1: Internal Audit Achieved: Internal Audit charter reviewed, completed and approved. Audit Committee Charter reviewed completed and approved. Internal Audit Three year Strategic plan for and operational plan for the year ending 31 March 2012 has been developed and approved by the Audit Committee. 4 Internal audit reports completed. Risk Management Committee Charter completed and approved. SRSA Strategic Risk Assessment Report complete and was presented to the Risk Management Committee and will be tabled to the Audit Committee on the 26 July 2011 before approval.
21 PROGRAMME 1: Internal Audit Partially achieved: 1 risk management committee report has been presented and the audit committee meeting will be presented on the 26 July 2011, however it has been delivered to the members. Out of 8 action plans due for the quarter to mitigate identified risks to an acceptable level, 6 were implemented. Operational risk assessment report still in progress - left with 3 directorates before completion. 1 Risk Management Committee Meeting was held on the 11 May 2011 and 1 Audit Committee meeting was held on the 24 May 2011.
23 Achieved: Strategic guidance was provided and a draft transformation Charter was developed. Policy framework and register updated. A framework for tourism strategy developed. One Outcome 12(b) progress report submitted. Implementation of M&E framework through QSRM report, which is one report per quarter. The SRSA SDIP progress report was submitted to the EA. Executive Report for 4th quarter of the 2010/11 financial year completed and submitted to the EA. PROGRAMME 1: STRATEGIC AND EXECUTIVE SUPPORT
24 Partially achieved: White Paper approved and will be tabled in the 3rd quarter. Alignment with National Sport Plan done. Draft Plan finalised and forwarded to SASCOC and Provinces to be discussed at Provincial Indabas during 2nd quarter. Draft Annual Report compiled and submitted to AG by 31 May Not achieved: SRSA-SASCOC forum was not held. This Forum can only be activated again after the appointment of the DG who needs to indicate whether he/she wants to proceed with it. PROGRAMME 1: STRATEGIC AND EXECUTIVE SUPPORT
26 Achieved: Service Level Agreements signed and managed. 2 Rental and municipal service payment up to date. PROGRAMME1: CORPORATE SERVICES: Auxiliary Services
28 Achieved: One report covering services management status reports submitted. Phase 2 of intranet & extranet deployed. Not achieved: Phase 1 (Enterprise Document Management System (EDMS) not implemented. Still working towards it. No NOVELL NOWS status report submitted. No Virtual Private Network deployment status report submitted. PROGRAMME 1: CORPORATE SERVICES: IT
30 Achievements: One report submitted regarding participation of NGO programmes. One report submitted for inter-departmental committee programme. One report submitted for documenting participation in DPSA related task teams fora. Workplace Skills Plan approved and submitted to PSETA. HRD Plans approved and submitted to DPSA. Monitoring report of Interns submitted. PROGRAMME 1: CORPORATE SERVICES: HR
31 Achievements: One report on the implementation of Bursary Policy submitted. Performance Assessment coordination report submitted. Employment Equity status report submitted. Employee Health and Wellness Programme coordination status report submitted. Recruitment and selection status report submitted. Conditions of Service status report submitted. Management of HR Information systems status report submitted. PROGRAMME 1: CORPORATE SERVICES: HR
33 Exceeded: 4 (instead of 3) Safety at Sport and Recreation Events Act stakeholder workshops held. Achievements: One report generated detailing status of applicable Bills, Acts and Regulations in sport and recreation. 5 contracts drafted but not yet signed. One litigation report produced. One legal advice report produced. Intellectual property register report produced. PROGRAMME1 : CORPORATE SERVICES: Legal Services
34 PROGRAMME1 : CORPORATE SERVICES: Marketing and Communication.
35 Achievements: Communication Strategy developed and approved. Communication protocol documents completed. One information and research report completed. Marketing and communication services' report completed. PROGRAMME1 : CORPORATE SERVICES: Marketing and Communication
37 PROGRAMME1 : CFO’s office Achievements: One National Funding Forum established. 100% compliance with financial statutory reporting. 3 IYM reports submitted. 3 DoRA reports submitted. 3 budget & expenditure review reports submitted. 3 SCM deviation reports submitted. SDIP progress report submitted. Partially achieved: 80% compliance with SCM policies and procedures.
38 GENERAL REMARKS Supplementary documents are used as evidence to verify the information. Physical verification is conducted. The lack of manpower that hampers service delivery remains problematic. The close relationship between planning and M&E was emphasised. A more integrated approach with regards to the development of databases and GIS initiatives in the Department is needed. It was agreed that risk management and the risk register will become part of the QSRM in future.