Learning Objective Chapter 20: Intercultural and International Communication Intercultural and International Communication Copyright © 2001 South-Western College Publishing Co. Objectives O U T L I N E Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Global Communication Situations Understanding Cultural Diversity International Communication Challenges Building a Shared Culture Steps to Better International Communication Competent Communication 2 0 C H A P T E R
Learning Objective Chapter 20: Intercultural and International Communication 1. Explain why cultural diversity is important in the work place. 2. Recognize the importance of globalization. 3. Understand and describe cultural differences. 4.Summarize the steps necessary for communicating competently in a culturally diverse workplace. 5.Develop skills for improving international communication. Learning Objectives
Learning Objective Chapter 20: Intercultural and International Communication CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN THE WORKPLACE Explain why cultural diversity is important in the work place. What is cultural diversity? Differences in age, ethnic heritage, race, physical abilities or qualities, gender, and sexual orientation. Should multicultural sensitivity in the workplace be a major goal for all business organizations? Yes, successful companies will treat diversity as a strategic goal. Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Global Communication Situations Understanding Cultural Diversity International Communication Challenges Building a Shared Culture Steps to Better International Communication Competent Communication
Learning Objective Chapter 20: Intercultural and International Communication How might companies operate differently if they encourage multicultural sensitivity? As businesses realize the advantages of a diverse workforce, they begin to develop strategies and tactics to: target diversity enhance diversity celebrate diversity Cultural immersion helps individuals create a shared set of symbols. Individuals are required to live in and interact daily with others from a different culture. Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Global Communication Situations Understanding Cultural Diversity International Communication Challenges Building a Shared Culture Steps to Better International Communication Competent Communication Explain why cultural diversity is important in the work place.
Learning Objective Chapter 20: Intercultural and International Communication UNDERSTANDING CULTURAL DIVERSITY Gender Between 1970 and 1990, the number of women in the workforce doubled. Today, approximately 25 percent of managerial jobs are held by women. Women are under represented as the managerial level. Communication differences between men and women have been noted in several contexts: Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Global Communication Situations Understanding Cultural Diversity International Communication Challenges Building a Shared Culture Steps to Better International Communication Competent Communication Explain why cultural diversity is important in the work place.
Learning Objective Chapter 20: Intercultural and International Communication Superior-subordinate and peer communication Approaches to conflict Supervision and leadership styles 1. Relationships with others are more central to all actions for female supervisors than they are for male supervisors 2. Building a sense of community is more often an essential part of a woman’s supervisory style than it is for that of a man. Working in teams People of Diverse Cultural and Ethnic Backgrounds Other differing values affect team work. Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Global Communication Situations Understanding Cultural Diversity International Communication Challenges Building a Shared Culture Steps to Better International Communication Competent Communication Explain why cultural diversity is important in the work place.
Learning Objective Chapter 20: Intercultural and International Communication People from cultures that view relationships in terms of hierarchy have a preference for highly structured teams. People from cultures that see relationships in terms of groups prefer teamwork. People from cultures that emphasize individualism are most comfortable with informal teams. Guidelines for communicating intercultural: Different cultures have different value orientations Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Global Communication Situations Understanding Cultural Diversity International Communication Challenges Building a Shared Culture Steps to Better International Communication Competent Communication Explain why cultural diversity is important in the work place.
Learning Objective Chapter 20: Intercultural and International Communication Do not assume that what is “normal” behavior in your culture is “normal” for another culture. Recognize that other cultures differ in nonverbal behavior, personal space, eye behavior, and time orientation. Differently Abled Workers The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): Americans with disabilities benefit from the same rights and privileges afforded to all American workers. Emphasize the person, not the disability. People with disabilities are not abnormal. Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Global Communication Situations Understanding Cultural Diversity International Communication Challenges Building a Shared Culture Steps to Better International Communication Competent Communication Explain why cultural diversity is important in the work place.
Learning Objective Chapter 20: Intercultural and International Communication Cultures can differ greatly depending on how they view the role of the individual. Individualistic cultures: value the distinct and unique characteristics of the human being. ex. The United States Group-centered (collectivist) cultures: emphasize the importance of belonging to, and promoting, the goals of the group. These cultures downplay individual achievement ex. Japanese and Latin American cultures Individual-Group Orientation Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Global Communication Situations Understanding Cultural Diversity International Communication Challenges Building a Shared Culture Steps to Better International Communication Competent Communication Explain why cultural diversity is important in the work place.
Learning Objective Chapter 20: Intercultural and International Communication High- and Low-Context Communication High and Low Context Cultures Low-Context One-way communication. Feedback is less important. Words and phrases are meant to communicate one meaning. Responsibility for communication success usually lies with the receiver. High-Context Speakers and listeners must coordinate their meaning from the context. Feedback is important. Words and phrases can represent multiple meanings. Communication success is negotiated between communicators. Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Global Communication Situations Understanding Cultural Diversity International Communication Challenges Building a Shared Culture Steps to Better International Communication Competent Communication Explain why cultural diversity is important in the work place.
Learning Objective Chapter 20: Intercultural and International Communication Recognize the importance of globalization. GLOBAL COMMUNICATION SITUATIONS Conducting business is no longer a national affair. NAFTA With increasing globalization comes: the need to communicate effectively with people who speak different languages. facing developing messages that represent what they are selling the need to ensure that messages do not offend, repulse, or confuse international audiences Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Global Communication Situations Understanding Cultural Diversity International Communication Challenges Building a Shared Culture Steps to Better International Communication Competent Communication
Learning Objective Chapter 20: Intercultural and International Communication Understand and describe cultural differences. INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION CHALLENGES The largest obstacle for global communication is language. It is not reasonable to assume that international business associates or colleagues will learn your native language. Learning the language can help avoid costly business mistakes. Linguistic ethnocentrism: the belief that one’s own language is superior to the language of others. Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Global Communication Situations Understanding Cultural Diversity International Communication Challenges Building a Shared Culture Steps to Better International Communication Competent Communication
Learning Objective Chapter 20: Intercultural and International Communication Summarize the steps necessary for communicating competently in a culturally diverse workplace. Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Global Communication Situations Understanding Cultural Diversity International Communication Challenges Building a Shared Culture DEVELOPING COMPETENT INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION Intercultural communication: communicating with members of other groups. Competent intercultural communication: Organizations must develop a climate that encourages open and honest communication among all types of people. Develop your own intercultural skills that lead to competent communication. Communicating in a Diverse Workforce Organizations can promote diversity by: Steps to Better International Communication Competent Communication
Learning Objective Chapter 20: Intercultural and International Communication Encouraging employees to communicate with culturally diverse employees. Cultivate knowledge and skills among culturally diverse employees. Deliver objective performance evaluations emphasizing skill, not race or status. Develop a work climate that focuses on the advantages of cultural diversity. Developing intercultural competency: Building motivation: creating a more sincere interest Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Global Communication Situations Understanding Cultural Diversity International Communication Challenges Building a Shared Culture Steps to Better International Communication Competent Communication Summarize the steps necessary for communicating competently in a culturally diverse workplace.
Learning Objective Chapter 20: Intercultural and International Communication Changing Stereotypes dismantle: realizing that numerous sub-categories exist for a cultural group instead of just one disintegrate: perceiving members of a cultural group as individuals Appreciating Differences: no one cultural group has a lock on the right answers Developing Intercultural Communication Skills Use the Model of Communication from Chapter1 Take stock of yourself: your cultural identification Take responsibility for competent communication: do not assume all people strive for effective communication. Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Global Communication Situations Understanding Cultural Diversity International Communication Challenges Building a Shared Culture Steps to Better International Communication Competent Communication Summarize the steps necessary for communicating competently in a culturally diverse workplace.
Learning Objective Chapter 20: Intercultural and International Communication Search for positive elements of the other person: put aside a person’s cultural heritage and focus on his/her favorable qualities. Listen for emotional meanings: voice, gestures, facial expressions, and posture Ask for clarification: understanding meaning Develop patience: attempts at understanding can be frustrating Integrate culturally different people into your own social and task groups: skills are developed when they are used and practiced Remain flexible in forming assumptions: most assumptions formed about a culture are based on stereotypes that may not be accurate. Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Global Communication Situations Understanding Cultural Diversity International Communication Challenges Building a Shared Culture Steps to Better International Communication Competent Communication Summarize the steps necessary for communicating competently in a culturally diverse workplace.
Learning Objective Chapter 20: Intercultural and International Communication Develop skills for improving international communication. STEPS TO BETTER INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION Some messages require richer or poorer media than other messages. Be aware of what technology is available and acceptable in another culture. 44 Selecting The Appropriate Channel Verbal communication Skills Limit distractions: find a place conducive to communication Use formal English: avoid slang, idioms Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Global Communication Situations Understanding Cultural Diversity International Communication Challenges Building a Shared Culture Steps to Better International Communication Competent Communication
Learning Objective Chapter 20: Intercultural and International Communication Simplify, describe, and clarify: use words that are likely to be understood Pronounce the names of people and companies correctly: don’t use first names unless invited to do so Summarize: recap what you said or wrote in a slightly different manner Nonverbal Communication Skills Learning the greeting ritual: the mood of the interaction is set by the greeting Follow the norms of space and touch: close or distant Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Global Communication Situations Understanding Cultural Diversity International Communication Challenges Building a Shared Culture Steps to Better International Communication Competent Communication Develop skills for improving international communication.
Learning Objective Chapter 20: Intercultural and International Communication Be aware of eye contact: norms for eye contact change dramatically from culture to culture Written Communication Skills Enclose a translation into other languages High-context cultures need as much information about you and your firm as possible Foreign audiences may require more formal or informal presentation than normally expected Provide concise, clear, courteous, complete, and accurate information 50 Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Global Communication Situations Understanding Cultural Diversity International Communication Challenges Building a Shared Culture Steps to Better International Communication Competent Communication Develop skills for improving international communication.
Learning Objective Chapter 20: Intercultural and International Communication You can build a shared culture that allows a mutual level of understanding Members of different cultures may share: language beliefs behaviors More critically is how shared cultural parties develop mutual understanding of the messages they exchange. BUILDING A SHARED CULTURE Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Global Communication Situations Understanding Cultural Diversity International Communication Challenges Building a Shared Culture Steps to Better International Communication Competent Communication Develop skills for improving international communication.
Learning Objective Chapter 20: Intercultural and International Communication The End Copyright © 2000 South-Western College Publishing Co.