Frequency Spectrum An Overview
Spectrum Divisions
Amateur Radio Bands (27) 160M1.8MHzMH kHz 80M3.5MHzHF kHz 60M5.3MHz kHz (5 channels) 40M7MHz kHz 30M10.1MHz kHz 20M14MHz kHz 17M18MHz kHz 15M21MHz kHz 12M24MHz kHz 10M28MHz kHz 6M50MHzVHF MHz 2M144MHz MHz 1.25M222MHz , MHz 70cm420MHzUHF MHz 33cm902MHz MHz 23cm1240MHz MHz 13cm2300MHz , MHz 9cm3300MHzSHF MHz 5cm5650MHz MHz 3cm10GHz GHz 1.25cm24GHz GHz 6mm47GHzEHF GHz 4mm76GHz GHz 2.5mm122.25GHz GHz 2.1mm134GHz GHz 1.2mm241GHz GHz 1mm275GHzAll above 275GHz
AMATEUR (Ham) RADIO Allan D Handforth, AF6BO
Statistics ,000 Operators in USA 2.5M Operators in World 900 roughly in Santa Cruz County, CA 150,000 Membership in USA ARRL - ARRL is largest Political Organization - ARRL sponsors ARES© Organizations
License Levels Technician License General License Amateur Extra License (old) – Morse Code Novice Advance
Technician License 35/400 FCC Rules, Station License Responsibilities - 4 Control Operator Duties – 4 Operating Practices – 4 Radio and Electronic Fundamentals – 5 Station Setup and operation – 4 Communications Modes and Methods – 3 Special Operations – 2 Emergency and Public Service Communications – 3 Radio Waves, Propagation, and Antennas – 3 Electrical and RF Safety - 3
Methods of Learning Self (get license manual and study) 6-8 Week Class (material covered with mentors in classroom) Exam Cram (may have some classroom time – only to answer questions and explain concepts) Test at VEC Session (special locally scheduled or at normal testing times)
You don’t buy it – you EARN it Entry level license is easy –Takes a week or two of study On your own –Study books –Online courses Groups and classes –Local clubs
Costs About $40 in books and fees ($ tax, ship, $14.00 test) About $200 for first radio and other gear Used equipment is available, too ($25 up)
Join ARES Amateur Radio Emergency Service Must have ham radio license Continually learn about emergency communications
ARES Has formal national agreements to provide emergency communications for –FEMA –Citizen Corps - DHS –American Red Cross –Salvation Army –Many other organizations
ARRL American Radio Relay League –The national association for amateur radio –Founded in 1914 –Headquarters in Newington, CT –150,000 members strong –Primary source of ham radio information in the US
Resources ARRL (Publications & Products) Ham Radio Outlet (Equipment – store in Sunnyvale, CA) Amateur Electronic Supply – AES (Equipment -Las Vegas, nearest store) Texas Towers (Equipment) MFJ Enterprises (Equipment) QRZ (Used Equipment, Forums, Information, etc.) Santa Cruz County ARES/RACES/ACS (local information)