Daily Phonics Element CVC A. Siegel and D. Mock, ©Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Daily Phonics Element CVC A. Siegel and D. Mock, ©Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012

Daily Phonics Element: Term 2 Lesson 1: CVC/short a WICC* Lesson 2: CVC/short a WICC* Lesson 3: CVC/short a WICC* Lesson 4: CVC/short a Lesson 5: CVC/short a Lesson 6: CVC/short a Lesson 7: CVC/short a Lesson 8: CVC/short a Lesson 9: CVC/short a Lesson 10: CVC/short a Lesson 11: CVC/short i WICC* Lesson 12: CVC/short i Lesson 13: CVC/short i Lesson 14: CVC/short i Lesson 15: CVC/short i Lesson 16: CVC/short o WICC* Lesson 17: CVC/short o Lesson 18: CVC/short o Lesson 19: CVC/short o Lesson 20: CVC/short o Lesson 21: CVC/short e WICC* Lesson 22: CVC/short e Lesson 23: CVC/short e Lesson 24: CVC/short e Lesson 25: CVC/short e Lesson 26: CVC/short u WICC* Lesson 27: CVC/short u Lesson 28: CVC/short u Lesson 29: CVC/short u Lesson 30: CVC/short u WICC = W ith I nitial C ontinuous C onsonants (f, h, l, m, n, r, s, v, z)

short a Lesson 1

vowel pattern manman letter sounds blend

vowel pattern fanfan letter sounds blend

satsatfanfanratrat ranranmanmanvatvat fatvanNan

A man sat with Nan.

satfanrat ranmanvat fatvanNan A man sat with Nan.

short a Lesson 1

short a Lesson 2

vowel pattern raprap letter sounds blend

vowel pattern faxfax letter sounds blend

raprapfaxfaxsadsad vanvanlaplapmatmat Samrannap

Sam ran to a mat.

rapfaxsad vanlapmat Samrannap Sam ran to a mat.

short a Lesson 2

short a Lesson 3

vowel pattern sapsap letter sounds blend

vowel pattern lablab letter sounds blend

sap lablabmapmap ratratfanfanvatvat nagsatram

The fan is in the lab.

sap labmap ratfanvat nagsatram The fan is in the lab.

short a Lesson 3

short a Lesson 4

vowel pattern batbat letter sounds blend

vowel pattern fanfan letter sounds blend

bat fanfancapcap tagtagmanmanladlad gaspadbag

The tag is on the bag.

bat fancap tagmanlad gaspadbag The tag is on the bag.

short a Lesson 4

short a Lesson 5

vowel pattern catcat letter sounds blend

vowel pattern DanDan letter sounds blend

cat DanDanbadbad galgaljabjabSamSam tapmadran

Sam is mad at Dan.

cat Danbad galjabSam tapmadran Sam is mad at Dan.

short a Lesson 5

short a Lesson 6

vowel pattern hadhad letter sounds blend

vowel pattern laplap letter sounds blend

had laplapjamjam vanvandaddadpalpal taxcabsag

Dad is in the van.

had lapjam vandadpal taxcabsag Dad is in the van.

short a Lesson 6

short a Lesson 7

vowel pattern zapzap letter sounds blend

vowel pattern fadfad letter sounds blend

zapzapfadfadhathat cancanValValpatpat catyamsad

Val can pat the cat.

zap fadhat canValpat catyamsad Val can pat the cat.

short a Lesson 7

short a Lesson 8

vowel pattern wagwag letter sounds blend

vowel pattern gapgap letter sounds blend

wagwaggapgapranran hashasMaxMaxsatsat fathamtab

Max has a ham.

wag gapran hasMaxsat fathamtab Max has a ham.

short a Lesson 8

short a Lesson 9

vowel pattern vanvan letter sounds blend

vowel pattern napnap letter sounds blend

vanvannapnapgalgal taxtaxsadsadfaxfax labNanmap

Nan is a sad gal.

vannapgal taxsadfax labNanmap Nan is a sad gal.

short a Lesson 9

short a Lesson 10

vowel pattern tagtag letter sounds blend

vowel pattern fadfad letter sounds blend

tagtagfadfadbatbat JanJannagnagcapcap Sammanrat

Jan and Sam play tag.

tagfadbat Jannagcap Sammanrat Jan and Sam play tag.

short a Lesson 10

short i Lesson 11

vowel pattern sitsit letter sounds blend

vowel pattern liplip letter sounds blend

sitsitliplipfigfig ripripmixmixVicVic fitSidnip

Vic and Sid mix it.

sitlipfig ripmixVic fitSidnip Vic and Sid mix it.

short i Lesson 11

short i Lesson 12

vowel pattern wigwig letter sounds blend

vowel pattern fixfix letter sounds blend

wigwigfixfixridrid KimKimdigdigpinpin lithimsix

Kim is six like him.

wigfixrid Kimdigpin lithimsix Kim is six like him.

short i Lesson 12

short i Lesson 13

vowel pattern bitbit letter sounds blend

vowel pattern finfin letter sounds blend

bitbitfinfinrimrim sipsipdiddidpitpit Jimhidfib

Jim hid from him.

bitfinrim sipdidpit Jimhidfib Jim hid from him.

short i Lesson 13

short i Lesson 14

vowel pattern kitkit letter sounds blend

vowel pattern tintin letter sounds blend

kitkittintinpigpig fibfibdipdipwinwin bigTimzip

Tim has a pig.

kittinpig fibdipwin bigTimzip Tim has a pig.

short i Lesson 14

short i Lesson 15

vowel pattern tintin letter sounds blend

vowel pattern kidkid letter sounds blend

tintinkidkidrimrim wigwigdimdimliplip bitniphis

The kid bit his lip.

tinkidrim wigdimlip bitniphis The kid bit his lip.

short i Lesson 15

short o Lesson 16

vowel pattern sobsob letter sounds blend

vowel pattern fogfog letter sounds blend

sobsobfogfogrotrot robrobmopmoploglog foxmomnot

The fox was on a log.

sobfogrot robmoplog foxmomnot The fox was on a log.

short o Lesson 16

short o Lesson 17

vowel pattern hothot letter sounds blend

vowel pattern RonRon letter sounds blend

hothotRonRonboxbox fogfogmopmopnodnod sodpopnot

Ron is on the box.

hotRonbox fogmopnod sodpopnot Ron is on the box.

short o Lesson 17

short o Lesson 18

vowel pattern jogjog letter sounds blend

vowel pattern toptop letter sounds blend

jogjogtoptoprobrob podpodcopcopdogdog rothopTom

Tom is a top cop.

jogtoprob podcopdog rothopTom Tom is a top cop.

short o Lesson 18

short o Lesson 19

vowel pattern potpot letter sounds blend

vowel pattern JonJon letter sounds blend

potpotJonJondotdot mommomjobjobcodcod loggottop

Jon got a job.

potJondot momjobcod loggottop Jon got a job.

short o Lesson 19

short o Lesson 20

vowel pattern cotcot letter sounds blend

vowel pattern foxfox letter sounds blend

cotcotfoxfoxBobBob lotlotcopcophoghog mobdogtop

Bob is on the dot.

cotfoxBob lotcophog mobdogtop Bob is on the dot.

short o Lesson 20

short e Lesson 21

vowel pattern setset letter sounds blend

vowel pattern fedfed letter sounds blend

setsetfedfedmetmet ledledmenmenvetvet rednetleg

Men met with the vet.

setfedmet ledmenvet rednetleg Men met with the vet.

short e Lesson 21

short e Lesson 22

vowel pattern getget letter sounds blend

vowel pattern bedbed letter sounds blend

getgetbedbedletlet penpenlegleghenhen Megyesbeg

Get the hen in the pen!

getbedlet penleghen Megyesbeg Get the hen in the pen!

short e Lesson 22

short e Lesson 23

vowel pattern BenBen letter sounds blend

vowel pattern redred letter sounds blend

BenBenredredjetjet dendenpenpenhemhem tenbetTed

Ben is in the red jet.

Benredjet denpenhem tenbetTed Ben is in the red jet.

short e Lesson 23

short e Lesson 24

vowel pattern petpet letter sounds blend

vowel pattern begbeg letter sounds blend

petpetbegbegJenJen metmetpenpenyetyet fedwetKen

Jen fed the wet pet.

petbegJen metpenyet fedwetKen Jen fed the wet pet.

short e Lesson 24

short e Lesson 25

vowel pattern letlet letter sounds blend

vowel pattern MelMel letter sounds blend

letletMelMelbedbed menmenwebwebsetset getdenyes

Let Mel in the den.

letMelbed menwebset getdenyes Let Mel in the den.

short e Lesson 25

short u Lesson 26

vowel pattern sunsun letter sounds blend

vowel pattern mudmud letter sounds blend

sun mudmudrugrug rubrubfunfunsubsub nutbugrun

It is fun to run.

sunmudrug rubfunsub nutbugrun It is fun to run.

short u Lesson 26

short u Lesson 27

vowel pattern sunsun letter sounds blend

vowel pattern runrun letter sounds blend

sun runrunhuthut tugtugfunfuncutcut cuptubpup

The pup is in the tub.

sun runhut tugfuncut cuptubpup The pup is in the tub.

short u Lesson 27

short u Lesson 28

vowel pattern mudmud letter sounds blend

vowel pattern sunsun letter sounds blend

mud sunsunbugbug gumgumcubcubhumhum rubbuddug

A bug dug in the mud.

mud sunbug gumcubhum rubbuddug A bug dug in the mud.

short u Lesson 28

short u Lesson 29

vowel pattern mugmug letter sounds blend

vowel pattern sunsun letter sounds blend

mug sunsunrutrut butbutpugpugGusGus hugfuncup

Gus hugs his pug.

mug sunrut butpugGus hugfuncup Gus hugs his pug.

short u Lesson 29

short u Lesson 30

vowel pattern nutnut letter sounds blend

vowel pattern puppup letter sounds blend

nut puppuptuxtux bunbuncutcutyumyum Gusrutmud

The rut is in the mud.

nut puptux buncutyum Gusrutmud The rut is in the mud.

short u Lesson 30