NATIONAL HISTORY DAY Gulf Middle School History Fair
What is the History Fair? Educational program that engages student in grades in the process of discovery and interpretation of historical topics. Students produce dramatic performances, imaginative exhibitions, multimedia documentaries, and research papers based on research related to the annual theme. These projects are then judged on the School, District, State, and National levels.
This Year’s Theme… Leadership and Legacy in History Examples by grade level: Sixth GradeSeventh GradeEighth Grade Hammurabi and his impact on the Rule of Law. George Washington’s role in establishing our nation and laying the foundation for those who follow. Abraham Lincoln and the freedom of African Americans.
Projects should answer… How is this topic important? How is the topic relevant to the theme of Leadership and Legacy? How did this topic develop over time? How has this topic influenced history? How did history influence this topic?
Project Categories… IndividualGroup (No more than 4) Exhibit (Poster) Performance Documentary Website Historical Research Paper
All Categories* must include… *Historical Research Paper is not included. Title Page Title of Project, Name of Student, Category Process Paper (no more than 500 words) How was research conducted? How was the topic chosen? How was the category chosen? How does the project relate to the NHD Theme?
Annotated Bibliography ALL projects must include this. Separated between Primary and Secondary Sources. List of all usable sources. Description of how each source was used. Must be completed in MLA Format
Plagiarism Copying information is a crime. Projects may paraphrase information, but may not copy verbatim. If this is found on a project: Project is disqualified Score of 0 is submitted Disciplinary actions may follow. This project is a significant grade for 3 rd quarter!
Timeline of Due Dates… Friday, 10/24: Topic, Category, Group, Plan Friday, 11/7: List of Primary & Secondary Sources Friday, 11/14: Developed notes of research Wednesday, 11/19: Rough Draft of Annotated Bibliography Friday, 12/5: Rough Draft of Process Paper Wednesday, 12/17: Final copy of Process Paper and Annotated Bibliography Friday, 1/9 : Final Projects Due Tuesday, 1/20: GMS History Fair
If you have questions or concerns… Please either contact: Lori Mobley GMS Assistant Principal Anthony Johnson