Support services for participating in EU R&D programmes: Enterprise Europe Network Barcelona, 4 th April 2014
Content Catalonia in EU Funding Programmes Support services for participating in EU R&D programmes Enterprise Europe Network ACCIÓ Other support services Other R&D funding opportunities for SMEs
Content Catalonia in EU Funding Programmes Support services for participating in EU R&D programmes Enterprise Europe Network ACCIÓ Other support services Other R&D funding opportunities for SMEs
4 it is an agency which helps Catalan businesses to be more competitive it is affiliated to the Government of Catalonia's Ministry for Business and Labour and Directorate- General for Industry it supports work in the areas of innovation, international expansion, attracting investment, entrepreneurship, financing, consultancy and business management it is the key body for measures designed to make Catalan businesses more competitive What is ACCIÓ?
5 Activities in 2013: Innovation Business R&D Services Innova Service. Specialist advice on R&D and innovation in technology: managing innovation, structuring R&D&I projects, identifying partners R&D and International Innovation Service 1.International R&D&I information and training programmes (Horizon 2020) 2.Connect-EU groups 3.Brussels R&D&I project support office International Technological Cooperation Generating Value from Technology TECNIO Innovation Services 1.Incentives for R&D projects 2.Development of tax incentives 3.Support for innovative public procurement 1.Management of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) 2.Finding technology partners (brokerage events) 1.Integrating, publicising and rationalising the TECNIO centre network 2.TECNIOspring: helping researchers to be more mobile 1.Technology Commercialisation Programme 2.Activating Units 1.Innovation workshops and seminars 2.Incentives for innovation projects (Innoempresa line)
Catalonia in EU R&D Programmes 1.5% of EU-28 population 1.6% of EU-28 GDP EU-FP7 Grants received: 864M€ 2,16% of EU-FP7 Grants 20% companies participation 15% SMEs participation Catalonian ERDF funds : 679M€
Content Catalonia in EU Funding Programmes Support services for participating in EU R&D programmes Enterprise Europe Network ACCIÓ Other support services Other R&D funding opportunities for SMEs
8 One-stop shop for European SMEs Practical help from local organisations Listening to SMEs
Almost 600 partner organisations in 54 countries
Access EU Funding At the Enterprise Europe Network, we can: assess your technology to identify your potential, needs and funding opportunities; help you to formulate project ideas; increase your proposal-writing and project management skills; find you partners;
How to get support? Contact your local Enterprise Europe Network node
ACCIÓ’s Horizon 2020 Support Services Information Organisation of Horizon 2020 information events in Catalonia Connect-EU Event: annual information day with more than attendees in 2014 Training Training courses on European Projects Management 1-day workshops on European Projects Management Partner search & networking events Partner search service via Enterprise Europe Network Organisation of brokerage events Project & technology advice Advice on how to structure and write European projects’ proposals Brussels’ office Liaison with EU officials Participation in lobby networks: ERRIN, EARTO, etc. Support to Catalan companies participation in international R&D and Innovation projects, mainly Horizon 2020
Partner search services Find European partners Find your Catalan technological partner
Other Support Services National Contact Points Participant Portal Helpdesk Stakeholders
Content Catalonia in EU Funding Programmes Support services for participating in EU R&D programmes Enterprise Europe Network ACCIÓ Other support services Other R&D funding opportunities for SMEs
Since 2007: ERANet Manunet (manufacturing), call opened in 2014 Since 2009: ERANet Eurotransbio (biotech), Since 2011: ERANet OLAE+ (printed electronics), Since 2012: ERANet Biophotonics+ (biophotonics) Since 2013: ERANet Transport III (Vehicle of the future). Since 2011: Bilateral R&D programme Catalunya - Israel. call expected in 2014 Other Funding Programmes... Building the European Research Area... ACCIÓ participates in EraNets and bilateral R&D funding programmes
Other Funding Programmes Funding Programme NUCLIS INTERNACIONALS 2013 Figures 1.8M€ Budget 10 projects funded Project profile SME focused 2 participants Minimum budget for Catalan companies: 150k€
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