Scott Morrell Assistant Registrar for Operations University of Oregon OrACRAO ~ 2014
What We’ll Cover Key questions to consider before you setup a course articulation system: Know your culture: who are the “Deciders?” Comparing your curriculum with the outside world Assessing your tools and resources Detailed course articulation examples
Key Questions: What is articulation? What is its scope at my campus? Who at my campus has a stake in it? How does my curriculum compare to others’? Is my Student Info System & Degree Audit ready? Do I have sufficient staffing? Am I prepared to maintain it forever?
Articulation Defined “The entire range of processes and relationships involved in the systematic movement of students interinstitutionally and intersegmentally throughout post- secondary education” ~ The Registrar’s Guide: Evolving Best Practices in Records and Registration AACRAO 2006, pg 261
The Building Blocks Course Articulation ECON 1010 = EC 202 General Education Package Articulation Oregon Transfer Module (OTM) Associate of Art Transfer Degree (AAOT) Full Program Articulation Partnership Agreement with another Institution Typically a Fully Articulated Associate Degree
Who Will Do the Work? Registrar or Admissions? Identify the stakeholders! The Faculty Who Care Academic Advisers Deans and Provosts First Year Programs Nearby Institutions Students Users... Technical and Functional
Compare Your Curriculum With the Outside World... Credit Systems (Sem vs. Qtr) Gen Ed Requirements Course Sequences Repeatability Labs for Credit, versus “Built in with the Lecture” How do you define “Professional/Technical?” Multi-disciplinary courses Academic Forgiveness Over 4000 Degree Granting Institutions Nationwide!
Student Information System Degree Audit System IT and WEB Resources Reference Tools: TES (Transfer Evaluation System) Other Institution’s Equivalency Tables State Articulation Sites like Or-articulation listserve Each Other!
Course Articulation Scenarios
Are Equivalencies Enough? BIO 1 A = BI 101 Probably Not! Devise Pseudo-Courses and Course Attributes to satisfy requirements & clear prerequisites
Effective Fall 1990 forward: ECON 2 Fundamentals of Macroeconomics = EC 202 Intro to Macroeconomics
International Courses Military Courses Coursework prior to 1980 Professional / Technical
CH Gen Chem/with lab... 4 credits... or this... CHEM 1 A – Gen Chem Lecture... 3 credits CHEM 1 L – Lab for CHEM credit How will you articulate “bundled” versus “loose” labs? What if students pass the lecture and fail the lab? How does your institution record labs & lectures? Devise a system for all possibilities!
Semester School: CHEM 150/ (with labs, 4 credits each) Quarter School: CH 201/202/ (lectures, 3 credits each) CH 204/205/ (labs, 1 credit each)
Student transfers one: CHEM 150 (6 cr)= CH 201 (4 cr) + CH 204 (2 cr) Student transfers both: CHEM (12 cr)= CH (3 cr ea) + CH (1 cr ea)
Student transfers one: MATH 5A (6 cr)= MTH 251 (6 cr) Student transfers both: MTH 5A+5B (12 cr)= MTH (6 cr ea)
Examples: USEM 101/102/103 University Seminar UNST 101 A /102 A /103 A Freshman Inquiry
Courses that prepare students for specific trades or professions Diesel Mechanic Funeral Service Cosmetology Physical Therapy Welding Animal Husbandry
Reproduction in Domestic Animals... ANIMAL SCIENCES – BACHELOR’S PROGRAM Diesel Shop Practices... DIESEL TECHNOLOGY – BACHELOR’S PROGRAM Corrections Officer Training... CRIMINAL JUSTICE – BACHELOR’S PROGRAM
Curriculum is Alive - Ever-Changing Monitor New, Modified, Deleted Courses End equivalencies with courses deleted from your catalog Pre-articulate your top feeders All others: articulate courses as they arrive
Automate Transcript Evaluation Save Staff Time/Resources Great Recruitment Tool Clear Pathways for Students and Advisors Deliver Consistent Equivalency Info Clear Your Prerequisites Accurate Degree Audits Happiness and Bliss!
TES – Transfer Evaluation System: Equivalency Websites for Oregon Schools:
Scott Morrell Assistant Registrar for Operations University of Oregon