Curriculum Development and Implementation Title I, October 10, 2007 Division of Compensatory Education/Title I.


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Presentation transcript:

Curriculum Development and Implementation Title I, October 10, 2007 Division of Compensatory Education/Title I

Indiana Department of Education & Great Lakes East Comprehensive Center Tools for Curriculum Development and Implementation To assist you in the steps of creating a curriculum. To help you know the expectations of Title I, IDOE as required by No Child Left Behind.

Indiana Department of Education & Great Lakes East Comprehensive Center Tool 1: Definition – pg. 4  What it is – what it is not  Consistent message: here; from Janet  Needed an agreement on the word “curriculum”  Use: Ask “Does our curriculum meet this definition?”

Indiana Department of Education & Great Lakes East Comprehensive Center Tool 2: Key Components (p. 5)  5 key components  Needed an agreement on components of curriculum  Consistent message: here; from Janet  Use: Ask “Does our curriculum have the 5 components – in high quality?

Indiana Department of Education & Great Lakes East Comprehensive Center Tool 3: Will curriculum improve student achievement? (p. 6) 1.50 Ohio school districts  curriculum alignment #1 in increasing student achievement 2.3,000 California teacher & principals  #2 in practices related to high levels of achievement 3.5 national finalists urban districts’ award  all created & implemented aligned & sequenced curriculum 4.Guaranteed and viable curriculum ranks #1  Marzano, Walberg and others

Indiana Department of Education & Great Lakes East Comprehensive Center Tool 4: Curriculum and NCLB (p. 8)  One of several sanctions mandated by US Department Education  Required of SEAs for districts in corrective action  Has greatest chance of all sanctions to increase student achievement

Indiana Department of Education & Great Lakes East Comprehensive Center Tool 5: Curriculum Self-Assessment (p. 9) 5 key components - consistent message: Tool 2; from Janet  Note: Descriptions of each component; relates to high quality  Use: Continually measuring how our developing curriculum corresponds to the definition

Indiana Department of Education & Great Lakes East Comprehensive Center Tool 6: Mapping and aligning? What is it? Where do we start? (p. 13)  Use: Overview, introduction to process  Use: Steps for getting started  Use: Books for book study  Use: Contact information of electronic mapping companies

Indiana Department of Education & Great Lakes East Comprehensive Center Tool 7: Interviewing and Selecting an Electronic Mapping Company (p. 14) Some important offerings they should provide Use: Compare all 3 companies Tool 8: Planning the Mapping Process (15) Most of the steps to “get ready” Use: Check off by month as complete Use: In creating implementation plan

Indiana Department of Education & Great Lakes East Comprehensive Center Tool 9: Beginning to Map (p. 17) Includes most steps Use: Check off by month as complete Use: In creating implementation plan Tool 10: End of Year 1 Mapping (p.18) Includes most steps Use: Check off by month as complete Use: In creating implementation plan Use: To ensure meeting state timelines and requirements (see Tool 11)

Indiana Department of Education & Great Lakes East Comprehensive Center Tool 11: Requirements 1. Do English/language arts first. 2. Use external curriculum consultant 3. Use mapping company from list. 4. Fully implement all mapping stages. 5. Team attends introductory mapping workshop.

Indiana Department of Education & Great Lakes East Comprehensive Center Tool 11: Requirements 6. Team attends training of trainers workshop. 7. Provide sufficient and significant PD for mapping. 8. ALL ELA teachers will complete diary maps and together, consensus maps. 9. Make electronic maps available to IDOE, Title I.

Indiana Department of Education & Great Lakes East Comprehensive Center Timeline for Tool 8 OctNovDecJanFebMar 1. Workshops 2. Read-study 3. Consultants 4. Map Comp. 5. Tool 7 6. Structures

Indiana Department of Education & Great Lakes East Comprehensive Center Timeline for Tool 8 OctNovDecJanFebMar 7. Jobs/Roles 8. Training 9. Implem. Map 10. Stakehldrs. 11. Improv.Pl 12. Buy-in

Indiana Department of Education & Great Lakes East Comprehensive Center Timeline for Maps FebMarAprMayJunJulAug Diary mapping Consensus mapping Essential mapping

Indiana Department of Education & Great Lakes East Comprehensive Center Creating a System of Support from IDOE to Districts in Corrective Action 1) March Workshops …assistance In examining student subgroups data In writing the district improvement plan 2) Summer …assistance Provided feedback on improvement plans Surveyed about district workshop needs 3) October: “Curriculum Mapping Workshop” assistance in Understanding curriculum mapping Training others in mapping process 11 Tools for mapping the curriculum

Indiana Department of Education & Great Lakes East Comprehensive Center Creating a System of Support from IDOE to Districts in Corrective Action 4) November: “Beyond District Improvement Plans ” …assistance in Measuring effectiveness of initiatives/programs Providing professional development concerning students with disabilities and students learning English as a new language 5) Winter... assistance in Developing mapping implementation plans Creating & implementing intra-organizational teams Beginning diary mapping

Indiana Department of Education & Great Lakes East Comprehensive Center Aligned Written and Taught Curriculum  Increased Student Achievement Division of Compensatory Education/Title I